Boots & Sabers

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2155, 11 Aug 19

Hong Kong Fights for Freedom

Fight on, brothers. We’re with you.

Hong Kong police have once again clashed with anti-government protesters as the city enters its 10th week of mass demonstrations and unrest.

Police fired tear gas across the city on Sunday night, including into an enclosed railway station.

In the Wan Chai district, petrol bombs and bricks were thrown at riot police who responded by charging at protesters with batons.

A number of people, including a police officer, were injured in the clashes.

Police were also filmed firing rubber bullets at close range inside a subway station, while other officers were seen beating people with batons on an escalator.

Two months of demonstrations sparked by a controversial extradition bill show no signs of abating, with both sides hardening their stance.


2155, 11 August 2019

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    God bless those fighting these godless, leftist, communists.   Fight on against evil!

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