Boots & Sabers

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1716, 16 Nov 19

Kaepernick’s “Workout”

What a clown. He wanted a media stunt – not a tryout. He has to keep his public profile up to keep the endorsement dollars flowing. He’s going to be 66 and still saying “I’m ready.”

The league said in a statement that Kaepernick called them at 2:30 p.m. ET, saying he would not appear at a workout set up by the league at the practice facility for the Atlanta Falcons. The quarterback held a session in Riverdale, south of Atlanta. Dozens of people flocked to see him.
Representatives for Kaepernick said their client had asked for the session to be open to the media and the NFL had balked. Agent Jeff Nalley and attorney Ben Meiselas also said Kaepernick had been denied being able to have his own film crew.
“From the outset, Mr. Kaepernick requested a legitimate process and from the outset the NFL league office has not provided one,” Kaepernick’s reps said in a statement.
Kaepernick’s camp was also upset with the liability waiver the NFL wanted the player to sign, saying it was “unusual” and “addresses employment-related issues.” They said the NFL rejected the standard waiver they had proposed.
The NFL said the waiver it sent was the one used by NFL teams to sign free agents and at the combines for draft prospects.
“At noon today, Colin’s representatives sent a completely rewritten and insufficient waiver,” the NFL said Saturday.

1716, 16 November 2019


  1. MjM

    A so-called “workout” consisting of nothing but 60 self-scripted and unchallenged passing “plays”. Lots of Kaperdick supporters claiming “elite arm strength”.

    Yeah, BFD. Just-turned-50 Brett Favre still has elite arm strength. Favre outta retirement (again) would be a better acquisition the this puke.

    The media stunt take is quite right: Kaperdick wanted to shoot a Nike commercial during the “workout”.

  2. Mar

    I’d be shocked if anyone signs after the so-called work out. He still is a trouble maker and any team that signs will have a undiscplined spoiled brat on their team along with a media circus.

  3. dad29

    Jussie Kaepernick

  4. Kevin Scheunemann

    He is a cancer.

  5. jjf

    Wow, a bunch of totally not-a-racist-bone-in-their-body people sitting around still quite mad about someone who quietly protested about police brutality.

  6. Kevin Scheunemann


    What about criminal black on black brutality which is a far worse problem? He has hampered police from dealing with this awful, awful, problem. It is racist to not aggressively police black communities being destroyed by crime!

    Are you racist?

  7. jjf

    Yup, not a single racist idea or policy in your bones, right Kevin?

    How did you decide that racist policing outcomes are “far worse” than anything else?  What’s so scary about BLM and Kaepernick?

    If everyone seems to use illegal drugs at roughly the same rates as far as we can tell, do you think they should be arrested at the same rates, too?

  8. Merlin

    From the clips available of Kaepernick’s MY WAY workout, he didn’t display a skill set that exceeds that of any major D1 quarterback. He’s still more of a pain in the ass than his skills are worth at any price.

  9. Kevin Scheunemann


    I care about black on black crime, unlike many of you liberals content on crime letting black communities be torn apart.

    It is clear you utter little in way of pro-policing policies in black communities, which makes your racist.

  10. jjf

    You keep talking about “black communities.”  What do you mean?  Or more interestingly, tell me how they came about.

  11. Le Roi du Nord

    “He is a cancer”    Why do you think that?  Because he is a 2nd or 3rd string, one-dimensional QB??  Or because he exercised his Constitutional rights to protest oppression?  Or because he has a strange hair-do and skin color different than yours (but you elected one of those and that’s OK with you)?

    He isn’t going to get signed because he isn’t very good.  There are lots of bench warmers out there that are looking for work, Tim Tebow is a great example. And to condemn him for being a “pain in the a$^”, or a “trouble maker”, or “a(n) undiscplined spoiled brat” is hypocritical to say the least, as probably every NFL team has one or more on the roster.

  12. Kevin Scheunemann


    Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Milwaukee, New Orleans.   Crime infested awfulness.   Because of sooft on crime law enforcement.   Democrats keep dumping criminals back into these communities.

  13. Kevin Scheunemann


    Anyone that spits on the greatest nation to ever exist and the abundance of opportunity he has been blessed with personally, combined with his total ingratitude for those blessings, makes him a human cancer.

