Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

1255, 27 Aug 18

Evil Foxconn Gives $100 Million to UW

Boy, I sure hope that Evers can kill the Foxconn deal. /sarcasm

Foxconn Technology Group will invest $100 million to UW-Madison that will go toward establishing an interdisciplinary research facility for the College of Engineering, the largest research partnership in the university’s history.

The Foxconn Institute for Research in Science and Technology, or FIRST, will collaborate closely with the company’s Wisconn Valley Science and Technology Park near Racine.

Foxconn CEO Terry Gou joined UW-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank for the Monday announcement, signing several agreements formalizing their relationship.

The gift is one of the largest in the school’s history, Blank said, and will help develop Wisconsin’s research and engineering talent.

1255, 27 August 2018


  1. Jason

    10 – 1 says the Crazy Old Fucker from the North will come in here and talk about his grand kids having to pay for all this Foxconn nonsense.   He can’t handle people celebrating success, what with his jealous malcontent.

  2. MHMaley

    Keep adding . When we get to $3 Billion worth of jobs , I’ll celebrate .
    For now , let’s see if an actual check gets cut .

  3. Kevin Scheunemann


    How about just a little cheer for Foxconn on this one?

    Be happy.

  4. MaxwellsEQs

    So Wisconsin gives Foxconn 3.5-4 billion and Foxconn gives UW 100 million and we should celebrate?

    At this point I should remind everyone that a billion is 1,000 million.

    Wisconsin “won” Foxconn by paying an astronomical amount of money for them to build a factory here. Remember that Wisconsin is paying (these are not just tax deductions but tax credits) Foxconn 3.5 billion. Foxconn said that they were going to build a big factory and now they say the are going to build a smaller one. This is exactly what they did in Pittsburgh and exactly what all the critics said they would do. Now they promise to donate 1/40 of the money being given to them? This is nothing but a smoke screen.

    Prediction: Foxconn will get every penny they were promised. They will exaggerate the number of jobs that they create (If they hire 5 people for one year each is that one job or 5? What if the positions are overlapping? Why can’t the jobs end once the government hand out ends? They can game the system to say that they created any number of jobs the wanted)



  5. Jason

    I know when any one says something negative about the UW system spending and costs all we hear from the frothing left is similar to “The UW system is a money maker for the state. Every dollar spent on higher education draws much more into the state. Better people, better skills, better jobs, more families, employers.”

    And here are some hypocrites already blowing each other’s horns.

  6. MHMaley

    I see a lot of folks celebrating with 6 minutes left in the
    first quarter of the game .
    Foxcomm is playing with House money and as another
    stated , some are cheering that they are @fixin”
    to give some of our own
    money back to us .

    Casino’s give you a nice place to stay , comp your food
    But they don’t front your stake to you .

    And if Foxcomm begins to renege on their promises?
    Ha , then we fix them and only give them $2.2 Billion .
    Clever us .

    And just who were we biding against or was it ourselves ?

  7. Kevin Scheunemann


    Sure, 6 minutes left in first quarter, but instead of cheering AGAINST the home team, can’t you just grunt out some faint clapping when home team scores?

  8. dad29

    Nope, Kevin, they won’t.

    They’d rather have the pervert teachers’ biggest enabler and supporter in the Big Chair.

    Of course, THEIR children are already out of school.

  9. MHMaley

    I’ve paid 40 years of Wisconsin property and state taxes
    And sent my kids to Wisconsin public grade , high school
    And colleges so I might still have a dog in the fight .

    Saw the latest Walker ad . He’s the education guy for those who
    Won’t pay for their own brand of magical thinking to be taught to their kids.

    I’ll cheer when Foxcomm has skin of their own in the game .
    Until that time , you showed up at a freshman game and thought you were
    Watching the Varsity but you cheered wildly just the same .
    The Varsity bus hasn’t shown up yet .

  10. Kevin Scheunemann

    Foxconn has a ton of skill n in the game. What reality are you looking at?

    Most of credits and incentives do not kick in until it produces.

  11. Merlin

    Foxconn, NML, JCI, and Aurora are partnering to the tune of $25 million each for a new venture capital entity. Skin, skin, and more skin!

  12. MHMaley

    $237k per employee if they do everything they agreed to
    Is our cost in incentives .

    I’ll take the under on the deal working out .

  13. Kevin Scheunemann


    Over the course of 20 years that is not much at all.

    Given that it is nearly all “Tax credits” it really speaks to the liberal greed of how much money government really does take out of the economy.

  14. Le Roi du Nord


    “Over the course of 20 years that is not much at all.”  And you call yourself a conservative. Ha!

    Tax credits means that somebody else will have to make up that big hole in state tax revenues; like me, you and our kids and grand kids. $4 billion is a lot in my book, but maybe not to a high roller like you. Looks like $11,800+ per employee per year if you look at your 20 year timeline.

