Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1907, 22 Feb 20

Bernie Wins Nevada Partisan Caucus

While entertaining, it is shocking that a washed up commie has this much support in the Democratic Party.

· Sanders is doing very well based on entrance polls and early results.
· There were reports of problems calling in results to a state party hotline.
· Biden is trying to revive his flagging campaign with a second-place finish.

Sanders was leading comfortably in early returns, prompting three TV networks to call the race for him. Far behind him, Joe Biden was locked in a tight race for second place with Pete Buttigieg.

If that result holds, it will mark at least a partial victory for Biden after two demoralizing finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire. Before the Super Tuesday contests, he will have an advantage in the South Carolina primary, the next contest in the campaign.


1907, 22 February 2020


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Democrats have sold themselves out as failed communists. Finally, no more pretending or soft pedaling their damaging, human rights abusing, ideology!

  2. Merlin

    Even more entertaining will be watching Sanders be denied the nomination on our own home court.

  3. Kevin Scheunemann


    If that happens, they will burn the city.

  4. steveegg

    I’ll get the marshmallows.

  5. Merlin

    Would the radical lefties really burn down the trophy facility the elite lefty capitalist partnership built to itself?

  6. Mar

    “Would the radical lefties really burn down the trophy facility the elite lefty capitalist partnership built to itself?”
    Of course they would. When they had the race riots a few years ago, they burned down their own neighborhoods.
    When they had the Occupy crowds, they mostly hurt liberal areas.

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