Boots & Sabers

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1514, 02 Apr 18

Sinclair’s Uniform Reporting

Heh. The liberals in the media have been reading from the same script for years. Some talk show hosts have been putting together examples of this for 30 years. But if it has a pro-Trump tint, this is now a scandal?

Critics are calling Sinclair’s promos pro-Trump propaganda. Now the company is defending the initiative, and calling it something much more mundane: A “corporate news journalistic responsibility promotional campaign.”

Sinclair, America’s largest operator of local TV stations, is in the spotlight after a controversial promo video went viral over the weekend.

Some staffers say they’re embarrassed by the promos and concerned about their own credibility as journalists. A few local anchors and reporters are even reacting publicly, risking the ire of management.

But Sinclair senior vice president of news Scott Livingston is defending the promos as a “well-researched journalistic initiative focused on fair and objective reporting.”



1514, 02 April 2018


  1. jonnyv

    I didn’t even get much of a Pro-Trump message in this. But it was creepy and forced. No one forces the other news outlets to do it, they willingly recite garbage from the left and right’s talking points. You can hear it on right-wing radio shows all over the country. They often use the same terminology to describe things and so many of the same talking points.

    The scary part about this is that Sinclair has a right wing agenda AND they are in control of a huge swath of local stations. If it were one or the other, it wouldn’t be nearly as frightening. Local news has usually been relatively unbiased unlike AM radio, MSNBC, FoxNews, but if Sinclair is going to use them as a platform for pushing a right wing agenda, I think things are gonna get ugly.

    It’s bad enough that the local news already uses awful scare tactics and “click bait-ish” headlines to have you tune in. “This common household product WILL KILL YOU!”

    I will stick to overseas news services, the AP, some newspapers, and websites like Axios for most of my news.  And you can save your typing and breath on how each of those are Anti-Trump or SO LEFT.

  2. Paul

    Your head must be swimming.

  3. jjf

    What makes you think the WisGOP and Friends don’t have an email mailing list that receives the week’s talking points?

  4. billphoto

    Russia, Russia, Russia.  Oops. Stormy, Stormy, Stormy,  Oops.  Media Hogg, Media Hogg, Media Hogg.

  5. jonnyv

    Billphoto, what is the point of your comment? Just pointing out how awful Trump has been so far on the issues.

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