Boots & Sabers

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1208, 21 Sep 19

Trump to Support Religious Freedom at UN

I like his priorities.

Donald Trump is set to attend the United Nations headquarters during Monday’s key summit on the climate crisis – but will be there to take part in a meeting on religious freedom instead.

A senior UN official confirmed to the Guardian that the White House has booked one of the large conference rooms in the New York headquarters on Monday so that the president can address a gathering on religious freedom.


1208, 21 September 2019


  1. Pat

    Well he is the “Chosen One” after all.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    Hope it addresses being free from the climate change cult.

  3. Le Roi du Nord


    You changed the subject again.  This post was about religious freedom, not climate change.  Pay attention.

  4. jjf

    A very stable genius on Two Corinthians.

    Climate change?  I think you meant evolution, Le Roi.

  5. Kevin Scheunemann

    Oh Nord,

    Climate change, with possible exception of Islam, is the most abusive false cosmology out there.

    Did you go to NBC to confess your global warming sins yet?

  6. Le Roi du Nord

    Oh k:

    You are so wrong.

    And I explained that all to you already.  You are so forgetful.

  7. Kevin Scheunemann


    So you are not going to confess your climate change sins?

    Welcome to the “denier” side!

  8. Le Roi du Nord


    Since you and I have differing definitions of “sin”, the answer is no. And until you take your religion out of scientific discussion you really have no credibility on this subject.

  9. jjf

    Kevin, if I said “Two Corinthians” out loud, what would you think about my level of religious sincerity?

  10. Kevin Scheunemann


    So you admit you have a standard for sin in global warming religion?

    Is it different than NBC requirement for global warming sin?

  11. Kevin Scheunemann


    I am just be grateful sinners, in need of forgiveness, read 2nd Corinthians.

    I would not take the liberal no mercy, no forgiveness, no salvation approach to such a simple misstep.

    You lack forgiveness?

  12. Le Roi du Nord


    The fact that there is no “religion” in climate science will always be a bur under your saddle. So in answer to your question: No.

    And until you can take your form of “religion” out of every discussion we won’t agree on much.

  13. Kevin Scheunemann


    So you denounce NBC asking one to confess one’s climate change sins?

  14. Le Roi du Nord


    Remember, you don’t get to speak for me.  I do it with a lot more reason, intelligence, and respect than you ever will.

  15. Mar

    Uneducated Le Roi, thanks for the comedy today. But don’t quit your day job.

  16. Kevin Scheunemann


    Why does “science” require confession and absolution?

    You should denounce NBC?

    Unless they are following the religious teaching correctly?

    NBC preaches your true climaye faith, that is why you fail to denounce NBC for mocking science.

  17. Le Roi du Nord


    It doesn’t.

    And you should denounce ignorance, dishonesty, and adultery, but you won’t

  18. Kevin Scheunemann


    So NBC is very wrong for demanding climat change confessions?

    …and I do denounce ignorance, dishonesty and adultery.    I denounce hose things all the time.   Liberals always have a lot of dishonesty, ignorance and adultery to talk about.

  19. Le Roi du Nord


    You will to take your religious claims out of any future CC/GW discussion? Until you do there Caine a rational conversation with you on the subject.

    And while you make claims about liberals, you fully support any similar actions by “conservatives”, and continue to vote for them.

  20. Le Roi du Nord

    Sorry for the typo, that should be “can’t be”, not Caine.

  21. Kevin Scheunemann


    NBC is making the religious claims here, not me.

    Seen little from you to debuk NBC’s religious confession here.


  22. Le Roi du Nord


    These are all yours and just from this thread.  You are lying again……

    “So you admit you have a standard for sin in global warming religion?”

    “Hope it addresses being free from the climate change cult.”

    “Climate change, with possible exception of Islam, is the most abusive false cosmology out there.”

    “Did you go to NBC to confess your global warming sins yet?”

    “So you are not going to confess your climate change sins?”

  23. Kevin Scheunemann


    In all those, I was just trying to confirm the global warming religion.

    Since you fail to confirm global warming as a religion, why aren’t you ripping NBC for phrasing and positioning Global warming as a religion?

    You should confess your warming sins.

    NBC demands it.

  24. Le Roi du Nord

    This is amazing, absolutely hilarious!  When confronted with your own words, you deny you said them.  And double down on the lie.  And you call yourself a “christian”.  Amazing.  And truly troubling from your mental health perspective.

    You should get professional help.

    Reality demands it.

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