Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

0744, 13 Jul 16

Signs Supporting Police Stolen in Madison

How sad and petty.

About 30 yard signs expressing support for the Madison Police Department on one street in the city’s Meadowood neighborhood were stolen, an organizer said Tuesday.

Dave Glomp, an outspoken advocate for police who lives in the 1700 block of Redwood Lane on the city’s Southwest Side, said Tuesday about two-thirds of the 45 signs put up on the street last weekend went missing overnight.

Glomp said he believes the apparent thieves chose his street, noting it had the heaviest saturation of support among several neighborhoods in the city where he and his small group of supporters have distributed some 750 signs in recent weeks. He noted in an email to supporters Tuesday that the signs “must have struck a nerve.”

“Whoever did this was sending a message to me and my neighbors that because we were so visible and came out in force to support the police, they were going to take the signs,” Glomp told the State Journal on Tuesday. “It’s not a coincidence. It was an organized effort.”


0744, 13 July 2016

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    This get to my deepest concern about liberalism and political correctness.

    There is a concerted effort now that those that support police, and putting criminals behind bars, can no longer openly express that opinion.

    Speech supporting police may soon be vilified as badly as saying men should not be in women’s bathrooms.

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