Boots & Sabers

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0644, 06 May 15

Price Is Right Gives Treadmill to Woman in Wheelchair


On Tuesday’s episode of The Price Is Right, a contestant named Danielle played the game show and won two prizes: a sauna and a brand-new treadmill. The only problem with the treadmill is that Danielle uses a wheelchair.


0644, 06 May 2015


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    This gets more liberal outrage than Muslims shooting up a free speech event.

    Liberalism is a sad, messed up, set of priorities these days.

  2. Jadedly Unbiased

    I saw this story on Fox News this morning. Commentator said they should rename the show “The Prize is Wrong”.

  3. Pat

    Isn’t Fox News a conservative channel? I guess that means Conservatism is a sad messed up, set of priorities these days.

  4. Kevin scheunemann


    No, because conservatives had appropriate outrage over the Mohammed free speech event. Liberals, instead of outrage over evil criminals focused on stiffening speech instead.

    If one cannot be appropriately outraged over evil Islamic gunman , one simply cannot be taken seriously about outrage over this.

  5. Pat


    Are you sure that every conservative had appropriate outrage over the Mohammed free speech event? And are you sure that every liberal didn’t have appropriate outrage over the event? And by who’s standards do you decide how to define appropriate outrage? Yours? You paint with a broad brush when you throw out accusations about how people feel about a given situation.

  6. Jadedly Unbiased

    Don’t even bother responding to Kevin. He’s just another hypocritical windbag hate monger hiding behind the bible. He offers no solutions and can only point fingers. Liberal this liberal that god this god that. It’s funny, it all the back and forth between Kevin and I not one person supported him or his opinions (judgements). This overbearing judgmental intolerant fire and brimstone crap probably makes for a lonely life.

  7. Pat


  8. Major Booris

    Duh, Pat, anyone who didn’t display appropriate outrage is not a conservative by definition. All true conservatives know there is exactly one correct conservative position on any given issue, and any deviation from that position is evidence of liberal corruption.

    Once all the CINOs have been exposed and purged, we will see that the true conservatives of this great nation consist of Mr. Kevin Scheunemann, the WELS Synodical Council, and Jesus Christ himself (pending Council approval, of course).

  9. Kevin Scheunemann


    Of course its by my standard.

    I wouldn’t do anything I have not encountered the average liberal would do on this kind of political comparison. It’s a little hilarious its a problem when I do it and not when Obama does it.


    For a Christian, that is quite a bit of name calling.

    I’d be fascinated if you, in specifics, pointed out the “intolerent fire and brimestone crap”.

    Many thanks in advance.

  10. Pat

    Kevin said, “Of course its by my standard.”

    Well then that means that standard is totally worthless to everyone else except you. Because it’s your standard does not make it the correct standard. In fact, it most likely is the most incorrect standard there is.

  11. Jadedly Unbiased

    Blah blah blah never ending one track rhetoric. It must be lonely. I thought you were a Libertarian. Do you just pretend to be a Republican to fit in. Hypocrite!

  12. Kevin Scheunemann


    Missed the memo that your standard was the correct one to embrace. I tended to get that “wrong” at the political correctness meetings at UW-Milwaukee as well.


    Guess you came up short on the “fire and brimestone crap” example.

    I don’t mind the occassional criticism or personal insult, but have the substance to back it up, when you are called on it. That’s all I ask.

    Again, thanks in advance if you point something substantive out.

  13. Pat


    I never mentioned anything about my standard. Please try again.

  14. Pat


    Let’s take a trip back to the original question.
    Are you sure that every conservative had appropriate outrage over the Mohammed free speech event? And are you sure that every liberal didn’t have appropriate outrage over the event?

  15. Kevin Scheunemann


    Sure you did. You rejected my premise.

    You think its OK not to be outraged by the Muslim comedy event shooters but be upset about the Price is Right thing. Or you possibly do not care about either one.

    Some conservatives says they are conservative, but are not conservative.

    Some liberals say they are liberals, but are not liberal.

    So did you have a particular conservative, or liberal, reaction you wish to discuss?

  16. Pat


    Again, are you sure that every conservative had appropriate outrage over the Mohammed free speech event? And are you sure that every liberal didn’t have appropriate outrage over the event?

  17. Kevin Scheunemann

    So which liberal, or conservative, reaction do you want to talk about?