    And the deal with Foxconn is roughly half based on the employment numbers, and half on how much they spend on the factory.  They can still get ~$2 billion if they build a factory staffed with robots.

  15. Kevin Scheunemann

    The economic development produced adds to the pie.

    You act like development is a zero sum game.

    That is the losing philosophy of liberals.

  16. Le Roi du Nord


    Well that ~$4 Billion is a pretty big pie that didn’t get shared with the rest of the state.  Add to that all the infrastructure $$ originally slated for local highways all over WI that now goes only to Foxconn (to the tune most recently of $90 million).  Don’t those farmers, loggers or resort owners/operators deserve a slice of the pie?

    The Foxconn scam was a desperate measure by walker to make good on his 250000 jobs promise, and now the rest of the state gets to finance it.  There will be backlash come November.

  17. Kevin Scheunemann


    If you are arguing everyone should get tax breaks for expansion, especially job expansion….hey, all for that.

    Where do I sign up?

    The leaders and achievers should be rewarded with lower tax burden for increasing the economic pie for all.


  18. Le Roi du Nord


    If you truly believe that then why do you defend the foxconn scam?

  19. Kevin Scheunemann


    I am not a negative guy.

    Foxconn is not a scam.

    Foxconn only gets tax credits if they produce.

    What was a scam: Obama’s Solyndra.

  20. Jason

    >The Foxconn scam was a desperate measure by walker to make good on his 250000 jobs promise

    And so Loser du North is doing exactly what he has spent the past year chastising Kevin for doing. Making up his own set of facts and passing them off as The Truth.

    Our poor northern troll is discredited yet again… some things never change.

  21. MjM

    Nort barfs:  Tax credits means that somebody else will have to make up that big hole in state tax revenues…

    Our esteemed Elected Official of the North once again putting his complete ignorance of economics and stupidity of liberals on full display.


  22. Le Roi du Nord

    Well kiddies, maybe you can explain how the tax credits work, how they get paid for, and how foxconn is going to help folks in rural WI.  And in this period of almost 100% employment, where are those 13000 workers going to come from, and where are they going to live.  Oh, that’s right, robots don’t need housing.

    I eagerly await your response.

  23. Paul

    Well geezer,

    Considering your over-the-hill backwoods white trash ass will be dead in a few years, your opinion doesn’t matter.

  24. Paul

    Go back to gumming the early bird special, gramps. Take that other fat dinosaur with the shitty sports analogies with you.

  25. Merlin

    Follow the logical path of your questions!

    Foxconn’s primary facilities will be built in a currently rural nowhere requiring extensive ancillary development to accommodate not just Foxconn’s needs, but those of JIT supply chain vendors. Those vendors are going to require yet another layer of vendors, etc., creating an extensive NEW web of required economic support. Influx of population means new roads, schools, banks, gas stations, retail outlets, recreational facilities…  and more people to support that additional development. That’s an enormous movement of capital over many, many years! Money has to move in order to be taxed, which should absolutely thrill every tax collector even remotely involved in the creation of new industry.

    This is exactly how economic development surrounded the early manufacturing boomtowns in Wisconsin. Same goes for the cities that sprang up around our early paper and pulp industry. Look back far enough and you’ll find some of the state’s oldest towns situated themselves on the state’s waterways back when trade moved by water. People flock to where opportunity exists.

    Foxconn as a corporation is just the impetus for creating an entirely new type of industry in Wisconsin. The state’s commitment so far is focused on helping to create an environment attractive to such a new industry. Traditional heavy manufacturing is dead. Auto manufacturing is gone. Pulp and paper is dying a slow death. None of it is coming back.

    Our children should leave for better opportunities elsewhere because we’re too afraid we might fail at creating new opportunities here in Wisconsin?



  26. dad29

    Traditional heavy manufacturing is dead. Auto manufacturing is gone. Pulp and paper is dying a slow death. None of it is coming back.

    Not so fast.  You’re placing bets against Trump and so far those bets haven’t turned out very well at all.  Pulp/paper was chased out of the US by the enviro regs and gummint subsidies in (among other places) Indonesia.  But trees are still the raw material, and they’re still being planted by paper companies.  (Those trees are Nordski’s neighbors.)

    You are correct about the ‘concentric circles’ with a plant like Foxconn’s, and I can tell you that there are hundreds of VERY happy highway-, bridge-, concrete, and asphalt folks who are working like crazy in Racine County now.

    And don’t forget the dozens, or hundreds, of people who sell and service construction equipment!!  If you’ve used the I-road in Racine County you’ve seen hundreds of pieces of construction equipment in yards waiting for the plant construction to start up.

