Boots & Sabers

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1535, 19 Apr 18

North Korea Drops Precondition for Denuclearization

Wow. That’s huge.

(CNN)North Korea has dropped its long-held demand that the United States withdraw forces from South Korea in exchange for denuclearization, South Korean President Moon Jae-in said Thursday.

The United States has about 28,000 troops stationed in South Korea, a presence that has long irked North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
However, in the burgeoning spirit of openness and diplomacy, Moon said Kim is willing to give up US troops’ removal as a precondition for discussions over denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.
“North Korea has expressed willingness to give up its nuclear program without making (a) demand that the (US Forces Korea) forces withdraw from the Korean Peninsula,” Moon said in a meeting with the press, adding that any proposed troop withdrawal would be a “condition that the US cannot accept.”

1535, 19 April 2018

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Methinks he has a design to bring his Northern socialist utopia to the South.

    I say we evacuate the rational freedom lovers from south, send the American Left to the South and withdraw the troops. Win-win-win!

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