Boots & Sabers

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0945, 22 Oct 16

IS Continues Genocide

Horrible, horrible people.

(CNN)ISIS rounded up and killed 284 men and boys as Iraqi-led coalition forces closed in on Mosul, the terror group’s last major stronghold in Iraq, an Iraqi intelligence source told CNN.

Those killed Thursday and Friday were used as human shields against attacks forcing ISIS out of southern parts of Mosul, the source said.
ISIS dumped the corpses in a mass grave at the defunct College of Agriculture in northern Mosul, the intelligence source said.
The victims — some of them children — were all shot, said the source, who asked for anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the media. CNN could not independently confirm the killings.

0945, 22 October 2016

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Has Hillary taken time to call these Islamic thugs “deplorable”?

    No, she instead, has detestability for fine Americans as “deplorable”.

    That makes her an Islamic terrorist sympathizer.

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