    As to Maley’s Giant Contributions to Wisconsin’s Tax Revenues:  Thanks!! You could have paid less in Indiana.

  27. Mark Hoefert

    Merlin, another thing to add to the list is that Foxconn may provide the critical mass needed to return an intermodal cargo terminal to the area.  Since the one closed in Milwaukee, shippers sometimes have to spend 3 – 4 hours to get a container out of the closest one in Chicago at peak times.

  28. MjM

    Nort Snorts: “Well kiddies, maybe you can explain how the tax credits work, how they get paid for…”


    Q1: How much WI state tax revenue is generated if Foxconn owes $500m in taxes but has a $250m tax credit?
    Q2: How much WI state tax revenue is generated if Foxconn builds it’s new plant in Michigan?

  29. MaxwellsEQs

    Q3: How much does the state pay Foxconn if they owe $100 million and have $600 million dollar tax credit?


    (If think Wisconsin doesn’t have to write a big check for the difference to Foxconn, then you do not know the difference between a tax credit and a tax deduction.)

  30. MHMaley

    Congrats on the new Jackson store Kev .
    Best of luck in the area and congrats for
    Not asking for a handout from the state .

    BTW , It’s incredibly difficult to understand a sport analogy when you
    never made a team .

    A coward early is a coward late .

  31. Paul

    I’m sure your insult sounded better while you were sprawled out at the bar at the Brazen Head, but it fell 50 yards from being coherent.

    Nice try at gaslighting.  In your effort to smear, you managed to admit you’re a fat dinosaur.

    I understand your shitty sports analogies.  Like you as a man and a father, they’re just terrible.  You’re just a horrible person.

  32. MHMaley

    You know nothing of me . You hide your true identity like a coward
    continue to refer to my family in a negative way .

    I hope one day we can meet and I can introduce you to my family and they can tell you to your face how hateful you are .

    I give them a lot of credit . They are infinitely more forgiving than I am of anonymous internet trolls with no family , no prospects and no achievement .

  33. Paul

    Yet here you are, continuing to get owned.

    Take the L. You should be used to that by now.

  34. MjM

    Mumhaley chirps: “Q3: How much does the state pay Foxconn if they owe $100 million and have $600 million dollar tax credit?”

    A: First, it depends on whether Foxconn has met investment and employment targets. Second, Foxconn does not have a $600m tax credit.

    ( And if you think they do, then you are ignorant of the structure of the deal and tax law in general.)

  35. MjM

    Nort gurgles:  Q4:  Who is right?  These folks say foxconn gets a check.

    I never stated Foxconn would not get their credit.   Pay attention.  Try to comprehend.

  36. dad29

    MjM:  maybe someone missed simple division in 4th grade, eh?

  37. Le Roi du Nord


    So to keep it simple enough for you to answer:  If foxconn owes $1 and has a $6 tax credit?  Does foxconn get a check or not?  And as a follow-up, where does the state get the $$ to cover the check? And since you have all the answers; how much tax credit is foxconn eligible for?

  38. Paul

    Backwoods peasants like you are in no position to lecture anyone on math.

  39. Merlin

    The state has no money that isn’t taxpayer money. Foxconn’s tax credits will come from the same source as every other tax credit offered by Wisconsin.

    All Wisconsin taxpayers foot the cost of your Itemized Deduction Credit, Married Couple Credit, School Property Tax Credit, Homestead Tax Credit, Credit for Taxes Paid to Another State, College Savings Accounts, Armed Forces Member Credit, Farmland Preservation Credit, etc., right on down that long list of available credits.

    Tax code is a powerful tool to reward or punish and has always been used to elicit specific behavior from taxpayers regardless of whether they are private citizens or corporations. Foxconn’s deal is no different.

  40. Le Roi du Nord

    “The state has no money that isn’t taxpayer money. Foxconn’s tax credits will come from the same source as every other tax credit offered by Wisconsin.”

    Exactly.  And why not spend that tax $ on education, roads, or other infrastructure rather than cut foxconn a check?

  41. MjM

    Nort farts: So to keep it simple enough for you to answer: If foxconn owes $1 and has a $6 tax credit?  Does foxconn get a check or not?

    What the hell is wrong with you leftnuts?  Why is it that you simply cannot grasp that the credits are target based?  Ergo, the answer to your question is: I don’t know because you’re scenario is devoid of important facts.

    Nort squeaks: where does the state get the $$ to cover the check?

    The Magician answered that quite clearly above  ~golf clap~

    Nort wonders: And since you have all the answers; how much tax credit is foxconn eligible for?