  18. Pat

    Again, are you sure that every conservative had appropriate outrage over the Mohammed free speech event? And are you sure that every liberal didn’t have appropriate outrage over the event?

  19. Jadedly Unbiased

    Nobody expressed outrage or was upset about the Price is Right story in the above posts. That was your assertion and your premise. Master manipulator off subject again. If you want examples of your fire and brimstone crap go back and read your posts. The crap is everywhere. Will you ever answer a question directly or are you afraid of being proven wrong. Once again, the difference between me and you is I wave my flag high and wide. You hide behind yours. I use my Bible to lift people up. You use yours to hold people down.

  20. Jadedly Unbiased

    Is it name calling if it’s true? Is it my opinion or a judgment?

  21. Kevin Scheunemann


    Ok then. Let’s take this phrase that you made above.

    “He’s just another hypocritical windbag hate monger hiding behind the bible.”

    Let’s have the substantive comments that I made to back that up. (if any).

    I’ll then offer rebuttal.

  22. Kevin Scheunemann

    Jade said,

    “You hide behind yours. I use my Bible to lift people up. You use yours to hold people down.”


    Again, thanks in advance if you can point to a specific comment I mad that fits this narrative that we can discuss.

  23. Jadedly Unbiased

    For your convenience and for quick reference you can find examples of your fire and brimstone crap as well as examples of your intolerance, judgments, anti-Muslim rhetoric, hate, liberal bashing and even Christian bashing under the titles “Two Attackers Shot At Mohammed Art Festival” and “Thanking Cops Now Controversial”. There are also many other fine examples on other web sites. Please let me know if you need any further assistance. I understand, seeing how you were educated at that “liberal cesspool”. A Libertarian posing as a Republican. A Christian preaching hate. I thought I’d seen it all. Hypocrites around every corner.

  24. Jadedly Unbiased

    When you start answering questions maybe I will. Frustrating isn’t it. I actually think you get off being the instigator and find it incomprehensible that you or anyone could believe the bull crap coming out of your mouth. You should share all of your posts with your church and your constituency.

  25. Jadedly Unbiased

    How is your effort going to bring an anti-Muslim art festival to your village? Or do you lack the conviction to see it through. If you believe in it so much then you should get it done.

  26. Jadedly Unbiased

    What is the redeeming social importance of the exhibit? Still haven’t answered that one.

  27. Kevin Scheunemann

    I reviewed both threads and fail to see the “fire and brimstone” or the “He’s just another hypocritical windbag hate monger hiding behind the bible” or the “You hide behind yours. I use my Bible to lift people up. You use yours to hold people down.”

    Could you point out the specific comment? (and let’s talk about it)

    Again, many thanks on getting specific on pointing out my errors.

    Social redeeeming importance: Comedy. Exposing a historical child molester. Exposing a Polygamist. Talking about a historical figure that led a hardened criminal life.

    Is that enough, or did I fail the liberal free speech litmus test?

  28. Jadedly Unbiased

    So when are you having this exhibit in your village? Is sounds like a great time. I’m sorry the litmus test used by the U.S. Supreme Court does not meet your standards. Apparently you are smarter and more informed then the courts. Didn’t the Republican Party nominate a Mormon. A branch of Christianity that practices (secretly) polygamy. Isn’t the Catholic Church, a branch of Christianity, still sorting out hundreds of child molestation cases. I guess that doesn’t matter to you because your a Libertarian and an Evangelical Lutheran. Hypocrite!

  29. Kevin Scheunemann


    Just because I support free speech, and you don’t, does not mean I need to have a similar event in the village. I’d be more interested in a debate between Christianity and Islam and the differences in what we each beleive.

    Mormans cannot be considered Christians, they deny the Trinity. They teach there are many gods and human beings can be gods themselves. Mormonism denys justification by grace through faith alone in Christ. I could go on, but that pretty much excludes you from being Christian.

    I am certainly am not going to defend the Roman Catholic church on protecting priests over child molestation. I don’t know how it pertains to topic at hand.

    I’m still waiting for your substantive example in relation to your harsh statements. I did answer your question on redeeming social importance eloquently, even though you really disliked the answer.

