Boots & Sabers

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1800, 15 Sep 24

We’re Becoming a Nation of Deadbeats

Yes, if you refuse to even try to repay your debts, you are a deadbeat and a pretty crappy person. You should be shunned.

However, data from a Civic Science student loan study revealed that more than one-third of Americans are saying they don’t plan on making any repayments — a number that increases to 50% for lower-income respondents who are making less than $25,000 annually.

The study also highlighted that, since the repayments resumed last October, only 33% of Americans have actually resumed regular payments of their student loans.


1800, 15 September 2024

1 Comment

  1. Tuerqas

    Yeah, I (along with many others, no doubt) called that one. If I had student loans now, why repay them if the Dems are just going to keep trying to pay them for me? More simple self interest than deadbeathood in my opinion. Trump has declared bankruptcy what, 7 times? And why did he do that, it was financially expedient. It is simply good business in the world today to not pay what may soon be written off for you.

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