Boots & Sabers

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1757, 04 Jun 23

“Rainbow Capitalism”

Can’t win, eh. This is why I prefer companies that just keep their noses out of activism in any form. Sure, sell the merchandise targeted at the LGBTQ community, but just sell it like all of the other products. When you make a point of getting into activism, it cuts both ways.

Heather Hester told Fox Digital that Target’s reaction confirmed that the organization was ‘in this just for the money,’ and that the company’s recent actions are a ‘huge betrayal’ to the LGBTQ community.


‘Rainbow capitalism is essentially, you know, selling Pride products for profit and not necessarily standing behind the community with support,’ said Hester. ‘That’s what happened, right? There are a lot of things that go into that, but that is what happened at the end of the day.’


Target has lost market value since it viral videos showed its LGBTQ clothing – including ‘tuck-friendly’ gear – on sale in stores.


1757, 04 June 2023


  1. Jason

    I remember when I was naive enough to think a business works do something not for profit but for the greater good. Then I watched poor Ralph get his decoder ring and his first secret message was to drink more Ovaltine.

  2. Mar

    Meanwhile, on a Saturday night in Chicago, 19 people were shot and 3 people were killed.
    And the priority of the dumbass mayor is gay pride month.
    Liberals are such racists.

  3. MjM

    Sure, sell the merchandise targeted at the LGBTQ community,

    Especially 4-yr olds, eh?

  4. jonnyv

    MJM. Last time I checked 4 year olds can’t buy clothing. So maybe their PARENTS bought it for them. It sounds like you think that you know better than someone’s parents on what they should wear. I thought everyone here agreed that the PARENTS know best. Not corporations or schools??? Interesting take.

    FYI. We took our kids (11 & 13) to the Milwaukee Gay Pride Parage this weekend. My 11 year old daughter loved it. My 13 year old was a teenager and literally slept during the parade. Kohls was a huge supporter, maybe time for people to protest them and stop buying from Kohls. LOL.

    We all know that corporations take the easy way out and do the cost free LGBTQ+ support of changing their Twitter image, it is lip service usually at best. It is appreciated, but so very minimal.

    Happy Gay Pride Month.

  5. MjM

    JV does more “research”: So maybe their PARENTS bought it for them.

    Figured that out, didja?

    “Maybe” it was uncle Sue.

    As 4-yr olds, not to mention infants and all other toddlers, cannot make purchases nor consent willingly to be participants in the demented LGBTQ+P+P “community”, Target, et al, are of course targeting degenerates who are looking to sexualize children and who are legally able to purchase such clothing.

    And yes, that includes parents, like you, who take their 11 and 13-yr old daughters to Pervert Parades.

  6. dad29

    Target, et al, are of course targeting degenerates who are looking to sexualize children and who are legally able to purchase such clothing.

    And yes, that includes parents, like you, who take their 11 and 13-yr old daughters to Pervert Parades.

    Grave psychological disorders.

    One wonders if JV took his daughters to a Memorial Day parade, or to the VA cemetery. Did JV want his daughters to learn about what homosexuals DO to each other for sexual gratification? Did his wife want that?

  7. Jason

    I’m quite sure his wife has been wanting sexual gratification for a long , long time.

  8. Merlin

    Doesn’t look like that ‘rainbow capitalism’ is working out all that well for its larger corporate participants. It will take a few months, but heads are going to roll bigly for the destruction of very carefully cultivated branding and considerable market share losses. I’m amazed at how quickly and thoroughly A-B’s Bud Light brand immolated. That’s got to be a record. There was no organized boycott. Didn’t need to be one because people simply spoke with their wallets in a rather visceral reaction. Looks like for now money still talks louder than tie-dye. A-B might have to kill that brand just to mitigate damage to their other brands.

    Makes you wonder how many other major corporations quietly canceled similar marketing campaigns rather than suffer the fate of Bud Light’s brand annihilation. It’s much cheaper to eat the cost of shelving a campaign than suffering market share losses, but I still marvel at the idiocy of these corporate decision makers. They really do not understand their clientele. That is THE cardinal sin of business. Capitalism (the real kind) teaches hard lessons from time to time.

  9. jonnyv

    Dad29. When you go to the Memorial Day parades, do you explain in detail the human atrocities that some of our soldiers committed? Rape, Murder, Torture? I sure hope you do explain that to all the kiddies nearby. When you go to church, do you talk with the children about all of the perverted things that the catholic church covered up? Do you talk in great detail about the molestation of young men and women at the hands of the priests?