  30. Jadedly Unbiased

    I will let God decide if I am a Christian. Despite your possible God complex I just don’t think you are qualified to make such a decision. Maybe you should ask Mitt Romney if he believes in Christ. He claims he does. With everything you said about Mormons why did you vote for Romney? Voting for a member of a religion that for years practiced polygamy and still does secretly within some sects isn’t very Christian. Did you sacrificed your spirituality for politics. Not a very Christian thing to do and goes against everything you’ve been preaching about the last couple weeks. Remember, matters of opinion can be subjective. My opinion doesn’t necessarily make something true or actionable. If I’m a liberal wouldn’t that make me a champion of free speech? Remember U of C Berkley and the civil rights movement: “liberals in action”. How the Catholic Church molestations pertain to the topic at hand is you slam the profit of one religion for actions of molestation and while Christians within our life time have been found guilty of such acts you fail to demonize them. This is the definition of hypocritical. Also voting for a Republican while being a card carrying member of the Libertarian party is also hypocritical. I believe Gary Johnson was the candidate. Why didn’t you vote for him? Furthermore, there is a difference between an Evangelical Christian and an Evangelical Lutheran. Which one are you? I don’t have to hide behind political parties or religions that I don’t belong to fit in. Do you? Does the freedom of speech protect my right to voice a personal opinion about someone even if that opinion is “harsh” in the other persons opinion?

  31. Jadedly Unbiased

    Also, you are adamant about all speech being protected and un censored. Does that apply to libraries? Or is that another one of your double standards?

  32. Jadedly Unbiased

    Here are some direct quotes from Kevin.
    “As Christians we can only judge actions. Actions demonstrate where ones heart is.”
    “Actions point to where ones heart is.”
    “Actions serve as evidence whether the Holy Spirit dwells within”

    Considering ones voting record… being a card carrying member of one party yet voting for a person who claims to be a Christian (apparently isn’t) yet belongs to a religion that openly practiced polygamy in the past and still does secretly within some sects is cause for concern according to the standards quoted above.

  33. Kevin Scheunemann

    When it came to Mitt Romney, we were electing a President, not a religious leader.

    “Does that apply to libraries?” I sense you are talking about the West Bend library situation. If taxpayers fund the library, they have a right, and say, in how that library is run. In that case, its appropriate to funnel adult themed stuff into the adult section, not the children’s section. Children have different rights than adults. If you want to open a privately funded library that has inappropriate material in children’s section, you are free to do that. But I have a right to warn others of your inappropriate behavior in such an instance. there was never talk of banning the material (even though libs wanted to make it about that), just getting it into an adult only section where parents had to check it out before kids got hold of it.

    ****Here are some direct quotes from Kevin.
    “As Christians we can only judge actions. Actions demonstrate where ones heart is.”
    “Actions point to where ones heart is.”
    “Actions serve as evidence whether the Holy Spirit dwells within.”****

    I gave biblical back-up for each of these quotes, so you reject this part of the bible?

    In your screed about Mitt Romney, you missed the fact the other guy, Obama, belonged to a church that wished ill on America for homosexuality and racism. Black liberation theology is far from biblical. Obama’s longtime church openly rejects a lot of what the bible teaches. In fact, his national church body openly questions creation, supports abortion, and even questions the deity of Christ. So Obama has same issue as Mitt Romney when it comes to the Christian label. Can you be a Christian, yet reject Christ as redeemer?

    My answer, and the biblical answer is: “no”.

  34. Jadedly Unbiased

    Just trying to verify your position using your own words. Let me try it one more time.

    “Mormons cannot be considered Christians they deny the the Trinity. They teach there are many gods and human beings can be gods themselves. Mormonism denies justification by grace through faith alone in Christ.”

    I’m assuming this applies to Mitt Romney. He is a Mormon.

    With that said, here are more of the positions that you’ve asserted:

    “Christians should reflect on their faith first when it comes to all trials and problems in this world.”
    “Christian faith is not something that can be discarded because it’s difficult or not the trendy thing to do.”
    “If your spirituality does not guide your politics, then you don’t have strong spirituality”
    “Strong Christian spirituality demands one declares certain actions as evil or wrong and look for politicians that support the same.”

    You can rationalize this any way you want, however, it’s ridiculously obvious who the hypocrite is.
    Libertarian or Republican
    Evangelical Christian or Evangelical Lutheran
    Support free speech or suppress free speech
    Etc.. Etc… Etc…

    When you figure out where you stand in life then (maybe) I would consider listening to your opinions about my position in life. Until then blowhard in some else’s direction.

