Boots & Sabers

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0704, 04 Oct 17

Responding to Las Vegas


The question today is what do we do? What do we change?
I say: Change nothing.
Do nothing but mourn, care and investigate. Yes, at some point this event will inform decisions on how we govern ourselves. But not today.
I find it very difficult to believe that the alleged shooter acted alone. And if there were accomplices, I want to know who they were, and why they helped him.
But I do not want to walk through new metal detectors, or deal with other infringements upon my civil liberties as a knee-jerk reaction to this event. Far too often, in fact, every damn time, this kind of thing happens, the response is that we must rein in our freedoms.

0704, 04 October 2017


  1. billphoto

    My first response to pray for those killed, the injured and their families.  Politicizing these murders is wrong.

  2. Pat

    “….. it is impossible to ignore the raging hatred of the left for their ‘anything they want’ definition of a basket of deplorables.”

    “Politicizing these murders is wrong.”

    Well said, Bill.

  3. billphoto

    I agree with Owen; change nothing.  Maybe someone smarter than me can offer a solution.  I did listen to GMA this morning and the judges of American Idol cited Las Vegas and the Manchester, England (Arianna Grande concert) as validation for new gun laws ignoring the fact in Manchester it was a shrapnel-laden homemade bomb.

    It does not appear that the entrainment industry is a premier source for decision making anymore than our politicians so until we find a way to ban guns, pressure cookers, machetes, hammers or whatever, doing nothing is the best policy.

    To amend my previous comment, politicizing these murders BY PEOPLE ON THE LEFT LIKE HILLARY CLINTON is wrong.  On a different thread, the full text of my original comment follows:
    While normal people pray for the victims and their families, Hayley Geftman-Gold, Vice President, Senior Counsel, Strategic Transactions at CBS posted to Facebook, “If they [referring to Republicans] wouldn’t do anything when children were murdered I have no hope that Repugs will ever do the right thing.  I’m actually not even sympathetic bc [because] country music fans often are Republican gun toters.”
    While CBS did eventually fire this person, it is impossible to ignore the raging hatred of the left for their ‘anything they want’ definition of a basket of deplorables.  Certainly, the shooter was mentally off but what about people like this Geftman-Gold person that repeatedly make these kind of sick comments.  My opinion is this not a mentally healthy person but there appears to be many on the left that share her view of the world.

  4. Pat

    “To amend my previous comment, politicizing these murders BY PEOPLE ON THE LEFT LIKE HILLARY CLINTON is wrong.”

    But politicizing these murders BY PEOPLE ON THE RIGHT is ok?
    Politicizing these murders by either side is wrong, but that’s what they both do.

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