    I figured there was a statistically less likely chance for my kid to get inappropriately touched by a man in a flamboyant outfit at the Pride Parade than a church.

    It was my wife’s idea to go to the parade. We had friends in the parade and met some other families down there. We go to show support for friends and members of the community. In general, I detest all parades, never enjoyed them. So it wouldn’t have been my suggestion, but it was very family friendly… and if it weren’t, we would have had that conversation with our kids. Pretty simple.

    Merlin, no doubt that the backlash caused A-B’s Bud Light to plummet in market share. But my guess is that the stock will recover in a few months time (maybe not the drinkers, they may move to another shitty beer replacement). And now we have a bunch of copycats trying to get that same social media bump with places. The Target issue barely made a blip compared to AB. And people will look at the target stock price and claim some sort of victory when actually the entire sector is struggling and they had a bad earnings call. :shrug: Merlin, market loses are usually temporary. It is possible that other corps shelved campaigns, we won’t know. But again, this is temporary. Next year will probably be back to what it has been for years past as this topic is replaced by another outrage-du-jour.

  10. Merlin

    The great unwashed American masses might have figured out that consumer activity has a direct impact on where investors place their money. Although most people fail to recognize it we all get to make our opinions known with our wallets every day. That cash register level influence speaks much in boardrooms than the tie-dyed noise out on their sidewalks. Nothing speaks louder than money.

    Publicly traded corporations are beholden to both investors and consumers. Try convincing A-B’s investors that they should continue to suffer losses you’re personally convinced are just temporary. Try convincing CEOs that they should suffer a corporate crucifixion in support of social devolution not supported by consumers… and in turn, investors. Good luck with that.

  11. dad29

    The Target issue barely made a blip compared to AB.

    Two weeks into it.

    Transweiser is three-plus months into it.

    That said, Tar-Gay’s stock may recover. How are their same-store sales numbers doing, month-to-month?

    As to what I tell my children: they know that Memorial Day honors US soldiers who died doing their duty for the US in battle. They are not being honored for violating the Geneva Conventions. But ‘honoring’ homosexuals/lesbians implicitly honors what they do. As to telling the kids about the homosexual assaults on teenage boys perpetrated by homosexual predators under the ‘watchful eye’ of homosexual Bishops, Archbishops, and Cardinals…….

    You have your answer. But by all means, keep honoring them!

  12. dad29

    And we DO explain “sin” to our children. Very helpful to have a grasp of that concept, JV.

  13. Merlin

    >That said, Tar-Gay’s stock may recover. How are their same-store sales numbers doing, month-to-month?

    Oh, yes. Numbers! Lefties don’t like numbers. They just don’t get the feels from numbers. Fiduciary responsibilities? Not a concept they care to understand.

    Look for shareholder lawsuits to commence any time now.

  14. jonnyv

    Dad29. You are highlighting the “homosexual” part hard. But there were young women abused to. Not to the extent of the boys, but still the same pain. And if you think it was all gay bishops and such covering it up??? You are just flat out looney. It was covered up by ALL LEVELS of the church by a lot of people who were out to cover their own ass. But sure, if it helps you sleep at night to just say it was all “the gays”, sleep well in denial.

    And some of the US Soldiers who died also committed these atrocities, So by fact, you are honoring those members too then.

    And I will continue to celebrate a minority community who fought (and are still fighting) for their equal rights. As I would do with many other groups.

    Any group of people you honor or support will have bad apples. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t support the group. I don’t blame you for supporting the church, I know plenty of people who are upstanding citizens that go to church. I also know plenty of upstanding citizens who lead an alternative sexual lifestyle to my own. What 2 consenting adults do in their bedroom is of no business to me. But the simple answer is that if you think less of a person or don’t believe in equal rights because they are LGBTQ+… you are a bigot.

  15. Tuerqas

    >Oh, yes. Numbers! Lefties don’t like numbers. They just don’t get the feels from numbers. Fiduciary responsibilities? Not a concept they care to understand.

    It is not that they do not like numbers, they just do not understand them. Just look at the lefty approved deficit and its continued healthy growth.

    >I thought everyone here agreed that the PARENTS know best. Not corporations or schools??? Interesting take.
    If a parent is dressing their children in an outfit that supports a non-racial 5% of the population minority group with morals a-typical to the vast majority of the population, yes, I do question that parent’s judgment. I think fewer and fewer people know best these days…and the ones who do are the marginalized people today. I see all kinds of legislation and ‘moral pushes’ for the LGBTQ, but literally no one in power has the time of day for any sort of common sense concerning fiscal responsibilities, no matter the much larger percentage of the population very concerned over it. And libs fall for it every time. Look at the shiny unimportant issue and ignore us spending yours and your children’s future on making us richer and more imbedded in your life.

