Boots & Sabers

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0653, 25 May 17

Brits Concerned About American Leaks

I don’t blame them. What has become clear is that some in our intelligence community have become very comfortable with leaking classified information – usually to advance a political agenda. In order to put a stop to it, the DOJ needs to find some of the leakers and really nail them to the wall. A couple of decades in prison for a leaker would certainly discourage others.

Burnham, a Labour mayor, also said he had spoken with the US ambassador to Britain about his concerns.
Two Labour lawmakers tweeted their concern Wednesday. Yvette Cooper said she was very troubled by the leaks amidst a “live investigation where public safety at risk,” while Lilian Greenwood asked, “What is the Government doing with US counterparts to address these breaches?”
US sources were the first to reveal the identity of the bomber, 22-year-old Salman Abedi, leading to concern that police efforts to hunt down his associates could be impacted.
On Wednesday, The New York Times posted photos that show what it said could be the detonator, a battery, nuts and screws for shrapnel, and fragments of a backpack used in the attack.
Britain’s National Police Chiefs’ Council warned Wednesday that leaks of potential evidence “undermine our investigations.”

0653, 25 May 2017

1 Comment

  1. billphoto

    Not much of an “intelligence” community if they cannot even find who is leaking information.  Maybe it’s time to drain the swamp at the NSA, CIA and elsewhere and start restricting sensitive information.

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