Boots & Sabers

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2114, 08 Dec 19

Evers Incorrectly Describes Bill He Vetoed

Wow. Evers didn’t even know what this bill did and he vetoed it. That says something.

Nothing matches the mandate claimed by Evers in his veto message.

The lead sponsors of the bill blasted Evers in a news release after the veto came down.

“His lack of understanding of the legislation is quite apparent, and it makes us question whether or not he’s even reading the bills that his staff puts in front of him,” Born said.

What makes Evers’ veto message especially unusual is that it starts out by describing the parental opt-out accurately: “Under current law, directory data may be disclosed to any person if the public school notifies parents or guardians of the information designated as directory data, provides information on how to opt out of disclosures, and provides sufficient time to use the opt-out procedure.”

But the next two sentences then refer to the bill as mandating this information be released.

“The Governor must have forgotten about that between his opening paragraph explaining the ability to do so and his conclusion where he used it as an excuse to veto it,” state Sen. Luther Olsen, R-Ripon and the lead Senate sponsor, said in the news release.

Eleven days after the veto and callouts from Republican legislators, Evers’ office on Dec. 2, 2019, shared an “errata” with PolitiFact Wisconsin that retracted the two references to a mandate. It was dated Nov. 29, 2019, but as of Dec. 3, 2019, had not yet been published among the press releases on Evers’ website that announced the original veto or with the official legislative bill history.

Evers spokeswoman Melissa Baldauff said Evers’ legal team looked into the matter and issued the errata as a result of the inquiry by PolitiFact Wisconsin.

“We used an errata here for the same reason that the courts do: to correct an error so that there isn’t any confusion regarding the meaning or intent of the document,” Baldauff said in an email. “It is a process frequently used to correct legal documents after publication. The Wisconsin Court of Appeals, in particular, frequently issues erratas.”

Baldauff declined to detail how the mistake occurred but said Evers and his staff read the law, and “the intent of his veto is not changed by the errata.”

Since Evers can’t repeal a veto, I’d pass the bill again and see if he’ll sign it. Perhaps the legislature can send along an explanation in crayon.


2114, 08 December 2019


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Better make the crayon in bright colors because he is a such a dim bulb.


  2. jjf

    Who do you think is smarter, Walker or Evers?

  3. Mar

    Walker by a longshot

  4. Le Roi du Nord

    Evers by a PhD.

  5. Mar

    College education is so overrated.

  6. Le Roi du Nord

    Next time you have surgery I’m sure you will avoid the college educated ones, right?

    BTW:  Evers is smart enough to have beaten walker. Just saying…..

  7. dad29

    an explanation in crayon.

    And use little words with large type.

    Interesting that the rabble here thinks IQ is measured by college degrees.  Novel theory, not applicable in real life, but cute.

  8. Mar

    Knowing a thing or about educating teachers,you don’t need to be smart to get a PhD. Basically, you write a bunch of papers.
    And we are not talking brain surgery when talking about educating educators.
    Yes, Evers did beat Walker,and I give him credit. Just like Trump beat Hillary.

  9. Kevin Scheunemann


    Evers is just too smart for all of us on this…he has a Phd.

    Let me genuflect to one of our betters.. .

  10. jjf

    I’m so confused!  On one hand, it’s so much fun to make fun of someone by telling them they’re dumb!  On the other, it is also so much fun to make fun of people who’ve accomplished much in terms of their education.  These blinders are nice and tight, though, so I guess there’s nothing to worry about.  Clearly the true smart ones are the ones sitting right here at this bar!

  11. Kevin Scheunemann

    Last comment about genuflecting was sarcasm.

    I am ridiculing the idea a phd makes one intelligent.

    Sorry I had to draw a picture for the slow ones in this discussion.


  12. Kevin Scheunemann

    Evers is a dim bulb.

    Just in case you don’t understand sarcasm.

  13. jjf

    Having a Ph.D. does mean you are better educated and have been vetted by other experts in that field.   Just because you went to Dilly Bar School doesn’t mean you’re intelligent.

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