Boots & Sabers

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2145, 28 Feb 21

J&J Vaccine Approved


MILWAUKEE — On Saturday the FDA gave emergency use authorization to the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. This is the third vaccine to get the approval, including Pfizer and Moderna.


Doctors from UW Health and the Medical College of Wisconsin said the biggest problem right now in trying to get people vaccinated is that the supply just isn’t there. The approval a third COVID-19 should help get more shots into more arms quicker.


2145, 28 February 2021


  1. Mar

    I’m going to take Kamala Harris’s advice and not get a vaccine.

  2. Le Roi du Nord

    Here is what VP Harris actually said,

    “Democratic vice-presidential nominee Kamala Harris said on Wednesday that she would be “first in line” for a coronavirus vaccine — so long as it’s backed by American scientists, not only by President Donald Trump.

    “If the public-health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it — absolutely,” the California senator said during the first and only vice-presidential debate.

    “But if Donald Trump tells us we should take it, I’m not taking it.”

    Source: Business Insider

  3. dad29

    if Dr. Fauci… tell us that we should take it,…

    Then run like Hell!

  4. Mar

    You forgot this Troll Boy:
    “”But if Donald Trump tells us we should take it, I’m not taking it.””
    From the same article.
    And this why you are an uneducated dishonest troll

  5. Mar

    I take it back, you did say that, thus proving my point to begin with.
    Still an uneducated, dishonest troll.

  6. Le Roi du Nord

    Why am I an “uneducated, dishonest troll” , and not you? I correctly quoted VP Harris, you didn’t. That makes you the uneducated and dishonest one.

  7. Mar

    1. You admitted you are a troll.
    2. You refuse to show us how smart you are. Remember that little challenge, coward?
    3. You have a very long history of lying here.
    Lying, uneducated troll.
    Me, I’ve already stated my education history, I admitted my mistake (hey, remember when you said the fake doctor Jill Biden had a PhD? Well, you were wrong), so, that me far more honest than you, Troll boy.

  8. Mar

    Should have said: that makes me far more honest and educated than you, troll boy.
    Game, set match.

  9. Le Roi du Nord

    No mar, you are wrong again. And again. And again…….. And again.

    But let ‘s stick to this thread, little guy. You are the one that misquoted VP Harris, not me.

    And it is Dr. Jill Biden. Fixed it for you.

  10. Mar

    I guess I fed the troll and this is what I get: An uneducated lying, trolling narristict, cowardly response.
    Shame on me.

  11. Le Roi du Nord

    What’s the lie, mar? You misquoted VP Harris, not me?

  12. Mar

    Oh,poor,poor senile sociopath. You have been called out by me and others for lying here so many times.
    Come up with something original, Troll boy.
    But hey, those little boys you’ve molested will eventually lead a normal life… eventually.

  13. Le Roi du Nord

    Wrong again, mar. On all counts. Does it make you feel more manly, more accomplished, to make false accusations? Or is it just the sad little life you live?

  14. Mar

    Well, I’ll ask you the same question, do you feel a sense of accomplishment when you come here and lie about a person, make things up and flat out lie. Does it make you feel better when you refuse to engage in a conversation and just come here and troll?
    You don’t like people saying nasty things about you, too bad. I treat you the way you treat me.

  15. Mar

    And when will you admit you were wrong about the fake doctor Jill Biden?
    PhD? Wrong again.

  16. Le Roi du Nord

    Wrong again, mar. I have never, ever, called you or anyone else here the things you call me. Were you curious you could look it up.

    BTW: It is still Dr. Jill Biden. And you are still jealous.

  17. Mar

    I never you did, so you are lying again, Troll boy. But you treat everyone here like shit, so I treat you like shit. Don’t like it? Then act like a decent person.
    And you won’t even admit you made a mistake about the fake doctor. What an asshole.

  18. Mar

    Should have said “I never said you did”.
    Anyways, you’re just lying and trolling again.
    When was the last time you added anything useful to a conversation?

  19. Le Roi du Nord

    You sure did, mar. On this thread. Life must be a constant struggle for you.

  20. Mar

    “You sure did, mar. On this thread.”
    Show me where, Troll Boy.
    You’re just cannot help but lie.
    Get help, Troll Boy.

  21. Mar

    And Troll Boy, when are you going to admit you were wrong when you said the fake doctor Jill Biden has a PhD?

  22. Le Roi du Nord

    No mar, look for yourself, or is that beyond your abilities? Or just too lazy?

  23. Mar

    And Troll Boy gets caught lying about me again.
    Now you know who I treat you like the child molester you are.
    BTW, I did look.
    Now, go back molesting little boys.

  24. Le Roi du Nord


    Your inability , or unwillingness, to comprehend the written word gives me an unfair advantage in any “conversation “ with you. And that must be truly frustrating for you, resulting in all your false claims about me, or anyone else that disagrees with you. Is immature behavior a family trait in your clan?

