Boots & Sabers

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0817, 08 Jan 22

Ron Johnson to Run

Excellent! Johnson is the only Wisconsin Senator in a generation to actually work and try to keep government accountable. He gets in and does the grunt work on behalf of the state. Baldwin… Kohl… Feingold… lazy back benchers.

MADISON – Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin has decided to seek re-election to a third term, two Republicans with knowledge of the plan told The Associated Press on Friday.


The Republicans with knowledge of his plans were not authorized by Johnson to speak publicly about his intentions, but said he could announce as soon as early next week. Johnson did not return a text message or phone call seeking comment.


A Johnson candidacy would avoid a wide-open GOP primary in the narrowly divided swing state.

Johnson said in 2016 he would not run for a third time, but he later said circumstances changed when Democrats took full control of Congress and the White House.


0817, 08 January 2022


  1. Mar

    I like Johnson a lot and he has done some good things.
    My only problem. Is that made a campaign pro.ise to only run for 2 terms and I think that is a good thing.
    I would like to see if there is anyone else out there that is conservative and willing to run

  2. Le Roi du Nord

    rojo makes all sorts of false claims on all sorts of things; covid, Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection, etc., so why would anyone be surprised that he lied to us about only serving two terms?

  3. Mar

    I wouldn’t talk about honesty and making false claims, Lying Karen Le Roi. You have been caught lying here so many times, including 2 times in the past 2 days.

  4. Le Roi du Nord

    Wrong yet again, mar.

  5. Mar

    Wow,Lying Le Roi, you disown your own quote.
    You really a sick individual, a sociopath perhaps or maybe you are just trolling.
    Anyways, I sure hope you get some help very soon.

  6. Kevin Scheunemann

    Leave it to our horrible partisan leftist to make an idiotic comment. I think we should check the tape if he was at ACT 10 riots in Madison and treat him just like the idiots on Jan 6.

  7. dad29

    Can anyone REALLY be as idiotic as LeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy and still puddle cement successfully?

  8. Jason

    >Can anyone REALLY be as idiotic as LeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy and still puddle cement successfully?

    No but he can lean against a shovel just fine.

  9. Mar

    No, Jason, he would be the one who sticks his finger in the cement to see how it tastes but the cement dries too quickly and and he gets stuck in the concrete and his dog runs to get help from the fire department and the firefighters laugh at him and plaster his picture all over social media and then leave him stranded.

  10. Le Roi du Nord

    Ha, you clowns can’t find anything substantial to say, so you fabricate some nonsense to justify your existence. Same old stuff from you all.

    Why disparage folks that work with concrete? Because it takes skill and ability you don’t possess? Or because you are too lazy to do something requiring physical exertion?

    Save your time k, I wasn’t a participant in the Act 10 activities. I was working, keeping the water safe to drink, the safe to breathe for unappreciative fools like you.

  11. Le Roi du Nord

    “the air safe to breathe..”

  12. Jason

    1) The only one fabricating nonsense is you – look at how you incorrectly attributed my statement in the other discussion as wrong.
    2) No one has disparaged folks who work with concrete. You really can’t comprehend what you’re reading.
    3) You type like an idiot, and yet point out other people’s errors with the blindness of a fool.

    TLDR; Go fuck yourself loser.

  13. Mar

    Hey Lying Karen Pervert Le Roi, I already proved you are a liar, now, 3 times in 2 days.
    You are just a troll and you don’t work with Concrete, you just put your finger in concrete and then taste it it. You have the pica syndrome.

  14. MjM

    Nazi Nort claims sainthood: “ I was working, keeping the water safe to drink, the [the.. you know… the thing] safe to breathe…”

    All the shit and gas you spew has negated any such efforts 100 fold.

  15. MjM

    Nazi “Two Face” Nort complains: “ … so you fabricate some nonsense to justify your existence. Same old stuff from you all.”

    This from a self-proclaimed “king” who cheers the world’s most prolific fabricator.

    Le Chatte du Nord. FIFY.

  16. Le Roi du Nord

    No clowns, I have never, ever, cheered trump. Nor rojo, who is working hard to dethrone trump as the most prolific fabricator.

  17. Jason

    >No clowns, I have never, ever, cheered trump. Nor rojo, who is working hard to dethrone trump as the most prolific fabricator.

    I think MJM was talking about AOC getting her breakthrough Double Vaccinated and Boostered Covid, the only test she can pass. I’m sure she’ll get some Ivermectin from her Vet,,, after-all if the horseshoe fits… But it’s not surprising you didn’t understand that, the only one around here that’s dimmer than you is the new dark theme in Windows 10.

  18. MjM

    Le Chatte du Nord declares: “ I have never, ever, cheered trump…”

    Never said you did, numbnutz. We all know who you cheer. You said so yourself.

    You cheer the guy who for political purposes fabricated a story of his wife being killed by truck driver who “drank his lunch”.

    Cheerio, Chatte.

  19. Le Roi du Nord

    Jeez j, how much help do you need? mjm said that I cheer “the world’s prolific fabricator”. Obviously that can only be trump. Only you and mar come close to trump.

  20. Jason

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it every time you crap it out…. you cannot help me with anything. The fact that you’re still flailing around arguing and proving your inability to understand such simple concepts just reinforces your uselessness.

  21. Le Roi du Nord

    Finally we agree; you are beyond help (.”you cannot help me with anything”). Congrats on acknowledging your deficiencies.

  22. Tuerqas

    “Finally we agree; you are beyond help (.”you cannot help me with anything”). Congrats on acknowledging your deficiencies.”

    You really should know when to bow out instead of proving your misunderstanding of virtually everything written here by others, though based on that last I would possibly bet against you understanding what you write yourself. To clarify, though I am sure it will do no good, your quote above is missing one word that you even then included in your quote from Jason’s comment.

    Finally we agree; you are beyond MY help (.”YOU cannot help me with anything”). Congrats on acknowledging your deficiencies.

    Of course, correctly adding the word “my” totally changes the meaning. To be accurate your (Le Roi’s) second statement should have been: ‘Congrats on acknowledging my (Le Roi’s) deficiencies’ as he stated that you (Le Roi) could not help him and you proudly acknowledged it. English is a bitch for some people, I know.

  23. Jason

    >Finally we agree; you are beyond help

    I underestimated how unintelligent you are… again. Seems like every time you post you prove me wrong in that regard. Congrats, enjoy your ignorance, you have certainly earned it.

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