Boots & Sabers

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1103, 07 Nov 20

Media Declares Joe Biden Victory

I guess we’re done counting now that the “right” guy won.

Joe Biden has been elected the 46th president of the United States, denying Donald Trump a second term after a deeply divisive presidency defined by a once-in-a-century pandemic, economic turmoil and social unrest.

Bidenwon the presidency by clinching Pennsylvania and its 20 electoral votes on Saturday morning, after days of counting votes and record turnout across the country. The win in Pennsylvania took Biden’s electoral college vote to 284, surpassing the 270 needed to win the White House.

I am not one to ascribe a conspiracy when normal incompetence will suffice as an explanation, but I do firmly believe that this election was stolen. The dead people voting in Michigan and Pennsylvania; the convenient ballot drops with 100% Biden votes in big cities; the unwillingness of officials to be transparent; the statistical improbability that almost ever “mistake” favored Biden; the unbelievable turnout for a candidate who generated zero excitement… it’s too much.

Now, I also believe that the nation is quite evenly divided and that the cheating would have not worked if the results were more lopsided. The cheating works in states where the results can be swayed by a few thousand of votes and there were several of them this cycle.

All told, though, I’m pretty happy with the results of the election irrespective of how the presidential race ends up. The GOP did well in the states (important for redistricting), retained the U.S. Senate, gained in the House, has a majority of governorships… overall, not bad considering that the media was predicting a Blue Wave.



1103, 07 November 2020


  1. dad29

    The PA re-count/lawsuit may also elect three MORE pubbies to the House, making it a tie there.  Big “MAY” but that would be fun to watch.

  2. jonnyv

    Not a lot of excitement for Biden, but plenty against Trump. Just imagine what happens if we get a candidate we are excited about.

    This election was not stolen. It was given to us by Trump and his rhetoric and hate.Even a mildly likable person would have won.

    We didn’t get everything that we wanted, but we have a chance at the Senate. Very slim, but possible.

    Oh, and claims of cheating… loser talk. Have fun with that.

  3. Mar

    “Oh, and claims of cheating… loser talk.”
    Well, that would be liberals for the past 4 years.

  4. Pat

    And were the dead people’s vote counted?
    Who did the dead people vote for?

  5. jsr

    If we are to believe that election fraud gave Biden the presidency, how is it that the Democrats did not also take the senate and seem to have actually lost seats in the house?

  6. Jason

    A similar question to jsr’s.. all the lead up the day of, we heard from so many “experts” and talking heads like Chuck Todd.. that the split ballot is extremely rare… so how did they not win the Senate?

  7. Kevin Scheunemann

    Shame on Biden voters for not taking the interests of all the Cuban and Venzuelan people in exile in FL that voted for Trump.   They risked their lives to escape socialist hell, and we, as a nation willingly surrender the office of the Presidency to the awful socialist agenda?

    I feel sorry for that miniority group.  I guess freedom loving Hispanic Patriots are now below white Christian men on the leftist victim heirarchy in terms of societal treatment.



  8. Mar

    “how is it that the Democrats did not also take the senate and seem to have actually lost seats in the house?”
    All politics is local except the left’s extreme hatred of President Trump.
    And there are states that were contested, like PA, NV and Wisconsin, there were no senate races.
    And in MI, GA, and AZ, the Democrats the Democrats either won or forced a run off.
    As far as the House, those are statewide races but more local races and are counted locally.

  9. Mar

    So, what’s the over/under for Biden staying in office?
    6 months, a year, the whole term or less than 6 months?

  10. Pat

    What was that on Trump bumper stickers about feelings??

  11. dad29

    It was given to us by Trump and his rhetoric and hate.Even a mildly likable person would have won.

    Taken directly from the Book of Sykes, as interpreted by Wiggy the raised-pinky NeoCon.  Both–no coincidence–ex-Lefties, or so they say.


  12. jonnyv

    Mar, I lost a steak bet to a close friend on that same bet with Trump. I said that he would either get impeached or just give up by year 3. So… I wouldn’t make the same bet with Biden.

