Boots & Sabers

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1253, 10 Mar 18

Scores of Witnesses of Attempted Murder

We haven’t seen this kind of bold public murder attempt in the West in a while. It’s a statement.

More than 240 witnesses have been identified as police investigate the Russian ex-spy poisoning “at speed”, the home secretary has said.

Amber Rudd praised the professionalism of the police who are now looking at more than 200 pieces of evidence.

The investigation into the attempted murder of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia is now in its sixth day.

Meanwhile, Det Sergeant Nick Bailey, who fell ill attending the pair, has denied he is a “hero”.

Mr Bailey remains seriously ill but is awake and engaging with his family.

Ms Rudd said both Col Skripal, 66, and his daughter, 33, who are being treated at Salisbury District Hospital, remain in a “critical but stable condition” after being exposed to a nerve agent.


1253, 10 March 2018

1 Comment

  1. steveegg

    One could also term it an act of war by Soviet Russia.

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