Boots & Sabers

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1724, 24 Jul 15

More Former Gitmo Prisoners Arrested for Terrorism

It seems that an extraordinarily high percentage of “innocent” former Gitmo detainees are wrapped up in trying to kill non-Muslims.

(CNN)Two former detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba were arrested by Belgian police in a counterterrorism operation targeting a recruiting network for al Qaeda in Syria.

They were arrested Wednesday night along with three others as they were about to break into a house to raise funds in the town of Hoboken, near Antwerp, a senior Belgian counterterrorism official told CNN.

“We have dismantled a serious recruiting network for Syria,” the official told CNN.

One of the former Guantanamo Bay detainees was Moussa Zemmouri, 37, a Moroccan national born in Antwerp, Belgian federal prosecutors announced Friday. The other was an Algerian identified as Soufiane A., who prosecutors believe spent time in Syria.

Both have been charged with participating in the activities of a terrorist group and all five have been charged with attempted armed robbery.

Zemmouri was released from Guantanamo in 2005 and authored a book “Innocent at Guantanamo” after returning to Belgium. His case was featured prominently by the UK Muslim prisoner advocacy group CAGE, which has long maintained that he has no links to terrorism.


1724, 24 July 2015

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Release evil to commit more evil.

    Hint to Obama: that is the opposite of compassion to the innocent.

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