    Owen, if you want to talk about passion, just surf social media. There are literally people DANCING IN THE STREETS of most of our major cities in the US right now.

  13. dad29

    how is it that the Democrats did not also take the senate

    They don’t need a (D) majority in the Senate.  McConnell and several other Senators (Graham Crackers, Sasse the Intellectualoid, Romney the Pious e.g.) are firmly opposed to the America First agenda and by the way are also firmly attached in obscene ways to the Deep State.

    Think for even one SECOND that the Senate will aggressively push investigations of Comey, Brennan, Biden Junior, et. al.?  They won’t.  And even if they do, criminal referrals will not be forthcoming.  And even if they are forthcoming, they will not be prosecuted.

    That’s the short version of Why Democrats Don’t Give a Rat’s Ass About the Senate.

  14. Le Roi du Nord

    I was hoping, now I realize foolishly, that there would be some sort of polite and gracious transition. My hope were dashed, first by trump having a total and unhinged hissy fit, and then by the sour grapes platoon, starting with this:

    “Disgusting, gross, indecent, liberal, woke culture was repudiated.”

    Had trump got Mexico to pay for the wall, China to pay for tariffs, had a plan (even a small one) to replace the ACA, joined the country together to take on coronavirus, produced the vaccine he promised, and not insulted each and every minority (ethnic or otherwise), he might have been re-elected.  But he wasn’t up to the task, and reverted to running on his misguided cult of personality, ala the NKs.  That doesn’t work on ~80 million smart folks.

  15. Le Roi du Nord

    Back again.  I hope you all listened to Biden tonight.  Great speech, positive, inclusive, literate, uplifting, strong presentation, historic.  Complete sentences, no name calling, no excuses, no whining, no made up words, no lies.  America will be great again.

  16. Mar

    And the sociopath shows his hate again.
    Just like a repeating record.
    What a hateful person, the sociopath is.

  17. Pat

    I love the hat President Elect Biden wore today. It simply said, “We just did”.

  18. Le Roi du Nord


    No hate there mar, just the truth.  You should try it some time.

  19. Mar

    No, sociopath, just your hateful version of the truth.
    But you constantly lie, so who knows what you really think.
    You really are a disgusting person.

  20. Mar

    Pat, I didn’t watch.
    Who dressed him and what was he wearing?
    Did he sniff anyone?

  21. Le Roi du Nord

    Geez mar, I don’t hate anyone, not even you.

  22. Mar

    What a Liar you are.
    But you know that and it has been proven so many times.
    No believes you.
    Not even your dog.

  23. Mar

    If you don’t hate sociopath, then why do you constantly lie to me and then blame me for your lies?
    Your are just an old hateful person.

  24. Le Roi du Nord

    What is the lie, mar? Be specific, use facts. Thanks

  25. MHMaley

    Remember when the Dems lost the presidency by 70,000 votes in Wisconsin , Michigan and PA in 2016 and filed lawsuits immediately to question the
    voting results ?

    Me , neither .

    If Joe wins Georgia , he’ll have won a
    Landslide number of electoral votes ( the same as 45 who declared his victory as such ) along with a 50% plurality of 4 million votes .

    But this one was stolen. Right .

  26. Mar

    “What is the lie, mar? Be specific, use facts. Thanks”
    This why you are a Senile sociopath POS jackass troll.
    Why you will never get respect.

  27. Mar

    “Remember when the Dems lost the presidency by 70,000 votes in Wisconsin , Michigan and PA in 2016 and filed lawsuits immediately to question the
    voting results ?
    Me , neither .”
    Remember when liberals accepted President Trump as president?
    Me either.

  28. Pat

    “ Did he sniff anyone? “

    Yup. Victory.

  29. kjanz1899

    Michigan needs to call Ghostbusters to investigate the ghosts who requested and returned ballots.

  30. dad29

    Or in Gwinnett County Georgia:

    Total Population: 936,250

    Total Adult Population: 687,207

    Total Registered Voters: 581,467

    Total Ballots Cast?


  31. Pat

    We’re the ballots the ghosts submitted caught or were they counted? We’re they for Trump?

