Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0716, 10 Oct 14

Palermo Controversy Over – If it Ever Existed

And so it ends with a whimper.

Workers at Palermo Villa Inc., the holding company that owns Milwaukee-based Palermo’s Pizza, were scheduled to vote on Aug. 14 on whether to form a union, but the employees withdrew their request from the voting process back in July, according to a recent memo from the National Labor Relations Board to Palermo Villa.

“We have received confirmation from the National Labor Relations Board that the group seeking to form a union at Palermo’s has voluntarily withdrawn its request for a vote. We are glad that this effort has now ended,” Giacomo Fallucca, chief executive officer of Palermo Villa, said in a statement.

After all of the false accusations and screaming by outside activists who were using the Palermo workers for their own political ends, the workers at Palermo don’t want a union at all. They never did.


0716, 10 October 2014

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Will Tom Barrett ever apologize for his shameful, anti-jobs, war on this company?

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