Boots & Sabers

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1148, 29 May 19

Lawsuit Filed Against NY Education Department Over Racist “Equity” Plan

It ain’t just New York. Social Justice superseded education a long time ago in far too many government school systems.

Three white female executives in the New York Education Department were demoted in favor of less-qualified people of color, a $90 million suit launched by the women claims.

The longtime officials say they were unfairly targeted as part of the department’s crusade against ‘toxic whiteness’ through its controversial racial equity plan.

Lois Herrera started at the DOE in 1986 as a guidance counselor and worked her way up to lead its Office of Safety and Youth Development.

In the suit filed Tuesday, she claims she saw the culture shift when Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed Richard Carranza as the chancellor of NYC‘s public schools in April 2018.

Lois Herrera is one of three women suing the New York Education Department for $90m over claims they were demoted in favor of less-qualified people of color

By June the Harvard graduate – who was recognized in 2017 for contributing to the ‘safest year on record’ in city schools – was abruptly removed from her position and demoted three levels.


Herrera was never given any reasoning for her demotion but claims she was told, ‘If you’ve been with the DOE for more than 20 years, you are responsible for the problem,’ by LaShawn Robinson, the then executive director of the DOE’s Office of Equity and Access.


Department insiders say that under Chancellor Richard Carranza, who was appointed by Mayor Bill de Blasio, administrators are subjected to endless lectures and workshops critiquing ‘whiteness’ and attempting to root out ‘white supremacy’ in the workplace.


1148, 29 May 2019


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Racist liberals.

  2. Mar

    As a former teacher, who spent 20 years in teacher lounges, there are a lot of racist teachers, both white and minority.
    But the educational system is racist as a whole, most done by liberals. Refusal to support school choice, vouchers, charter schools and teacher’s unions are all example of liberal racism.

  3. jjf

    Wow, Mar.  Did you ever spot any non-liberal racism?

  4. Mar

    “Wow, Mar. Did you ever spot any non-liberal racism?”
    In education, the vast majority of racism is done by liberals. The liberals are just too stupid to believe they are racist.
    But yes, there are conservatives who are racist and they are no better than liberal racists.

  5. Le Roi du Nord

    “In education, the vast majority of racism is done by liberals”.

    Is that your personal opinion, or is that claim backed up by facts?

  6. Kevin Scheunemann

    Oh Nord,

    Facts. Look at how liberals sort everything by race.


  7. Le Roi du Nord

    Perhaps you could provide those facts rather than just your biased personal opinion.

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