  32. Le Roi du Nord

    So mar, like trump, you still have nothing but juvenile name calling and made-up claims.  No surprise there.  Looks like it is hard to reach an old guy like you a new trick.

    Looks like you and yours didn’t vote often enough in AZ, even after trump encouraged you to do so. You could have done better.

    And was that you on the tube with the “BBQ, Beer, Freedom” t-shirt?  in Sin City?

  33. kjanz1899

    Pat. The ghost ballots were received according to gov ballot website. It’s not know whether the same were counted. State of Michigan’s stance is that the ballots from dead people are rejected. I question their ability to properly identify these ballots. Some of these folks died in the 80s and somehow submitted a ballot. Waiting to see if there will be any update to voter records to show the rejections.

  34. Pat

    I support investigating all election irregularities. I’m positive the hundreds of lawyers involved will support going to court too. If there were illegal activities taken by any individual, irrespective of party, they should face the full prosecution as dictated by the law.

  35. Mar

    So, as usual, the sociopath acts like a sociopath.
    Lies, caught, then denies it, then blames others for his lies.
    Just a hateful, hateful, hateful disgusting person.

  36. Mar

    “I support investigating all election irregularities.”
    But yet are celebrating Senile Joe’s apparent win
    What if the election is overturned because of fraud, or they have not counted all the votes?
    Would you support that?

  37. Pat

    “ But yet are celebrating Senile Joe’s apparent win “

    Yup! And in 4 years Republicans will have a chance to put up a candidate that is not so repulsive to the planet. We’ll then see who gets my vote then.

  38. Mar

    So, when President Trump wins Arizona and recounts go Trump’s way, you will support that Pat?

  39. Pat


    You sound like you’re pretty sure that’s going to happen.

  40. Mar

    Arizona, yes, I am sure of that. Trump will win there.
    Recounts, I’m not as sure.
    But I am willing to see what happens.
    Not sure about fraud, but the computer glitch in Michigan is intriguing.

  41. Le Roi du Nord


    Since you haven’t pointed out the lie, I can’t deny it.  You really need to work on your comprehension skills.

    Are you going to be caught voting multiple times (per trumps encouragement) during the recount?  Be a shame to have you locked up?

  42. Mar

    We have pointed out so many lies of yours, you moron.
    I never called President Trump names.
    I lost money because of Scott Walker.
    I lost money on airline tickets.
    I am an elected official.
    So many more lies.

  43. Mar

    Oh, and the biggest one, I don’t hate anyone.
    You are a very hateful person. Full of hate and rage.

  44. Pat


    With 97% of votes in, Trump needs only 19,348 more votes in AZ.

    Per the fake news:
    Maricopa County (Phoenix) released its final large set of results Saturday morning. Officials there said that a small number of provisional and other ballots that need additional time to process still remain. Biden is still the odds on favorite per book makers.

  45. MHMaley

    There is a marked difference in accepting the legitimacy of an elected candidate and
    liking his policies and personal actions .

    Donald Trump was fairly elected to office .
    I disagree with almost everything he did in office but not all . But he is the President .

    The President and his team is fully capable of providing election fraud . Saying there is endemic fraud absent that evidence is yet another conspiracy theory based in his own self interest .

    The fact that Republican insiders and apparently the President are unhappy with the legal team Jared assembled and that Rudy is spearheading
    is the problem of Trump defenders , not the Dems .

    So far , he’s only been successful in closing a gap from 10’ to 6 ‘ in PA for his vote watchers .

    It remains to be seen if any more victories come out of that crackerjack crew of barristers .

    I would imagine the President is asking where his James Baker is .
    Rudy is no James Baker .

  46. Mar

    Pat, most of the outstanding ballots come from Republican counties. There are still over 70,000 votes remaining to be counted.
    Now, I will say this, Arizona has done a terrible job counting.

  47. Mar

    MHMaley, you are a rarity for a liberal to admit Trump won.
    Kudos to you.
    Yes, Trump is getting desperate.
    It will be hard to prove fraud.
    But computer glitches, that might be different.
    But if nothing pans out, congratulations to Biden.
    And it will be fun watching him mumble, stumble and see if they hide him in the basement of the White House.