  25. Mar

    Still won’t admit you’re lying about me, Troll Boy. I’m sure if you could find my quote, I know you would throw it right back in my face.
    Still won’t admit you are wrong about the fake doctor Jill Biden.
    You’re still just a lowly troll.
    Except, I guess, that insults the troll family.
    So, what is lower than a troll?
    The only thing I can come up with is a pervert.
    Do you enjoy playing the victim, even though your behavior is about as insulting as it can be.

  26. Le Roi du Nord

    “I treat you the way you treat me”. mar @ 0827

    “I have never, ever, called you or anyone else here the things you call me”. LdN @1727

    ““I never said you did”.” mar @ 1950.

    Bazinga !!

  27. Mar

    I never said you.called people nasty names. (President Trump the exception)
    I said you treat people like shit here.
    Big difference.
    You lose again, wife beater.

  28. Le Roi du Nord

    “I never said you.called people nasty names. ”

    Sure you did.

    “I treat you the way you treat me”.

    Or do you treat everyone the same, calling the perverts, deviants, pedophiles?

  29. Mar

    Still waiting for you to admit you were wrong about fake doctor Jill Biden having a PhD, cowardly narristict.

  30. Mar

    “Or do you treat everyone the same, calling the perverts, deviants, pedophiles?”
    Nope, just you. And you know that.
    You treat me like shit, so I do the same to you, Troll Boy.
    Don’t like it, change your ways.
    Otherwise, get used to it.

  31. Mar

    Since March 1, Troll Boy, you have submitted 17 posts or so.
    1 totally irrelevant hit piece on my Congressman which is 3 years old and the guy has been elected 2 times since then.
    The other proved my point of what Kamala Harris said.
    And 15 posts of hate of hate and lies.
    There maybe more, I just checked 2 articles.
    So, yeah, you’re the definition of a troll.

  32. Le Roi du Nord

    What you said: “I’m going to take Kamala Harris’s advice and not get a vaccine.”

    Here is what VP Harris actually said:

    “Democratic vice-presidential nominee Kamala Harris said on Wednesday that she would be “first in line” for a coronavirus vaccine — so long as it’s backed by American scientists, not only by President Donald Trump.

    “If the public-health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it — absolutely,” the California senator said during the first and only vice-presidential debate.

    “But if Donald Trump tells us we should take it, I’m not taking it.”

    You are truly in need of help.

    PS: It still is Dr. Jill Biden.

  33. Mar

    You are wrong as usual, Troll Boy. And to show how much of a ass hole you are, you still have admitted you were wrong when you said the the fake doctor Jill Biden has a PhD.
    She doesn’t have a PhD, Charmin.
    She has a doctorate of education, which is a fake degree..
    Now, admit you’re wrong, Charmin.

  34. Mar

    So, you’re now up to 16 posts of nonsense, hate and lying, Charmin.

  35. Mar

    “”But if Donald Trump tells us we should take it, I’m not taking it.””
    She just said she is not taking it.
    Maybe in your senile mind, you think she is saying “I am a political hack who hates President Trump and I will not take the vaccine because he had a huge part in getting the vaccine made and I am too much of a slut and a political whore, that I want to scare old people like Karen’s named Le Roi into not taking it.”
    That’s probably what you heard.

  36. Le Roi du Nord

    Wrong again, mar. Dr. Of Education is a real degree. You really are a slow learner.

    No mar, I provided accurate quotes, whereas you are just making stuff up. And you are delusional enough to think some folks might believe you.

  37. Mar

    No, Charmin, you said she has a PhD and she does not.
    Do you have a dead mule in your DNA?
    Because I keep whipping your ass.

  38. Mar

    “Charmin on February 19, 2021 at 4:30 pm
    Wrong again, mar. Jill Biden has a real PhD from a real University. You jealous, or intimidated by a smart woman?”
    From Wiki: “In January 2007, at age 55, she received a Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in educational leadership from the University of Delaware under the direction of professor Barbara Curry.”
    Game Set Match.
    You are wrong Charmin.
    Now admit it.

  39. Mar

    Now, Charmin, you are up to 17 posts of trolling.

  40. Le Roi du Nord

    And you are just as ridiculous and untruthful as ever.

  41. Mar

    18 posts for Charmin.

  42. Mar

    And ladies and gentlemen, you just saw the words of the loser, Charmin.
    Uneducated. Cowardly. Lying. Narristict. Vile. Hateful.
    Charmin the ass wipe has spoken that he is a loser.

  43. Le Roi du Nord

    And you have 27 posts on this thread alone (most with untruthful claims). What is your point? That you can count?

  44. Mar

    19 posts for Charmin of nothing but lies , vile and hate and stupidity.
    And yet I also posted on other subjects, ass wipe.
    You haven’t.
    Troll, Troll, Troll.

  45. Mar

    And Charmin still refuses to admit he was wrong about the fake doctor, Jill Biden and not getting a PhD.
    What an ass wipe.
    To call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people! I’ve known sheep that could outwit you. My wife wore dresses with higher IQs.

  46. Le Roi du Nord

    And you still keep on calling her degree “fake”. It never was, and still isn’t. And you are still insanely jealous.

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