    >FYI. We took our kids (11 & 13) to the Milwaukee Gay Pride Parage this weekend. My 11 year old daughter loved it.
    So did she love the girl on girl action that you told her about or just the pretty colors?

    >When you go to church, do you talk with the children about all of the perverted things that the catholic church covered up?
    So you judge all churches after the sins of some Catholic officials? Not a surprising liberal position, sadly enough.

    >Dad29. When you go to the Memorial Day parades, do you explain in detail the human atrocities that some of our soldiers committed? Rape, Murder, Torture?
    If that is what you think is or should be the meaning of Memorial Day, you are pretty hopeless. The vast majority of young men that went to war to secure your way of life and safety (from the outside) of your children did no rape or torture, though they were probably murderers based on what your definition likely is. If you emphasize the torturing, raping murdering soldiers to your children on Memorial Day, the Catholic raping Priests on Sundays, and then glorify pride fest people to them, what kind of skewed views of life are your children going to have? NO!!! Based on your comments here I do not think parents know best if you are one. Agreeing that they do not know better than corporations and schools means nothing. It sets the limbo bar too low for a vole to get under it.

    Mr. liberal is very willing to judge every group not by the vast majority of their work, but by the vast minority of its members who betrayed the meaning of their group. I guess that makes sense too. No one is important to a liberal unless they are a minority or a part of the liberal hive mind. Any majority is always evil to the lib mind unless they are also a minority somehow. Example.
    12.5% of the US population is black: minority so important.
    Though they are but 12.5% of the US population, the majority of all US murders are committed by African Americans: Majority so unimportant.

  16. jonnyv

    T. My comments were in response to Dad29 asking if I was going to graphicly explain the sex lives of the LGBTQ community. I assume that he does that with the church and vets then, gets right down to the graphic details. Or maybe he just gets into the graphic details of everyone’s sex life that he sees in a parade? How am I to know? Because man, it REALLY seems like lately the right wants to get way too involved in what is happening in people pants.

    “morals a-typical to the vast majority”??? What are you even talking about. Just because a majority don’t practice it, doesn’t make it against their morals. Last time I checked a MAJORITY of Americans believed in gay marriage. I am a married straight man, doesn’t mean that homosexuality is against my morals. Just not something I practice. Because if we want to be honest, everything happening in a gay bedroom is happening somewhere in a straight bedroom, go ahead and use your imagination. Or the internet… it is out there for you to find if you have questions.

    My 11 year old special needs daughter doesn’t understand sexuality at all, so she loved all the beautiful colors and flamboyant people. My 13 year old son completely understands that we were there to show support to a community that is currently being attacked (we would have been there regardless of current events). And that if consenting people want to be together, we support it. And anyone who tries to stop that is a bigot. Pretty simple. You can morally disagree with their lifestyle, but if you try to inhibit their human rights… that is a problem.

    You bring up fiscal responsibility and lay it at the feet of the left. But I don’t see any R’s that are seriously addressing it either. That ship has sailed for both parties. Everyone is now just trying to see how much they can get from the piggy bank before it breaks.

  17. dad29

    There is no right to do wrong, pal. None. No matter the libertarian perversion of philosophy pushed over the last 50 years, SCOTUS or not. Homosexual practice is wrong. End of story. Same applies to abortion.

    So happens I know quite a few homosexuals and lesbians. We get along fine as PEOPLE; they have HUMAN rights, not PERVERT rights……a difference you may never understand–or more likely, one you will refuse to understand. Oh, well.

    Your remarks about the Church’s problem display more than a little ignorance, but we’re used to that from you. The vast majority of the attacks were homosexual: 85%++ as I recall. And gee, there are only Bishops and Cardinals supervising priests, or Superiors in various orders. Ratzinger/B-16 started throwing out the bad apples–JPII simply (and erroneously) did not believe the stories.

  18. jonnyv

    Glad you are here to give EVERYONE your moral authority. Probably based on that book of fables you believe. Oh well.

  19. MjM

    JV squeeeeels: Because man, it REALLY seems like lately the right wants to get way too involved in what is happening in people pants.

    This from a so-called “father” who happily plunks his children down in front row seats for viewing LGBTQ+P+P debauchery, completely ignorant of the fact that the majority in the show are mentally skewed deviants looking to get into his kids’ pants be it ideologically, medically, or physically. ,

    And that if consenting people want to be together, we support it.

