Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0902, 30 Dec 15

Drone Invades Prison


On Monday, Earl Jackson, 32, contacted the Waupun Police Department to report he had lost communication with the drone he was flying from the yard of a home on East Jefferson Street.

He told police he was worried it was headed toward Waupun Correctional Institution (WCI), home to about 1,240 male inmates.

“He was right. It did land behind the prison walls,” said Waupun Police Chief Dale Heeringa.


The drone owner had registered the device with the Federal Aviation Administration. Its rules governing drones state that they must be flown in sight of the pilot/operator and only during daylight hours.

Heeringa said they can’t find any wrongdoing by Jackson, but the incident could result in talking with Waupun’s city attorney and council about creating possible ordinances against flying drones near correctional institutions. If a drone flies into a secure area, it could lead to a referral as a criminal charge to the district attorney’s office, he said.


0902, 30 December 2015


  1. John Foust

    I’m going to put a gun on my drone and call it a “flying gun”, and then I’ll have the support of the NRA behind my refusal to register it.

  2. Hello

    I didn’t click the link, but it says something that the owner contacted the police right away. I’ve never flown a drone, but I’ve had plenty of electronics to work properly.

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