Boots & Sabers

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0700, 21 Nov 16

Trump’s Strong Appointments

So far I’m liking Trump’s appointments.

If there was any doubt about whether Donald Trump meant business with his hard-line campaign pronouncements on immigration, race, terrorism and more, the president-elect went a long way to dispel them Friday with his first appointments to his national security team and at the Justice Department.

Trump’s trifecta in selecting Sen. Jeff Sessions for attorney general, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn for national security adviser and Rep. Mike Pompeo to lead the CIA sent a strong message that Americans are going to get what they voted for in electing a Republican whose campaign talk about national security matters largely toggled between tough and tougher.

If you ascribe to the notion that “policy is people,” Trump’s administration is shaping up to be one of the most conservative in a very long time- if ever. The question will be how much power these folks will have or if Trump will centralize decision making in the White House (or Trump Tower). But given Trump’s management style in the past, I expect him to delegate a lot of authority to his appointments.


0700, 21 November 2016

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Pretty good so far.

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