  35. Kevin Scheunemann


    None of my statements addressed voting in specifics. They were meant to address political issues that defend Christian interests.

    What does one do when the choice is between a candidate that has a religion that denys justification through faith alone in Christ (which rejects Christ as redeemer for our sins) and another candidate (who is the president) that denys justification through faith alone in Christ? (Trinity Church national church body does deny Creation by embracing evolution, which denys Christ as redeemer.)

    If one of the 2012 presidential candidates was a true Evangelical Christian, sure, I’d vote for that person. (The political issues/positions I support will naturally line up behind that person as well.)

    If neither candidate is an Evangelical Christian, then I look at issues I support, economic conservatism, support stopping the extermination camps of the abortion factories, support school choice vouchers, supports less regulation on small business, etc.

    Clearly, that was Mitt Romney in last election.

    Romney was by no means my perfect choice. However, Scott Walker comes very close in this election cycle. I like my leaders to be guided by Jesus.

    I’ve answered all your personal attacks. Now will you please do me the courtesy and provide specific examples, like I asked before, for all the harsh attacks? (or maybe a retraction?)

    Here were some of your harsh statements again:

    “You hide behind yours. I use my Bible to lift people up. You use yours to hold people down.”

    “He’s just another hypocritical windbag hate monger hiding behind the bible.”

    “…fire and brimstone crap”


    Just one?


    (If you find one, we can talk about it, and I will consider refining my approach on any statement you point out that fits these emotional statements/criticisms. However, if you got nothing specific to point to, bearing false witness is not something Christians should do.)

  36. Jadedly Unbiased

    The choice for president for a card carrying member of the Libertarian Party and a Lutheran should have been obvious… Gary Johnson. He was on the ticket as a Libertarian and he’s a Lutheran.

    So, it’s okay to support a candidate who’s religion openly supported polygamy in the past and secretly supports it in the present? The Mormon sects that still practice polygamy continue to receive support from the Mormon Church. Kind of goes against:
    “Strong Christian spirituality demands one declares certain actions as evil or wrong and look for politicians that do the same”
    Romney was a high ranking elder within the church. There’s no way Romney can deny knowledge of the ongoing support to these sects.
    I also didn’t realize Christian principles, as you define them, can be compromised to fit specific issues. Yet another double standard.
    “If your spirituality does not guide your politics, then you don’t have strong spirituality”

    According to Webster’s the definition of hypocrite is “one who pretends to be pious, virtuous, etc. without really being so –

    Furthermore, bearing false witness is a hard standard to prove. Can you prove I’m not a Cristian, I am a liberal or that I don’t support free speech?
    I’m not looking for your opinion. I’m looking for undeniable proof. If you can’t provide undeniable proof then you are the one bearing false witness.

    The double standards and failed justifications will continue until morals and ethics prevail.

  37. Kevin Scheunemann

    Gary Johnson was an admitted non-practicing Lutheran during 2012 presidential election.

    That essentially meant he was “retired” from the faith. Abadoning the faith, openly, is as bad as false teaching in terms of faith qualifiers.

    So I’ll dismiss the remainder of your post for not having correct facts.

  38. Jadedly Unbiased

    Now I understand your rational for voting for a non-Christian supporter of polygamy opposed to someone of your own party and faith.
    The double standards and failed justifications will continue until morals and ethics prevail.

  39. Jadedly Unbiased

    Oops! “Rationale”

  40. Jadedly Unbiased

    Johnson never stated that he was a non-practicing Lutheran. That’s an absolute fabrication.

    As a matter of fact, The Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire said of Johnson “throughout his life he has lived according to those Christian principles.” and Johnson famously stated, in 2012 when asked if he was religious “I believe in God, which has given me a very fundamental belief that we should do unto others as we would have others do onto us.”

  41. Jadedly Unbiased

    The Master Manipulator strikes again!

  42. Kevin Scheunemann


    Several of his supporters in comments praise him for his “non-practicing” Lutheran statements.

    When atheists praise you for leaving your religion behind, that is a clear sign you are not active and practicing, and do not have a strong relationship with Jesus.

    One can say they are Lutheran, but if their actions say otherwise, absent from regular worship and use of the means of grace, and openly saying they are non-practicing…that is a serious issue.

