Boots & Sabers

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1207, 30 Sep 14

MJS Reporter Silenced at Burke Event

One would think we would see this in the MJS as a story, but wow

A veteran reporter for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel said Monday she was prevented from talking to the crowd during an event at which First Lady Michelle Obama spoke.

Michelle was appearing Monday on behalf of Wisconsin Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke.

The reporter, Meg Kissinger, said she was “creeped out” by the Orwellian encounter with officials from the White House and the Burke campaign. She posted her frustration on her Facebook page:


1207, 30 September 2014

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Mary Burke campaign should put on the campaign banner:

    “Wrong thinking will be punished. Right thinking will be rewarded.”

    I still can’t believe any news reporter would tolerate that censorship by Burke!

    If the Walker campaign did that, there would be liberals in the streets carrying torches and pitch forks calling for Walker’s immediate resignation, this includes the MSJ, which should be renamed Milwaukee’s Pravda.

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