Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0544, 18 Feb 20

Just say no to boozy Democrats

My column for the Washington County Daily News is online and in print. Here’s a part, but go pick up a copy to read the whole thing.

Second, the fact that the Democrats are coming does not change the underlying reason that Wisconsin has an earlier bar time. Wisconsin forces all bars to stop serving alcohol at 2:00 a.m. on weekdays and 2:30 a.m. on weekends because the people consider it a public safety hazard for bars to be open later than that. Does that safety consideration disappear because it will be mostly Democrats getting sloshed at a bar in Milwaukee at 3:30 a.m. instead of someone else? Since the bill would impact the entire state, what if a Republican in West Bend gets sozzled and stumbles out of a bar at 4:00 a.m.? Is that safe?

Wisconsin’s bar time has not changed in a very long time. It is possible that the public safety considerations have changed since the last time state lawmakers set closing time. If lawmakers want to consider changing the bar closing time, then they should do the homework to fully understand the impact on public safety. Then, after a public debate with public hearings, state lawmakers can permanently change the bar time for everyone in the state.

Changing public policy should be done after rigorous study and robust debate with the entire public’s interests in mind. It should not be done on a whim to appease a single group of visitors who want to get drunk into the wee hours of a Wednesday morning. If Democrats want to keep drinking after the bars close, they can pick up a bottle and head for their homes and hotels like Wisconsinites have been doing for years.



0544, 18 February 2020


  1. steveegg

    They could…if they get to the liquor store before 9.  Then again, out-of-towners, especially of the liberal persuasion, aren’t known for their proper planning and preparation.

  2. Merlin

    Keeping Bernie’s brown shirts too liquored up to function will be essential to a bloodless coup denying Comrade the nomination. That’s a public safety issue until they can all be relieved of their cash and swept out of town.

  3. Kevin Scheunemann

    The convention will be enough of a zoo without alcohol.

    I’d be for prohibiting all alcohol to any convention attendee…they need to clear their heads from all the drugs if they think Bernie is good for America.

  4. MjM

    I have no problem with expanded hours for a couple days.  Suck as much cash outta these lice’s (and their lamestream newsy droolers’) pockets as possible.  Indeed, I’d double prices if it were I tapping the brew.

    I do, however,  disagree that said extended hours should apply across the state.  Should have stayed MKE county only, as originally proposed.  At least the surrounding counties can make up for it with all the DUI fines.

    But when you have your own interests in play  –  “I think we can all agree that we want the DNC convention goers to have a great time in Milwaukee and now across the state,” said Republican Rep. Rob Swearingen, who owns the Al-Gen supper club in Rhinelander,…  –   you just hafta try to follow the money blindly, even if there isn’t any.

    I sincerely hope Mr. Swearingen enjoys paying his bartenders for watching over all that empty space in those wee hours.

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