  14. jjf

    You keep talking about “black communities.”  What do you mean?  Or more interestingly, tell me how they came about.

  15. Le Roi du Nord


    Your medical skills are just as sorry as your rhetoric.

    CK has the right to express his opinion, just as you and I.  He is certainly no worse than such conservative celebs like kid rock or the draft dodging ted nugent.  Or the draft dodging, pathological liar, and con man now occupying the WH.  Recall how 45 has disparaged a true hero, the late John McCain?  Or the military folks that actually served in combat?  Or career intelligence officers that served in hot spots around the world?  Or the former ambassador to the Ukraine?


  16. jjf

    Oh my, Le Roi!  If we demanded that Kevin denounce all those people in just the right words, we’d be here forever!  And if he didn’t, we would need to call him a “human cancer” just as Jesus would’ve wanted.

  17. Le Roi du Nord

    Exactly !

  18. Kevin Scheunemann


    Undermining civil authority in relation to law enforcement officers is an sin.    Colin has done a lot of damage to good cops and embolden criminal behavior under Obama.   That disproportionately hurts black communities in terms of policing and public safety.

    When one, unrepentantly, sides with evil, what are you? other than human cancer?

  19. Le Roi du Nord

    “Undermining civil authority in relation to law enforcement officers is an sin”


    “Colin has done a lot of damage to good cops and embolden criminal behavior under Obama”.  First of all, write this in English.  Then prove both of those ridiculous claims.

    The good folks at the Boston Tea Party were evil and a “cancer”.  Or the good folks that signed the Declaration of Independence?

    If you didn’t realize, folks with beliefs differing than yours aren’t evil. And if they don’t break any laws they can do whatever they

  20. Le Roi du Nord


  21. Kevin Scheunemann


    That moral equivalence is disgusting.

  22. Mar

    Le Roi, he is an undiscplined spoiled brat. He decided to make his workout a media circus and was all about him and doing it his way. That doesn’t play well in the NFL. Just ask Stephen A Smith from ESPN.

  23. Le Roi du Nord


    No.  Your total and absolute disregard for reality is disgusting.


    I didn’t say he was a good football player, or worthy of being signed. If he was any good he would have been playing. What I did say that he has a right to peacefully protest without repercussions from folks like k and trump.

  24. Mar

    You do realize, Le Roi, Tim Tebow now plays baseball, right?

  25. Le Roi du Nord

    You bet I do. He is playing baseball , not very well, because he isn’t a pro level QB. Nor is he a big league baseball play.

  26. Le Roi du Nord


  27. jjf

    Wow.  “Undermining civil authority in relation to law enforcement officers is an sin.”  How do you square this with your thoughts about the First Amendment?  Or with, say, your own words about Obama?

    Kevin’s an outrage machine.

  28. Kevin Scheunemann


    I recognized Obama as my president, but did speak against his policy.

    Unlike today’s disgusting liberals, I never supported a coup.

  29. Pat

    You may not support impeachment, but it’s hardly a coup.

  30. Kevin Scheunemann

    This has been an attempted coup since Day 1 because liberals are upset they lost.

    Stop soft peddling the despicable Democrat behavior.

  31. Mar

    Sorry Pat, this is a coup. Even many liberals say this. And many others have acted like it.
    This could be our 2nd civil war.

  32. Pat

    Mar, name the many liberals that have said the impeachment is a coup.

  33. jjf

    There goes Kevin, redefining words to make more drama.  Impeachment and coup are different in what ways?  And admitting that Obama was President!  I’m very proud of you for advancing this far in your recognition of reality!

    And here comes Mar with the new Civil War!  Really!  Who is going to shoot who, where, when, and with what, and what will this do to the North-South supply lines for Chick-fil-A?


  34. Le Roi du Nord


    Do you know what is despicable?  The treatment by republicans at all levels toward decorated military veterans like Kerry, McCain, Mueller, Taylor, Vindman and others; and the treatment of dedicated civil servants in the State Department, CIA, and others in sensitive and risky roles serving our great nation.  That behavior is despicable, as is your silence on the matter.  Awful. Just Awful.

  35. Jason

    >Mar, name the many liberals that have said the impeachment is a coup.