    Good to know you support your 13-yr old consenting getting dicked by the PE teacher because he knows you’re cool with it.

    Speaking of which, when you drop your kids off at your public school do you talk with your children about all of the perverted things that the public schools covered up? Do you talk in great detail about the hundreds per year molestations of young boys and girls at the hands of the public school teachers, principles, and diversity staff?

    Well, of course not. Obviously you support it all.

    I mean, as long as it’s not a Catholic doing it.

  20. jonnyv

    MJM, 13 yo can’t give their consent legally. Your point is invalid.

    And the fact that you think that a majority of LGBTQ people are trying to get in an underage kids pants says more about you and your perversions.

  21. dad29

    Happy to oblige you, JV. It’s clear that your exposure to morality was very limited. Education is good for you.

  22. jonnyv

    Dad29, that is a funny statement coming from someone who seems to have taken their entire morality stance from one book of made up stories.

  23. MjM

    JV scolds: 13 yo can’t give their consent legally. Your point is invalid.

    Re-read what you wrote. Note the lack of any legality stressed in the consent you fully support.

    And the fact that you think that a majority of LGBTQ[+P+P] people are trying to get in an underage kids pants ….

    As mentioned previously, you are completely ignorant. Even the UN is claiming sex with kids is perfectly fine.

    … says more about you and your perversions.

    Yeah, because I’m the one who forced his children to sit and watch narcissistic sex perverts shake their stinky asses in their young little faces.


    But you have.

  24. Merlin

    >MJM, 13 yo can’t give their consent legally. Your point is invalid.

    How is an objection to the sexualization of children invalid? People who are generally tolerant of adult alternative behaviors will absolutely gut anyone for pushing any kind of uninvited sexualization on their children. Lines are being crossed that just invite significant defensive reactions. There is no quicker way to piss people off than posing any kind of perceived threat to their children. This has the potential to become very, very ugly.

  25. dad29

    This has the potential to become very, very ugly.

    There are plenty of memes around the ‘net which depict a wood chipper-grinder as perfect punishment for pedophiles. Some of the people who post them are very serious. On the other hand, violence is far more common from Lefties than Righties.

  26. MjM

    How is an objection to the sexualization of children invalid?

    Because the pervs and pedos – and all those, like JV, who happily and voluntarily assist them – wish it to be.

    An updated bill in California has introduced the inclusion of “affirming” a child’s sexual transition as a requirement for parental responsibility and child welfare. This means that failing to affirm transgenderism for a child would be considered abusive according to the proposed California State Family Code. AB 957 successfully passed California’s State Assembly on May 3….

    The above was introduced by CA assembly member nutball Lori Wilson who claims her daughter is a boy, and co-sponsored by this sick fuck.

    And as I noted earlier, because the sexualization of children is being pushed by the UN.

    Moreover, sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual, in fact, if not in law. In this context, the enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacity of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual sexual conduct

    Because the sexualization of children means Huge Money.

    Sex change attempts frequently carry hefty price tags, with those attempting to change their sex sometimes paying over $100,000. Puberty blockers can cost up to $1,200 a month for injections and range all the way up to $18,000 for an implant. Hormones range in price, with some spending roughly $1,500 annually.

    Which is why…

    UCLA Health, which performs sex change operations on children, was one of the sponsors of the Los Angeles Pride Parade. …

    Among the sponsors of the Boston Pride Parade, for example, was Fenway Health, which offers “affirming care for trans and gender diverse youth.” ….

    Children’s Hospital and Medical Center of Omaha is set to host a drag queen story hour event. The hospital will also set up an information booth at the Heartland Pride Parade where attendees could learn about “adolescent medicine” and “gender affirming care.” ….

    Arkansas Children’s Hospital sponsored the Northwest Arkansas Pride Parade.….

    Vermont Pride Parade is sponsored by multiple entities that aid in sex changes, including the University of Vermont Medical Center. The University of Vermont Children’s Hospital, which is part of the Medical Center, has a “transgender youth program,” …

    That’s just the so-called “Do No Harm” industry. Now include public school$ and politician$.

    This has the potential to become very, very ugly.

    It’s already ugly. Frankly, It is beyond ugly. Pathetic. Disgusting. Sick.

    If you believe in evil, this is the very definition of it.

  27. dad29

    There is no quicker way to piss people off than posing any kind of perceived threat to their children.

    A couple of days ago, an angry mob of Lebanese-Americans were ready to obliterate some bunch of perverts in or near L.A. It’s only a matter of time before the Muslim-Americans decide to take action.

  28. dad29

    Great reason to increase funding for the UW System, no??

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