Boots & Sabers

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1728, 19 Nov 15

Fans Boo During Moment of Silence

Tolerance and whatnot.

Just before Tuesday’s match in Istanbul between Turkey and Greece (a pair of countries with a rocky history), a moment of silence was observed for the 129 people who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks in Paris last Friday.

But listening to the video, one can pick up on the fact that it’s anything but silent.

It’s hard to hear what’s happening in the video, but according to reports from Reuters and CBS, some fans of Turkey’s team booed, hissed and chanted phrases such as “Allahu akbar” (which was said by the terrorists during the attacks and earlier this year during the attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris).


1728, 19 November 2015

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    This attitude, all non-Muslims are better off dead, is more common in the Muslim community than liberals care to admit.

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