  48. Pat

    “ Now, I will say this, Arizona has done a terrible job counting.”

    I know. Most all Trump supporters feel that all states that went to Biden did a terrible job counting.

  49. Jason

    Boy, I really hope there aren’t a mass number of deaths and overwhelmed hospitals from all the thousands of people gathering to celebrate. Flatten the curve and all…

  50. Pat

    Me too.

  51. Mar

    How come you won’t answer a very simple question, Pat?

  52. Le Roi du Nord


    Everything you called lies, each and every one, are true. So, in reality, you are the one lying. Now with Biden coming to the WH you really to find a new pastime.

  53. Pat


    What’s that question again?

  54. Mar

    Sociopath, you really are a sick or a very senile human being.
    Get help.
    I suspect you may not be around much longer with that Senile brain.
    On the bright side, when you go, that will be your contribution to climate change.

  55. Mar

    “So, when President Trump wins Arizona and recounts go Trump’s way, you will support that Pat?”
    That question, Pat.

  56. Le Roi du Nord

    Hey mar, you have no examples, no proof, no witty response, you have nothing but name calling.  You are a one trick pony, and it isn’t much of a trick.

  57. Mar

    Low brain sociopath, I just gave you examples.
    Now, you are just trolling.
    Are you a bot?
    Or is your mind really that gone?
    Must be that meth you are smoking.

  58. Le Roi du Nord

    No you didn’t mar, all those things are true. Geez, you are one really slow learner….

    And no drugs here, never have, never will.  Does making stuff up like that make you feel more important, more manly, more righteous?  Or does it just enhance your lack of purpose?

  59. Pat


    Sure. I’ll still feel the same way about him as I have for the past 30 plus years though.

  60. Mar

    “No you didn’t mar, all those things are true.”
    Then prove it moron. Those are the things you claim.
    Now, slowly put down the meth pipe, get away from the dog and goat and go to bed to rest those 3 remaining brain cells.

  61. Mar

    Pat, that’s not what I asked.
    Still cannot answer a simple question.

  62. Le Roi du Nord

    mar, I have no need to prove anything to you, the ultimate nothing. Regardless of what I prove, you will revert to your name-calling, juvenile behavior. I choose the high road every time.

  63. Mar

    So, you have nothing.
    Makes a bunch of claims but refuses to back them up.
    What a hater.
    What an asshole.

  64. Le Roi du Nord

    mar, did you forget already, you are the one making the false accusations, not me. Not only do you struggle with comprehension, but your memory is failing as well. Bummer for you.

    And you still haven’t cleaned up your potty mouth. Not very classy of you.

  65. Mar

    I’m not pretending to be a classy guy.
    But you are trying to put off yourself as this innocent POS.
    You are such a disrespectful sociopath, hateful pig.

  66. Pat


    I did answer. What wasn’t clear to you about it? Let me know and I try to clear it up for you.

  67. Mar

    Pat, I don’t care how you feel about him.
    Are you going to accept the results when President Trump wins Arizona and if he wins recounts in other states or when they finish counting votes, like military votes.
    Will you accept the results?

  68. Pat


    What about the word “sure” don’t you understand???????

  69. Mar

    That’s not how I read it, Pat, but ok.

  70. Le Roi du Nord


    Not “when“, but a pretty low-percentage “if”.

    Fixed it for you.

  71. Mar

    Didn’t ask for your opinion, sociopath.

  72. Pat


    Has Arizona Presidential vote been called yet?

  73. Mar

    By some news people but not by others.
    Votes are still being counted.
    What’s your point?

  74. Tuerqas

    Le Roi

    Had trump got Mexico to pay for the wall, China to pay for tariffs, had a plan (even a small one) to replace the ACA, joined the country together to take on coronavirus, produced the vaccine he promised, and not insulted each and every minority (ethnic or otherwise), he might have been re-elected.  

