Boots & Sabers

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1921, 21 Apr 19

Deadly Easter Explosions Rip Across Sri Lanka

Prayers for our Christian family who are suffering this Easter Day.

The first reports of explosions came at about 08:45 (03:15 GMT) local time – with six blasts reported within a small space of time.

Three churches in Negombo, Batticaloa and Colombo’s Kochchikade district were targeted during Easter services and blasts also rocked the Shangri-La, Kingsbury and Cinnamon Grand hotels in the country’s capital.

As police hunted those responsible, two further explosions were reported.

One blast hit near the zoo in Dehiwala, southern Colombo, and an eighth was reported near the Colombo district of Dematagoda during a police raid, killing three officers.

It remains unclear who was behind the attacks, but 13 arrests were made by police on Sunday.

The government has said they believe suicide bombs were used at some of the sites.


1921, 21 April 2019


  1. MjM

    Odd that in a story posted three hours ago the BBC refuses to name the perps, some of who’s names and faces were known 8-10 hours ago:

  2. dad29

    The perps were vacationers from France, which is why Notre Dame burned due to an electrical short rather than bombs.

  3. Kevin Scheunemann

    Compare Hillary’s statement on New Zealand to this Muslim attack against Christians….

    Shows her bigotry against Christians in spades and lengths she goes through to protect murderous Muslims.

  4. Le Roi du Nord


    Could you be more specific?  I read, and reread, HRC’s statement about the NZ attack and I didn’t pick up any bigotry.  Nor any comment or action by her protecting murderous muslims.  Perhaps you could provide that factual information.  Thanks in advance.

  5. Kevin Scheunemann


    Why are you blind to Christian bigotry?

    Hillary’s statement on Sri Lanka:

    “On this holy weekend for many faiths, we must stand united against hatred and violence. I’m praying for everyone affected by today’s horrific attacks on Easter worshippers and travelers in Sri Lanka.”

    Hillary cannot bring herself to use the term “Christian”, “Intolerant, hateful Muslims,”  “murderous Islamic hate”, or “Christianphobia”….but she can manage to work outrage in New Zealand…

    Hillary’s statement on New Zealand:

    “My heart breaks for New Zealand & the global Muslim community. We must continue to fight the perpetuation and normalization of Islamophobia and racism in all its forms.

    White supremacist terrorists must be condemned by leaders everywhere. Their murderous hatred must be stopped.”

    It is clear Democrats could care less about Christians and are not nearly as outraged as they are when Muslims are killed.

    It is disgusting anti-Christian bigotry.

  6. dad29

    No, Kevin…….Hillary and Obozo would like Christians to disappear.  That’s far more intense than ‘could care less.’

    By the way, Catholics are about 80% of Sri Lanka’s Christian population.

  7. Le Roi du Nord


    So you admit she didn’t say what you said she said, right?  Or are you just making stuff up again?

  8. jjf

    Weird.  It’s like religion spurs hate.

  9. Kevin Scheunemann


    Are you blind?  she could not even bring herself to say “Christian” or “Islamic hate”!

    Her bigotry on the matter is showing.  She protects evil, in her dislike of  Christians.

  10. Le Roi du Nord


    Using your logic (and I use that term loosely in your case), since you specifically didn’t use the words, “I am not a Martian” in your last post,  can we all assume (that is what you are doing) that you ARE a Martian?

    But you did use the words “hate” and “bigotry”, so does that make you a hateful bigot?

    You seem to think that twisting the words of others makes you credible.  All it does is put your poor grasp of the language on display.

  11. Kevin Scheunemann


    I am tired of you liberal bigots downplaying attacks on Christians by not using the word “Christian”.

    And, God forbid, you should use the phrase “radical Islamic hate”!

    Why couldn’t Hillary’s Statement be as forceful as the New Zealand attack?

    It’s because Christians are not important people in her book!

    That is the dirty secret, you liberals secretly see Christians being attacked as not a big deal because they have no intersectional victim cred in your godless worldview.

    The liberal hate is showing.

  12. jjf

    Yeah, Le Roi, you need to be as careful and considerate about your words as the President is!  And as careful as the President’s fans are about interpreting his grabbing and hating!

  13. Kevin Scheunemann


    This was a cold, calculated, liberal decision to marginalize Christians, and minimize their victimhood.

    that is sick.

    the other thing was foolish, on the fly locker room talk we all agree was ridiculous.

    Don’t you agree Hillary was being ridiculous?

  14. Jason

    >Yeah, Le Roi, you need to be as careful and considerate about your words as the President is!  And as careful as the President’s fans are about interpreting his grabbing and hating!

    Way to shift the focus, as usual.

  15. jjf

    Come on, Jason, tell me why Hillary’s opinion matters here?

  16. Le Roi du Nord


    Where did I downplay anything ?  And how do you get to call me a bigot?  I’m pretty sure I am far less of a bigot than you.  You never see me using all your self-righteous buzzwords.

  17. Le Roi du Nord


    You are the only one using the words bigot and hate.  You are projecting again.

    You don’t get to tell other folks what to say, nor do you get to force your own interpretation of the words of others on them.  Your authoritarian undies are showing.

  18. Jason

    >You don’t get to tell other folks what to say, nor do you get to force your own interpretation of the words of others on them.

    He’s not, and he didn’t.  Your dumb is showing, hick.

  19. Le Roi du Nord


    Not at all.  You are just defending the indefensible.  k doesn’t get to tell anyone what to say, nor does he get to make up his own definition/interpretation of what someone said.  He (and you) can voice his disagreement with what they said, but lying about what they said is just that, lying.

  20. Kevin Scheunemann


    Where did I lie about what Hillary said?

    Again, with the wild, false accusations.

  21. Le Roi du Nord

    “It is clear Democrats could care less about Christians and are not nearly as outraged as they are when Muslims are killed”.

    There is a start.

  22. Le Roi du Nord

    “Shows her bigotry against Christians in spades and lengths she goes through to protect murderous Muslims”.

    And that….

  23. Kevin Scheunemann


    Did you compare the statements?

    The anti-Christian bias is clear.

    She can’t even bring herself to use the word “Christian”

    Clearly, you endorse her bigotry.

  24. Le Roi du Nord

    Yes, and she didn’t say what you said she did.  Why must you be so dishonest in your pursuit of salvation.  Common sense would dictate you are going about it all wrong.

  25. Kevin Scheunemann

    Where did I get her statement wrong.

    You make accusations, but fail to point to specifics.

    I posted Hillary’s Statements above.

    Are you this clueless day to day in your personal life.

  26. Le Roi du Nord


    You called HRC a hater and a bigot.  But she never said that, you made it up.  My personal credo is not to lie.

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