    Sorry, the gentleman will suspend.  The witness will not answer questions that might reveal the names of the whistleblowers.

  36. Jason

    >The treatment by republicans at all levels toward decorated military veterans like Kerry, McCain, Mueller, Taylor, Vindman and others; and the treatment of dedicated civil servants in the State Department, CIA, and others in sensitive and risky roles serving our great nation.  That behavior is despicable, as is your silence on the matter.  Awful. Just Awful.

    You forgot Kavanaugh in your list.

  37. Kevin Scheunemann


    What are you talking about?

    Civilians are not required to address military by their rank.  when the pompous Vindmann demanded that,the Republican complied…I hardly think the miitary hating liberals would do same thing if roles were reversed.

    Quict taking focus off the treasonous Democrats!

    There is nothing to impeach.   Joe Biden and his son should be arrested based on all the bribes they took!

    Yet silence by you.   awful. Just awful.

  38. Mar

    Le Roi, the people you mentioned all deserved criticism. Just because they wore the uniform once, doesn’t mean they are perfect.
    But since you hid this standard, more critical comments about President Trump. He is the commander in chief, the head of the military. You criticize him, you are criticizing all the military members, past and present.
    So, from now on, you have to treat President Trump with respect he deserves.

  39. Le Roi du Nord


    Do you think I am a “miitary(sic) hating liberal”  ??  Perhaps some evidence, facts are a plus.

    And some facts on this as well, “Joe Biden and his son should be arrested based on all the bribes they took!”


    Perhaps you could provide your rationale for the claim, “the people you mentioned all deserved criticism”.  Again facts are a plus.

    And this makes no sense whatsoever, “you are criticizing all the military members, past and present”.

    “So, from now on, you have to treat President Trump with respect he deserves”.   I respect the office, but certainly not the current occupant. Once he disrespected McCain he lost any and all of my respect.  McCain was a true hero, far more that you, k or trump could ever imagine.

  40. Kevin Scheunemann


    Trump was wrong on his comments about McCain.

    However, siding with liberals against Trump these days is treason.   They have been conducting a coup since Day 1 of Trump’s presidency…with great incompetence I might add.

    You should be critical of the coup.  Instead, you prop it up.

  41. Mar

    Le Roi, McCain was pretty much hated here in Arizona and won reelection because of his name and the Democrats put up cream puffs as opponents.
    As far as me supplying you with info on the others, ad I have told before, I am not your personal librarian. But I guess you are too far illiterate to read.
    And you don’t respect the troops or the Office of the Presidency, unless it is occupied by a liberal and that makes you even more hateful to the office.

  42. Le Roi du Nord


    Maybe you should look up the definition of coup.  And the legal requirements of treason.  You obviously are unfamiliar with both.

    And as I have told you several times, I am not in favor of impeachment.  Not because I think trump is innocent of high crimes and misdemeanors, but because the R’s in the Senate haven’t the spine to do the right thing for the future of our great country, and impeachment would fail in the Senate.  That would only enable trump do be even more of a cancer on our honor, but make a martyr of him in the eyes of folks like you.


    Was McCain “hated” in AZ because of his military service?

    I have made an honest effort to become familiar with the service all of those I mentioned made in the military.  You are the one that made the claim “the people you mentioned all deserved criticism”, so obviously you have nothing to substantiate that absurd statement.

  43. Mar

    Le Roi, and I hate to say it you are dumber than a gnat, with apologies to the gnat family.

  44. Le Roi du Nord


    So you have no answers, just juvenile insults?  And I am the dumb one?

  45. Mar

    Le Roi, you just come here to troll.
    Because, unless you live have an IQ of 12, which is a possibility, you just like being the troll.
    You must take some kind of sexual pleasure having people to give some basic information that a 3rd grader can give you.
    And when I ask you for proof on a subject you run and hide like a coward.

  46. Kevin Scheunemann


    What is the “high crime” Trump has allegedly committed?

    Facts and proof would be nice. (If you have this….Nancy Pelosi would kill right now to get it…so don’t pretend you do…just apologize for your awful false witness would be refreshing.)

    “He hurt my delicate daisy liberal feelings” is not a crime on Trump’s part, but a very valid political achievement.

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