Boots & Sabers

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0809, 10 May 24

Wisconsin Supreme Court to Decide Fewest Cases in 40 Years

Is this a problem? I rather like a minimalist court. Although it does seem that this particular court is usurping power and running roughshod over the Constitution where they choose.

It would be the first time the court has issued fewer than 40 decisions in a term in at least four decades.


According to Ball’s analysis, the court filed more than 130 decisions in its 1980-81 term and has generally fluctuated between 40 and 100 per term in subsequent years. Before the late 1970s and the creation of the court of appeals, the state Supreme Court often filed more than 200 decisions per term and sometimes more than 300.



The number of petitions for review has dropped significantly. The court received 658 petitions in its 2020-21 term, 624 in 2021-22 and 573 in 2022-23. According to a March 2024 report from the court, 332 petitions have been filed in the current term.

“In addition to a smaller number of petitions for review, the justices have clearly decided that fewer of the petitions merit acceptance. Why that might be is harder to say,” Ball said.

It is interesting that there are so few petitions. Does this indicate a lack of confidence in the court? Maybe. Maybe it’s just coincidence.


0809, 10 May 2024


  1. dad29

    Nah. What it means, given the composition of that bunch, is that they have a very, very, very hard time making the word “NO” in the Constitution turn into “YES” for their purposes.

    That takes time, ya’know.

  2. Merlin

    I would encourage them to do as little (damage) as possible.

  3. Tuerqas

    I would say half of the people have lots of confidence but you do get half the petitions so it makes sense there are less cases.

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