Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2116, 29 Jan 18

Senate Fails to Protect Babies


Washington (AFP) – US Senate Democrats blocked a controversial measure Monday that would ban and criminalize abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, scuttling a longtime priority of conservatives in Congress.

President Donald Trump described the failure of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act as “disappointing,” and urged senators to reconsider.

The measure fell short of the 60 votes needed to advance the bill in the 100-member Senate, although it earned a narrow majority in the chamber, 51 to 46.


2116, 29 January 2018


  1. billphoto

    So of the 54 Republicans in the Senate, two Collins-Maine and Murkowski-Alaska voted against the bill while 3 of the 44 Democrats voted for the bill.  I am ashamed to admit that our Wisconsin’s Democrat Sen. Baldwin voted against.

    Another great campaign issue.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    Liberals have long been baby killers.

  3. Le Roi du Nord

    Just curious, but with the R’s having control of both houses of Congress for 7 years, why are they having trouble getting this passed?    They could change the Senate rules to require only a simple majority, right?

  4. Paul

    Republicans have had control since 2015.

    Please stop lying.

  5. Jason

    >Just curious, but with the R’s having control of both houses of Congress for 7 years, why are they having trouble getting this passed? They could change the Senate rules to require only a simple majority, right?

    Wow. That’s a stupid whopper of a lie right there. So much for expecting others to tell the truth. This is why your comments are ridiculed.

    A reminder for you… January 25th…

    >When I start making totally false proclamations like Kremer did, you bet I’ll head for cover.

    Enjoy the cover… Average Joe.

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