    Gary can say he believes in God, but his actions, and statements says he have a close, active, relationship with Jesus. With Scott Walker, there is evidence of that. Gary Johnson there is not.

    So “Christian in name only” may be good enough for your president candidate, not mine.

    So at that point, since all 3 candidates failed my analysis for evangeleical Christian in 2012, it became an issue consideration and whether a vote for Gary would be a vote for Obama consideration.

    Since I considered Obama the worst choice, Romney got the nod with my vote. Many evangeleical Christians reached same conclusion. There simply, was not a good Evangelical candidate in 2012.

  43. Kevin Scheunemann


    I’m still waitng for specific substantive proof of that

    “fire and brimstone crap” comment you made.


    “You hide behind yours. I use my Bible to lift people up. You use yours to hold people down.”

    “He’s just another hypocritical windbag hate monger hiding behind the bible.”

    I’ve responded to all your questions, why do you never respond to mine?

  44. Jadedly Unbiased

    As I said, Johnson himself never claimed to be a non-practicing Lutheran as you said. So, “I’ ll dismiss the remainder of your post for not having correct facts”.
    Gary Johnson’s admission he believes in God, is a Lutheran and was baptized as a Lutheran would mean, by the standards you have established concerning Mormons (Mitt Romney), Gary Johnson would have clearly been a more qualified “Christian”. Remember, you said Mormons aren’t Christians at all. So you are willing to compromise your religion for politics.

    “If your spirituality does not guide your politics, then you don’t have strong spirituality”
    “Strong Christian spirituality demands one declares certain actions as evil or wrong and look politicians that support the same”

    You really should practice what you preach.

  45. Jadedly Unbiased

    Libertarian or Republican?
    Evangelical Christian or Evangelical Lutheran?
    Support free speech or suppress free speech?
    Support fellow Christians or support Mormons?

    The double standards and failed justifications will continue until morals and ethics prevail.

  46. west bend observer

    I will say it is amusing to watch someone actually challenge KS with intelligent points. Problem is you can’t win, in all the years I have watched this site I have never seen KS admit to any wrong. He is the perfect human being that none of us thought existed. Bow to the king.

  47. Jadedly Unbiased

    Thank you observer. I will gracefully move on.

  48. Kevin Scheunemann


    You still have not answered my qustions about your harsh statements with any specific statements I made…especially the “fire and brimstone crap” comment.

    Does Gary Johnson attend church regularly?

    Does he avail himself of the use of the means of grace regularly?

    Does he read the bible and have devotion regularly?

    If the answer is “no” to all of those questions, that means his actions show his faith is on “hold”. (No one considers you “non-practicing” if answer is “yes” to all those questions.)

    When the atheist members of your party are praising you for putting your religious life aside in terms of actions, that is not something good evangelical Lutheran candidates should be hearing if they are truely evangelical and have an active relationship with Jesus.

    Mark Neuman, Jesse Kremer, Duey Stroebel, and Scott Walker, we can answer “Yes” to those questions. All 4 of them demonstrate it in action.

  49. Kevin Scheunemann

    West Bend Observer,

    Thanks for the comments.

    I’ve never run into a liberal that admits wrong either.

    Ever since my experieces at UW-Milwaukee, I’ve always wanted to be as committed as a liberal. The only change I made from the UW-Milwaukee liberal paradigm I learned was to be correct on the correct side of the issues.

    So I take that as a compliment.

  50. Jadedly Unbiased

    It is shameful, absolutely shameful, so many good hard working conservatives and Christians stand idle in the face of intolerance. I recall a time when the bible was used to justify slavery, segregation and interracial marriage. Faced with the horrendous acts of a few radical Muslims some among us choose to demonize an entire religion using the bible as their platform. I refuse to let history repeat itself in the hands of fashionable or popular modern bigotry. Holding people accountable can be accomplished without restricting speech. Speak out against the hate conservatives and Christians weren’t meant to promote.

    Probably not as graceful as some would have hoped.

  51. Kevin scheunemann

    Speaking against a false religion is not same thing as demonizing the people of the religion.

    I suggest reading “Dreams and Visions: How Jesus is appearing to the Muslim world.”

    That will give you a great grounding on how Jesus is appearing and converting Muslims in record numbers (the hope for the Muslim world.). The book also reflects the hopelessness of the average Muslim and the barbaric nature of Islam in full Sharia law practice especially on women.