    So what is Operation warp speed?  Why does the Washington Post say that the Pfizer vaccine is not part of operation warp speed, yet neither has had any press until Biden was declared the victor, and now I have heard of both?  What do you think the chances are that there will be no more Covid scare and no more riots by the time Biden is sworn in?  (It’s kind of like ‘Obama pulling us out of Iraq’ when it was in operation before he took office  Manufactured terror much?  From rioting to dancing in the streets…why can’t liberals just stay home and stay safe?  Well, at least safe for the businesses and homeowners in the ‘peaceful march’ areas of the cities.

    Do you understand what tariffs are actually meant to accomplish?  Trump’s worked quite effectively, actually.

    The headlines I have read on the subject have noted how Trump has fared better than any Republican in decades amongst minorities, significantly better than his 2016 victory run.

    You sure got Trump on failing to get Mexico to pay for the wall, though, he promised.  Is that kind of like calling a new healthcare plan ‘affordable’ when the vast majority of people paid more for their insurance when it finally took over?  Unless, of course, you are listening to someone like Joe Biden saying how he sure is glad that his son had affordable care, never mind that neither he nor his son was ever under a plan offered by the ACA.  It must be affordable, it’s right in the name!


  75. Pat

    “ What’s your point?”

    Just curious what’s going on down there. Thought I’d ask someone who lives there versus depend on the fake news.

  76. Tuerqas

    This whole election had a striking resemblance to a Leverage episode, if you ask me.  Cheating is irrelevant, just declare victory when enough trucks of early votes have been sent in and go from there.  Once declared, the opponent is a conspiracy theorist and proofs are probably just made up, in the public eye.  Trump could win in court and show obvious proof of fraud, but it won’t matter, Democrats and Republicans each have their own news sources manufacturing their own facts.  That Gwinnett County Georgia ballot count shown by Dad29 above could be proven beyond doubt to be correct and it won’t change the counts.  Nobody is going to sort through the ballots.  If true, no one could deny it is fraud, but one side will just never admit that truth to their constituents.  It is not fraud, it is an urban legend to one side.

  77. Mar

    Ok, Pat, and to be honest, I don’t know.
    There really is no excuse why they are not done counting and quite frankly,its embarrassing.
    There are outstanding votes from the entire state and I don’t know why. The pony express and telegraph could have done a better job.

  78. Mar

    I think the Gwinnett County thing is going no where.
    Looking at the official Gwinnett County voting site, it shows that the total number of votes almost doubled the actual voters.
    I am thinking the voters got 2 ballots. 1 general ballot for county, state and federal elections and another for area specific elections like supervisor, state legislators etc.
    I don’t think this going anywhere.

  79. Le Roi du Nord

    “Do you understand what tariffs are actually meant to accomplish?  Trump’s worked quite effectively, actually.”

    There are lot of folks in the ag sector that disagree with you as far as how well it worked.  Ditto small manufacturers up here that make specialized equipment for the food processing industry.  Regardless, trump promised that China would pay for the tariffs, and just like Mexico paying for the wall, it never happened.

    As far as the ACA, trump promised, starting in the 2016 campaign, that he had a great new plan, better coverage, and cheaper.  He never had any plan, still doesn’t.


  80. dad29

    “Lots of folks in the ag………” apparently didn’t sell anything to the Communists when they purchased 1.937 million metric tons of corn and are treaty-obligated to spend $36 BILLION during the ’20-’21 trade year.

    As to food-processing equipment manufacturers, what–exactly–are they bitching about?  The price of steel or aluminum going up?  Life’s a bitch when you don’t benefit from slave labor or massive Gummint subsidies–like ag industry people get, for example………

    This ain’t Lake Wobegon, pal.  Put on the big boy pants and stop crying.

  81. Le Roi du Nord

    Sure dud, there is a lot of slave labor in Canada.

  82. Le Roi du Nord

    And you and I (well maybe you didn’t) paid for those trump ag subsidies.  Rather than the traditional “free trade” republicans, trump turned us socialist to hide the damage he did to farmers.

  83. Jason

    >There are lot of folks in the ag sector that disagree with you as far as how well it worked. Ditto small manufacturers up here that make specialized equipment for the food processing industry.

