Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

2217, 24 Nov 19

Hackers Disrupt Nursing Homes


Russian hackers are holding hostage data from a Milwaukee-based company that provides technology services to more than 100 nursing homes across the country after the company couldn’t afford a $14 million ransom demand.

The hack against Virtual Care Provider Inc., which provides internet security and data storage services to nursing homes and acute-care facilities, means that some locations cannot access patient records, use the internet, pay employees or order crucial medications.

Virtual Care Provider Inc. said on its website it was working to restore services after the Nov. 17 attack. In an interview with cybersecurity reporter Brian Krebs, who runs the blog, chief executive Karen Christianson said the ransomware attack has affected 80,000 computers.

Some affected facilities could be forced out of business, and patients’ health is at risk if the data is not accessible, Christianson told Krebs.

“We have employees asking when we’re going to make payroll,” Christianson said. “But right now all we’re dealing with is getting electronic medical records back up and life-threatening situations handled first.”


2217, 24 November 2019


  1. steveegg

    Lesson of the day – back up everything (not just the data files Windows offers to back up).

    Also, physically disconnect your back-up media when you’re not actually backing up.

  2. jjf

    If you don’t test your backups, you only think you have backups.

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