    If we stand by, as Christians, and say Islam is just dandy, for the expediency of not challenging the false/evil paradigm, we deny the work of the truth.

  52. Jadedly Unbiased

    Blah blah blah…years of the same old song and dance. People really are getting bored with it.

  53. Kevin Scheunemann

    That is your “Christian” response to an imporant worldwide problem?

  54. Jadedly Unbiased

    The problem is limited to some extremists not the religion as a whole. However, some people will beat the drum of intolerance until their hands bleed.
    Join Pastor Eric at the Peace United Church of Christ in Kewaskum. He occasionally holds “The Jesus Fatwah: Love Your (Muslim) Neighbor As Yourself” for those with Islamaphobia. Did you know Jesus is a Prophet in the Muslim religion?

  55. Kevin Scheunemann


    True Muslim believers in Mohammed, the Koran, and other sacred Muslim texts, are the so-called “radicals”.

    Like I said before, if the Muslim is not adovocating the ISIS style violence, they are either ignorant of what there true Muslim faith calls for, or lying about their Muslim faith (which is a primary principle of Islam to the infidel).

    I agree Muslims can be converted. However, we should not be ignorant of what Islam truly stands for, and not give an impression Islam has the truth.

    There is a great Christian Project in Africa called “Faith comes by hearing” where the organization puts the New Testament, orally on a solar power box, in native languages. It can be used up to 3000 times. Many Muslim villages accept it when the Christian missionaries tell them they are leaving the Al-Ingil (what Muslims call the New Testament). It is getting very good results. The “Faith comes by Hearing” group are finding out after coming back that many Muslims who convert to Christianity, said they were just Muslim in name only and did not understand their religion and now understand their faith in Jesus.

    So when we talk “Muslim” we are talking the true, violent believers, not the ones that say they are Muslim, but really are not Muslim.

    When Islam denies Jesus as Savior, redeemer, and his deity, they reject the truth.

    If you are a member of Peace, that explains the “Christian” conflict between us. Have you read your national church body (UCC) web site? Openly supporting pre-born baby killing, not only that, but supports federal tax funding of pre-born baby killing, suportive of gay marriage, throwing out the 6th commandment by saying its OK to live together in a sexual relationship without being legaly married, supporting evolution (throwing out Creation, throws out THE Fall of man into sin and the very need for Christ to redeem you from sin), denies the bible is inerrant, supports other sinful decisions which leads on away from Christ. I’m hoping the members of your church bring some proper biblical doctrine back to your national church body. Or at least encourage your national leadrs to read the bible.

  56. Jadedly Unbiased

    Did I say I was a member of that church? Your assumptions are amusing. Just found a close location for your convenience. However, many Churches in the Kewaskum community have similar programs. I could refer you to one if your interested. Wait, I forgot, only YOUR church has the answers. I am sure local congregations, as well as, other community members you’d love to hear your opinions on this matter. A “town hall meeting” should be scheduled. I’m sure you could arrange that. You could be the key note speaker! I’m sure between your opinions and an art exhibit centered on negative depictions of the Muslim faith and their Prophet you would be a big hit. Don’t forget to invite the liberal media to insure you reach an even wider audience. Did I mention Jesus is a Prophet in the Muslim religion?

  57. Kevin Scheunemann


    Did say, “IF, you are a member of that church…”

    Yes, you did mention Jesus is a prophet in Islam, but the other “sacred” texts of Islam deny his teachings, deny his divinity, deny his redemption as Savior, so it really does not matter that Islam says Jesus is prophet if the other rest of the texts of Islam rejects everything Jesus said and did. Islam certainly, openly, rejects the golden rule. The Muslim idea as Jesus as prophet, is only functional as an inroad to get Muslims to convert to Christianity. Otherwise, true Islam, rejects Jesus in every substantive manner.

  58. Jadedly Unbiased

    Really, you didn’t say “I’m hoping the members of YOUR church bring some proper biblical doctrine back to YOUR national church body”? All that was hinged on “IF”?’ Rhetoric, more rhetoric. Does any other text besides the Bible dictate your spirituality. I believe the Qur’on dictates Muslim spirituality. However, with your vast knowledge of other unnamed “sacred” text you must have the answers.

  59. west bend observer

    I think Owen needs to post one area for you two to debate so we don’t have to bounce between posts to be entertained. I know KS will never give an inch so I must see how long JU can hang.

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