Boots & Sabers

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0742, 14 Jul 16

May’s Cabinet

May’s appointment of hard line anti-EU people seems to indicate that she won’t tolerate anyone going wobbly on Brexit.

Michael Gove has been sacked as justice secretary and replaced by Liz Truss as Theresa May forms her new government, in her first full day as UK PM.

Education Secretary Nicky Morgan has also gone, replaced by ex-international development secretary Justine Greening.

Culture Secretary John Whittingdale has been sacked, while Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has stayed in his post.

On Wednesday Boris Johnson was made foreign secretary in a surprise move by Mrs May. Philip Hammond is chancellor.

Among Wednesday’s other cabinet appointments, Amber Rudd took over Mrs May’s former role as home secretary, Eurosceptic David Davis was made Brexit secretary and Liam Fox took up a new post of secretary of state for international trade. Michael Fallon was retained as defence secretary.


0742, 14 July 2016

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    This is good. It will provide certainty to market that Britian is leaving the socialist oppressive EU toward freedom and sovereignty.

    Theresa May is living up to the Thatcher legacy so far. That is a tremendous legacy to live up to.

    Sorry Mark Maley, market has completely recovered and hit several all time highs after 2.5 days of setback after the Breexit vote. You pronounced disaster and quoted central bankers. I said central bankers were wrong….surprise….. They were already proved wrong less than a month later.

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