Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2217, 25 Mar 20

Chicago Mayor Threatens Arrest for Being Outside

This is, by definition, a police state.

Lightfoot added that spending long periods of time outdoors, anywhere, is not allowed. And neither is going into closed spaces, like playgrounds.

“You cannot go on long bike rides. Playgrounds are shut down. You must abide by the order. Outside, is for a brief respite, not for 5Ks. I can’t emphasize enough that we abide the rules.”


“The public health order is not an advisory. It is a mandate. If you violate, it your are subject to a fine of $500. If you continue to violate it, you will be subject to arrest,” Beck said.


But Lightfoot reiterated that not following the stay at home order will bring serious consequences.

“At worst, we will take you into custody.”


2217, 25 March 2020


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Amazing! A Democrat mayor willing to arrest somebody. Maybe someday he will want to lock up all the murderous thugs and rapists in his city vs productive, innocent taxpayers.

    Typical liberal.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann


  3. Mar

    Another democrat dictator.
    I will say this, the number of murders in Chicago have gone way down. Maybe she will keep this state of emergency going past a reasonable date. After all, it will save lives.

  4. dad29

    Interesting, because “inside” is by definition a closed area, best for spreading disease.  “Outside” activity is therefore safer.

    Unless you’re outside on the South Side of Chicago while the drug wars are active.

  5. Mar

    Both jjf and Le Roi would love the police rate because more lives will be saved. No more gang wars, less murders. Chicago should be in a permanent police state where no one goes out anymore, according to liberals.

  6. jjf

    Mar, you’re so dramatic.  No, I don’t want a police state.

  7. steveegg

    Thou shalt not stray more than 1 1/2 miles from thine pen unless thou art going to or from a government-approved jobsite.

    Seriously, for distance runners (not to mention bicyclists), going 3.1 miles (or as Frau Kommandant Lightfoot put it, 5K) is but a warmup.

  8. Merlin

    Never let a crisis go to waste. Lightfoot might have found a way to temporarily flatten the homicide curve in Chicago while at the same time driving the drug dealing and sex trade indoors.

  9. Le Roi du Nord

    No mar, I am not in favor of a police rate (whatever that is), nor a police state. You are delusional, and prone to violent fits of hyperbole and self delusion. Seek help.

  10. dad29

    from thine pen

    I see what you did there, Major.

  11. dad29

    you’re so dramatic

    “Dramatic” is Jiffy’s new word for this week.  He’s using it all over this blog.

    Jiffy bought one of those vocabulary-enhancing computer programs or something.

  12. Mar

    So, jjf is in favor of the murders of the gang bangers and the innocents who have been killed by said gang bangers.
    Remember, if it just saves 1 life. 1 grandma, then we must go to the extreme of an almost total lockdown. That’s what Le Roi and jjf have been screaming at the top of their lungs.
    I guess, brown and black people just don’t matter to Le Roi and jjf.

  13. Le Roi du Nord

    No mar, I have never screamed that. Not now, not ever, never will. Does lying make you feel more manly? Or is it a pathology?

  14. Tuerqas

    Both jjf and Le Roi would love the police rate because more lives will be saved. No more gang wars, less murders. Chicago should be in a permanent police state where no one goes out anymore, according to liberals.

    Really Mar?  You can’t even wait for your political enemies to comment before starting the hatred?  That is pretty pathetic.  I am sure you love having words forced into your mouth and down your throat, and later out your arse.  So really, you’re talking out jjf’s and Le Roi’s butts.

  15. Mar

    Tuerqas, I was pointing out the absurdity of their arguments that if we can only save 1 life, all the shelter place and job shut downs is worth it.
    This what they have been saying all along.
    And I was also pointing out the racism the racism they espouse, especially jjf. If shelter in place save white lives, it’s ok but if it saves mostly black and brown people, well then, a shelter in place is not worth it.

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