    At this point, nothing.  Zero.  Zip.  Do you understand why?  (I doubt it, since you still haven’t figured out why 2.5 ≠ 1)

    Nort smirks: And why not spend that tax $ on education,

    Oh, my, yes.  Let’s blindly toss another billion or two down that sewer hole.  $21,000,000,000.00 per year isn’t enough for leftist indoctrination and propaganda.  Let’s pour more cash into UW so that administrators can hide a couple hundred mill more in a slush fund, and when the smart kiddies gra-gee-ate they can take all that fine technical knowledge we’ve helped pay for and move out of state because there are no hi-tech companies here.  We’ll carry on with retail sales and Penzey’s Spices as our claim to fame.  And indeed!  Let’s dump more cash into paving little-used bike trails and not round enough round-a-bouts!


  42. Mark Hoefert

    Nort smirks: And why not spend that tax $ on education,

    Or better yet, don’t take it out the pockets of working people.  Let them travel up to Hurley in northern WI and spend it on booze and strippers, and strippers with “side jobs”.

    Could be win-win for those rural folks and Nord’s family in Nordern WI who need help.

  43. Le Roi du Nord


    So you decline the opportunity to clear this up.  Guess you aren’t as smart as you claim.  And you snark sure proves your expertise on the subject.  I guess I was too optimistic, thinking you were actually serious.

    My contention still stands; the the foxconn scam was the desperation play by a desperate candidate to make good on the 250000 jobs promise, albeit 4 years late.

  44. MjM

    Nort gags:  So you decline the opportunity to clear this up.  Guess you aren’t as smart as you claim.

    Typical liberal response:  project your own empty-headedness and utter stupidity on to others.

    Nice try, Oh Great Elected Official, but I declined nothing.  I, in fact,  gave you the only proper answer to the [incomplete] question you posed.  Every one watching knows this.

    Except you, of course.


  45. Jason

    Hey LeRoy Duh North…

    >So you decline the opportunity to clear this up.  Guess you aren’t as smart as you claim.  And you snark sure proves your expertise on the subject.  I guess I was too optimistic, thinking you were actually serious.


    I gave you the exact same opportunities to clear up your fact-less statements in the past month and you declined.  No one has to answer to you any more, you gutless coward.

  46. jjf

    I’m waiting for one of the conservatives here to run to the goalpost and declare that we shouldn’t be taxing anyone at all.

  47. Jason

    Speaking of not having strong suits… you stated that you “heard” Trump say something, and have yet to quote that.  That’s the contention here, not some piece of fluff which ironically does not have facts or sources.   That Op-Ed piece offers you no credibility.


    Quote the speech as I’ve said all along… it’s freely available on the internet.

  48. Le Roi du Nord

    I guess I assumed, incorrectly it seems, that you could both listen AND read.  My bad.

    And for someone that sets the bar sooooo low to call Money a “piece of fluff” isn’t worth further response.


  49. Jason

    Leroy, you still have nothing but hot air.  At least you have consistency.

  50. Paul


    Another Le Roi du Bore lie.  He’ll be back, nitpicking a Kevin comment or spreading additional lies and smears.  Or crying to the owner about mean comments about him.  Or lying about elected office, when it’s a mere code enforcement flunky.

    Three 500-year floods in a year…baseball “superstar”…12 years of GOP rule…what you hear > transcriptions…

  51. MjM

    Pauly sez:   …nitpicking a Kevin comment

    Nort does seem to have a mancrush on poor ol’ Kevin, eh?

  52. Mark Hoefert

    Nord said: And for someone that sets the bar sooooo low to call Money a “piece of fluff” isn’t worth further response.

    You are one special kind of stupid, considering that Money magazine is of the infotainment genre, a sister publication to People magazine.

    Jason is exactly right, a “a piece of fluff” – actually they had to pull an opinion column from Bloomberg to do the “heavy lifting”.  Most of their content is click bait – hence all the ad nauseum “Best of ……..” lists – colleges, high schools, towns, cities, etc. Do enough of them that just about everyone’s town, city, school, or whatever shows up on a list.   Hence the clicks.

    This is disclaimer at the bottom of the “piece of fluff” – Money may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website.



  53. Jason

    I find it quite humorous  that LeRoy duh Norte tried to pass that off as a reliable source of journalism and to support his opinion.  All that wasted effort when all he has to do is quote the official transcript of what he says he heard the president say.  There’s a reason why he has steadfastly refused to do that since the end of July…. he’s full of shit and got caught again.

  54. dad29

    How bad IS the Time/Money/People publication group?

    In the 1960’s, Time Magazine articles were NOT considered ‘evidence’ for National Forensic League-approved debates.

    That bunch certainly has not gotten BETTER in the last 50 years.

  55. jjf

    Let’s run with that.  Let’s invite the National Forensic League judges critique the fact situation behind any Trump speech, any Walker speech. 

    Let’s invite a deep-thinking, Permanent Things, true conservative, a fiscal conservative, to defend how Foxconn reflects his timeless values.

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