    Good job proving his point…

  84. Mar

    In Arizona, 32,000 people did not vote for president when they voted.
    It would be interesting to see if this was abnormal or the norm throughout the country.
    Should President Trump loses, this could be a reason why.

  85. Tuerqas

    “Do you understand what tariffs are actually meant to accomplish?  Trump’s worked quite effectively, actually.”
    There are lot of folks in the ag sector that disagree with you as far as how well it worked.  Ditto small manufacturers up here that make specialized equipment for the food processing industry.  Regardless, trump promised that China would pay for the tariffs, and just like Mexico paying for the wall, it never happened.

    Kind of thought not.  China is paying for the tariffs, indirectly.  Now that China products have had price increases it makes their products competitive with non-China made products.  They have less sales.  That is the purpose of a tariff.  To make products from different places competitive with local products.  You can ask why a laissez-faire believer like myself would support a tariff, and the answer is simple.  China has had tariffs on our products since they went Communist and we allowed it because they were re-building from WWII.  Now that they are a rival super-power they deserve no such advantages, but they wouldn’t lower them until we instituted similar tariffs.  You can never force another country to literally pay a tariff, all you can do is deny entry of products to the country without someone paying for it.  China has finally dispensed with their 25% tariff (a huge percentage for a tariff, btw) on US oil only after the rival US tariffs were put in place.  Trump’s plan worked, fulfilling its intended purpose.  Of course there will be unhappy elements in the US economy who are the losers that have to pay higher prices on Chinese goods, but the economy as a whole benefits.  Needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few and all, it seems like liberals should have supported the tariffs.

  86. dad29

    Well said, T.  And  you are correct:  LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy has no clue.  Umpty-dozen years of Gummint paychecks will do that to you.

  87. Le Roi du Nord


    Indirectly is important if you only look at it from the Chinese import side of trade.  But it isn’t looking at the big picture.

    But more important is the loss of markets for US products that resulted from the tariffs.  A great example is US ag, notably pork and soybeans that could have been sold to China.  Tremendous loss for US producers.

    I’m sure we’ll never agree on this, but keep trying.

  88. Tuerqas

    I’m sure we’ll never agree on this, but keep trying.

    You want me to?  Okay, I have a few more.  First, I respect your opinion on this, tariffs hurt both economies, but in dollars the real effect in 2018-2019, for example, was that 580 billion in Chinese goods were tariffed and retaliations resulted in additional tariffs on 200 billion in US exports to China.  This resulted in a drop of almost 90 billion to Chinese exports and a drop of about 40 billion in US exports.  Whatever some sources may say, that was the real effect in 2018 t0 2019.  China lost more than double in export income compared to the US and the best part of it for the US is that there are many more subsidiary markets for food than there are for manufacturing goods.  Other countries would need the infrastructure to use many Chinese goods, but everyone needs food.  Vietnam’s GDP grew 8% due largely to increased US imports in 2018.  We made less money on our products, but we still had open markets.

    However, the bigger picture is where the US gained the most.  The tariff war was started by the Trump admin because of the very unfair trade practices that China has been holding onto since the Nixon era.  Those tariffs that the US allowed China to impose while having none on our products allowed China to grow into a true trade partner and superpower in its own right, so now it is time for the one sided nature of our trade dealings to end.  The tariff war was the only way to get China to budge on its historical unfair practices.  If you look at the more recent developments, China had been budging on their previous practices.  They may have put a hold on any other concessions now because they may think Biden will relax our tariffs with no new concessions from them and that is too bad if it happens that way.  I think we were moving towards trade equality with China.

  89. Tuerqas

    Those tariffs that the US allowed China to impose while having none on their import products allowed China to grow into a true trade partner and superpower in its own right,

    Fixed it, thanks.

  90. Jason

    Well said Tuerqas.    What Leroy is saying when he says “Bigger Picture” (pork and soy exports) might indeed be a bigger picture that his initial comment (small manufactures up here), but it’s still a very small picture with regards to China and America in whole.

    Just think  what Trump could have done with more time or cooperation from his haters.  Everything he did successfully he was met with attacks from the Left and the left leaning media.  Everything.

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