Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


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1737, 03 Apr 19

Legislature Starts Digging Into Evers Sham Budget

They should still repeal minimum markup, but not as a budget item. They should do it for the sake of consumers and economic freedom.

MADISON – State Transportation Secretary Craig Thompson conceded Wednesday that Democratic Gov. Tony Evers’ plan to eliminate a required markup on gasoline may not save as much money as his boss has claimed.

Thompson made the acknowledgment as Republicans who control the Legislature’s budget committee ripped apart Evers’ budget and made clear they would not go along with plans he campaigned on.

“Today is a reset for the budget as proposed,” Rep. John Nygren, co-chairman of the Joint Finance Committee, said at the committee’s first budget meeting.

The Marinette Republican called the plan “irresponsible” because of its $1.3 billion in tax increases before the panel heard testimony from Evers’ allies who oversee the departments of public instruction, transportation and health services.


1737, 03 April 2019


  1. Mar

    Wisconsin needs to get into the 21st century and get rid of minimum mark up. There is no logical reason to keep it. It’s a stupid idea and it really doesn’t matter how it gets done.

  2. dad29

    It won’t get done while Republicans run the legislature.  They’re all on the take from Kwik-Trip.

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