Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1811, 07 Aug 22

Democrats Pass Massive Tax and Spend Bill During Recession With Party Line Vote

Another knife in the back of our Republic.

The Senate on Sunday passed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) along party lines, 51-50, handing Democrats a crucial legislative win as the midterm cycle ramps up — despite GOP objections at the billions in spending and drug pricing reforms.


The sprawling climate, tax and health care legislation is now set up for quick passage in the Democratic-controlled House, with timing still to be announced, before President Joe Biden signs it into law.


1811, 07 August 2022


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Hard to pinpoint what is most evil about this bill, there is so much evil in this bill, but 87,000 new IRS agents harassing the poor and middle class tops it for me.

  2. dad29

    Well, Kevin, you’ll be the center of attention for about 30 of them. Make you feel better??

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