Boots & Sabers

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1655, 28 Oct 15

Grothman Votes to Reauthorize Export Import Bank

This is a very frustrating flip flop from someone who should know better (and apparently used to know better).

There is no getting around this one. Rep. Glenn Grothman did a full flip-flop on the Export-Import Bank, voting for the successful re-authorization in the House on Tuesday.

“While some opponents may claim the Bank only helps larger corporations, the truth is for every job created at a larger company, many more are created at local suppliers, manufacturers and small businesses. This bank is necessary for companies like Caterpillar, Pierce, Rockwell Automation and Manitowoc Crane to create jobs, spur innovation and lead America forward,” said Grothman.

But this wasn’t the tune Grothman was singing just over a year ago when running in a competitive Republican primary in the sixth congressional district. At a debate in July 2014, Grothman was asked by Charlie Sykes if he would support the re-authorization of the Export-Import Bank.

“No,” said Grothman. “Just as in the state of Wisconsin, over time we’re heading more and more to the idea that business success relies on public-private partnerships, the same is happening big time on the federal level. It’s a dangerous step down which to go.”


1655, 28 October 2015


  1. dad29

    Clearly, Grothman has been told to sit down, shut up, and obey his masters, just like Ron Johnson.

    Where’s Duey Stroebel??

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    I agree Grothman deserves criticism for this….but given the amount of political issues that are more important, this is somewhere about 688 on my list.

  3. old baldy

    kevin and dad:

    Maybe GG learned something since he has been office. It is never too late to learn. Being hidebound by ideology really doesn’t help his constituency.

  4. insagtman

    I’m a Glenn fan, but I hate this vote that he took. I understand that one’s thinking can change on any issue, but I haven’t seen any new data on this topic that would make a vote in favor any more acceptable than it was during his campaign.

  5. dad29

    Yes, he learned something. He learned who his masters are.

    By the way, did GE reverse its decision to close Waukesha Engine now that ExIm is granting GE its welfare again?

    There’s something for YOU to learn.

  6. old baldy

    Maybe you all should comment as well on RoJo’s total flip flop on the same issue. Or does Mr. Sunspots get a pass?

  7. Kevin Scheunemann


    Completely agree with your point on Johnson and Grothman on this.

    However, no politician is perfect and this vote will NOT cause me to do the ultimate foolish thing and vote for Russ Feingold.

    I’ll still send Grothman a donation, but maybe with a note he was wrong on this one.

    I’m with Grothman’s votes 98% of the time, that is good enough for me.

  8. 3rd way

    Daddio is spot on. Glenn and Rojo both had to step in line with the puppet masters.

    The game is rigged. The left wing and the right wing are puppets on opposite hands of the same puppet master. If you haven’t recognized that this country is governed by a corporatocracy

  9. old baldy


    I’m sure Russ wasn’t waiting for your donation. And RoJo doesn’t need it.

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