Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

1904, 06 Jan 24

Secretary of Defense Hospitalized for Days Before Anyone Notified

This is a severe national security issue and a massive failure of professionalism. Biden should sack Austin immediately.

CNN — 

President Joe Biden was not aware for days that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was hospitalized, a source familiar with the matter told CNN.

National security adviser Jake Sullivan ultimately informed Biden late Thursday afternoon, soon after Sullivan himself learned that Austin had been hospitalized, that source said. Austin was admitted to the hospital on New Year’s Day due to complications from an elective surgery.

The Pentagon announced the hospitalization Friday. Austin issued his first statement Saturday, five days after being admitted to the hospital, saying he could have done a “better job” of notifying the public.


Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks periodically assumed the duties of the defense secretary while she was on vacation in Puerto Rico during the time Austin was hospitalized, two US officials said. Hicks had arrived in Puerto Rico prior to Austin’s hospitalization.


1904, 06 January 2024


  1. dad29

    It’s follow the leader. Nobody in the Cabinet takes “governing the country” seriously. They know the election was a fraud and therefore their “offices” are held fraudulently.

    So it’s Do Whatever-the-F*** you want to do time.

  2. Jason

    I’m just an IT architect, and I do work remote over 90% of my work week… but if I were were not doing my job for a few days and it wasn’t planned leave… a lot of people would know. This administration is so mismanaged from the top. We’ve got this, we’ve got a top TSA director who was just arrested for forgery and elderly abuse, and we’ve got that panty-sniffing luggage thief repeat offender. All in the last few months.

  3. MjM

    Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks periodically assumed the duties of the defense secretary while she was on vacation in Puerto Rico during the time Austin was hospitalized, two US officials said.

    Some trying to nail Hicks for staying on vacay, but even she wasn’t told of the hospitalization until Friday. She made plans to return, then was told Austin would be out Saturday and resume his duty.

    Biden should sack Austin immediately.

    Biden should sack himself immediately.

  4. dad29

    they should claw back whatever salary the Sec Def is paid

    In THIS Administration, the question is “Paid by Whom?”

    Can we claw back money paid by Red China? Abu Dhabi? Qatar? Boeing? Rockwell? BAE?

  5. Mar

    So, he had elective surgery.
    Which is generally disallowed in the military.
    And it appears the surgery didn’t go so well.
    So, what was the surgery in the first place?
    Sex change?
    Considering how woke Austin, that has to be asked.

  6. Tuerqas

    >They know the election was a fraud and therefore their “offices” are held fraudulently.

    They most certainly do not! Elitists always fully believe that the ends justify the means when it comes to them. They KNOW they deserve what they got and if there was a little extra curriculars in the voting they also know they just cheated better than the other side. Because both sides must have cheated, right? Because this is a virtually universal truth: All uncaring, unsympathetic, selfish people judge others after their own hearts. If they had any empathy or ability to look at others objectively, they would not be uncaring or unsympathetic.
    It still amuses me no end that liberals took the moniker of elitists rather than ‘the elite’ years ago. Intelligentsia my ass.

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