Boots & Sabers

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0910, 21 Mar 20

Police State

Where are the “resisters” now? How quickly we give up our rights.

Donald Trump has declared New York State a major disaster area as the number of confirmed coronavirus cases skyrockets and New York City was declared the epicenter of the US outbreak by city Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The US military will now be called in, and the US Army Corps of Engineers have said they plans to take over hotels, sports arenas, college dorms and other buildings in a bid to bolster the number of available hospital rooms.

De Blasio had urged Trump to send in the military and its logistical support to hard-hit New York State, California and Seattle on Wednesday. On Friday de Blasio said: ‘We constitute 30 percent of the cases in the US and 70 per cent of the cases in New York State. Whether we like it or not, we are the epicenter.’

The president’s declaration comes as a hospital in the Bronx revealed it is running low on ventilators and a Queens doctor revealed that an elderly patient experiencing coronavirus symptoms died on the hospital ward floor.


Prior to Trump’s declaration, Cuomo issued a total ban on non-essential businesses and warned there would be strict fines for any businesses that do not comply Friday.

The ban – which will impact 19.5million people – is to go into effect on Sunday evening and is indefinite.

Work forces that are excluded are grocery stores, pharmacies, certain government workers, food deliveries and restaurants, internet service providers and news organizations.


0910, 21 March 2020


  1. dad29

    Donald Trump has declared New York State a major disaster area

    ….about 70 years past due.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    Agreed. Long past due for that liberal hell.

  3. Mar

    Gee, all the governors who put a shelter in place for their entire state are liberal Democrats.
    I bet these states are also sanctuary states as well.
    Why am I not shocked.

  4. dad29

    Hot ‘net rumor:  Cuomo will be the (D) candidate after brokered convention.  Biden will not remember why he came to <strike>Middleton</strike> Milwaukee?  Midlothian?

  5. jednick

    >> Gee, all the governors who put a shelter in place for their entire state are liberal Democrats.<<

    Gee, that would be news to Ohio's governor.

  6. Mar

    Jednick, that happened after I wrote the post.
    And Dewine is an idiot for the order.

  7. Mar

    No Dad, Biden will end up in Milwaukie, Oregon.

  8. jjf

    Mar, quick, think of some justification to preserve your world-view.

  9. Mar

    World view jjf? Sure, the vast majority of countries in the world dont have a problem with the virus. It is only hurting a few countries severely. Say 300,000 cases in the world and about 5,000,000 000 people live in the world.
    That is a tiny percent of the world’s population.
    Liberal world view: Screw those with opioid problems, screw those with cancer, screw those with heart problems. Screw the working man. But love totalatarism by state government.
    Yep, that’s reality. Real world reality not some theory you believe in.

  10. jjf

    Measurements, theories, science.  That’s the best way to solve the opioid problem, to fight cancer, to fight heart problems.  And this pandemic, too.

    And which party openly ridicules higher education, defunds it, says the humble high school graduate is the one to exalt…

    Do you feel the fight within you?  Cognitive dissonance, they call it.

  11. Jason

    The only cognitive dissonance going on in this thread is the dimwit that wrote this

    “And which party openly ridicules higher education, defunds it, says the humble high school graduate is the one to exalt…”


  12. jjf

    Jason, which party does that?  Have you not been paying attention?

    My cog-diz is doing just fine, thanks.  Yes, I see some folks on the left who will also ridicule the yokels.

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