Boots & Sabers

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2226, 18 Mar 20

Evers Relents on Open Records Request

Why is Evers so opposed to transparency? Should we be concerned given that he is wielding dictatorial powers over us right now?

Gov. Tony Evers will comply with a top state legislator’s request for records about farmer mental health programs that is the subject of a lawsuit, despite maintaining that the request is overly broad and burdensome.


2226, 18 March 2020


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Evers is doing what liberals do. What did we expect?

    We tossed a great governor, for a very marginal one because the left is selfish,
    and against all basic common sense.

  2. jjf

    Such B & S, Kevin.

    Walker blacked-out email addresses and wouldn’t reveal who “Jimmy” was.  Who was Jimmy, Kevin?

    And why did the WisGOP try to gut the open records law with a “motion 999” on the Friday before a Fourth of July weekend?

  3. dad29

    Still waiting for Evers to produce his emails for Channel 6–also now in court.

    What a tool he is.

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