Boots & Sabers

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2002, 28 Oct 20

Europe Locking Down Again

Trump’s fault (or something).

French President Emmanuel Macron has announced a second national lockdown until at least the end of November.

Mr Macron said that under the new measures, starting on Friday, people would only be allowed to leave home for essential work or medical reasons.

Non-essential businesses, such as restaurants and bars, will close, but schools and factories will remain open.

Covid daily deaths in France are at the highest level since April. On Tuesday, 33,000 new cases were confirmed.

Mr Macron said the country risked being “overwhelmed by a second wave that no doubt will be harder than the first”.

Meanwhile, Germany will impose an emergency lockdown that is less severe but includes the closure of restaurants, gyms and theatres.

We have reached this false paradigm where politicians think that shutting down the economy and sequestering citizens is the correct policy response to an increase in COVID19 cases despite very little evidence that it is the correct policy prescription.


2002, 28 October 2020


  1. Mar

    Well, it is Feance. They surrender to everyone and everything.

  2. Le Roi du Nord

    Want to try again, little fella?

  3. Kevin Scheunemann

    I thought our local libs keep extoling the greatness of leftist Europe.

    They seem clueless.


  4. Mar

    Gee, sociopath, I think most people here, with exception of you, knew what I meant.
    And my little fella is much bigger than you tiny fella.

  5. Mar

    From the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner: Of the 574 COVID+ deaths investigated by our office, 15 had no known co-morbidities
    About 2% mortality rate or lower for those without co-morbidities and we are shutting down again.
    What a bunch of BS.

  6. Mar

    Gee, and now France suffered a terrorist attack.
    They surrender to everyone.

  7. dad29

    Last century, the Terror was “Climate Change.”

    This century, the Terror is “Covid.”

    The constants here?  Drastic and expensive mandates which are of little or no use in resolving the perceived-and-propagandized, but not real problem, generally interfering with property- and/or human rights.

    Prove me wrong.

  8. Le Roi du Nord

    The difference mar, is your response to anyone that disagrees with you, right or wrong. Calling someone a moron, stupid, uneducated, etc., then making a moronic mistake, see above, doesn’t paint you in a favorable light. Act like an adult and you will get treated like one.

  9. Le Roi du Nord

    Climate change is still a serious, 21st century issue, and will be until the deniers wise up. Ditto with coronavirus.

  10. penquin

    Prove me wrong.

    Nope, you ain’t wrong. Politicians, on both sides of the aisle, don’t like seeing a crisis go to waste.

    Might be before your time, but we saw the same thing with the 9/11 attacks…all kinds of measures & actions were taken afterwards which had nothing at all to do with the Twin Towers being destroyed.

  11. penquin

    Of the 574 COVID+ deaths investigated by our office, 15 had no known co-morbidities. About 2% mortality rate or lower for those without co-morbidities and we are shutting down again

    A man with diabetes is attacked and mauled by a bear. Are you suggesting that the bear attack wasn’t responsible at all for his death? Please clarify…

  12. Mar

    And the sociopath lies again.
    So sad from such a pathetic “man”.
    Tell me sociopath, show me where I called penquin and Jonny names.
    Come on little boy, show me.
    I only ridicule you is because you are such a hateful, mean spirited disrespectful horrible person who pretends that is “he” is just an innocent person who is being persecuted.

  13. Jason

    >A man with diabetes is attacked and mauled by a bear. Are you suggesting that the bear attack wasn’t responsible at all for his death? Please clarify…

    Let’s try it this way… A man is mauled by a bear and dies from his injuries. He is tested posthumously and the result is a positive for Covid. Would that increase the daily Covid Deaths? I have seen three state health leaders say “Yes, that would count”. Have you seen contrary info?

  14. penquin

    A man is mauled by a bear and dies from his injuries. He is tested posthumously and the result is a positive for Covid. Would that increase the daily Covid Deaths? I have seen three state health leaders say “Yes, that would count”.

    Could you please provide a link to where a state health leader said that a bear attack victim would be considered a Covid-related death? All three would be nice, but even one would suffice.

    The only thing I could find that was related to that is this. If you have actual quotes from state health officials I would really like to see ’em for myself. Thanks.

  15. Tuerqas

    Penguin, didn’t you bring up the bear attack allegory and the link?  Whether that particular story is true or not shouldn’t reflect on Mar’s original statement, unless you dis-believe it as I am pretty sure none of the Mke Cty deaths were bear related.  Do you dis-believe that the Milwaukee County medical examiner notes indicate that of the 574 covid related deaths only 15 had no other possible causes of death?

    I have read that the CDC suggests that if Covid is present in either the Part 1 (used “for reporting the sequence of conditions that led directly to death,” or Part 2 (“other significant conditions that contributed to the death, but are not a part of the sequence in Part I, should be reported in Part II.”) level of causes of death on the death certificate, it should be moved to the lowest level in Part 1, so it is always possible to choose it as the cause of death if present.  Those quotes are from the April release by the CDC concerning the reporting of Covid 19.

    In other words, the “professionals” that are supporting Democrats can all choose Covid as the main cause of death on their certificates, that then gets reported.  If Biden wins, that can be immediately reversed with no new CDC publication because the “Professional” can choose whatever he wants, the CDC procedure is a suggestion.  So beginning as soon as the election is over, the Covid scare could be ‘put successfully under control’ as soon as Biden is announced simply by choosing the real main cause of death over Covid 19.  574 down to 15 would be near miraculous control, wouldn’t it?  Suddenly using 40,000 tests a day in the state rather than 15,000 would also put the test percentages down as well.  It would almost be exactly as Trump said, in one day it could miraculously almost disappear, especially the death count.  From liar to prophet, so long as he loses the election.

  16. Mar

    If the person who a bear had for lunch makes it to the hospital and then tests positive for the virus and then dies, they will probably say the virus was partially the cause of death along with trauma.
    When you read a medical or autopsy report, they may list several reasons for a person to be sick or die.
    My guess is that this goes into the books as a Covid death along with being a trauma death.

  17. Jason

    >Could you please provide a link to where a state health leader said that a bear attack victim would be considered a Covid-related death? 

    I was rewording your example… sorry for your confusion.

    Dr Ngozi Ezike, Illinois Public Health Director.  If you’re in hospice for a terminal illness, and test positive for covid, you will count as a Covid death.


    Washington State “Our dashboard numbers do include any death to a person that has tested positive to COVID-19.”   That includes gun shot victims

    Florida, 60 year old man died of gunshot wound to his head, tested positive for Covid post mortem, added to the death count.


    I’d link them all, but have known for some time about the multiple links.  I’ve given you enough information that you can find them… There are more than just these three states – I’d say it’s not incomprehensible that most or all states count that way.

  18. penquin

    While digging into the examples provided, I found this statement from the spokesperson for the Washington State Dept of Health:

    Our current definition for a COVID-19 death includes anyone with a COVID-19 positive laboratory test that has died, irrespective of cause of death

    If that was all he said about it, or if that was all I heard him say about it, then I’d also be very concerned about proper numbers were being reported.

    However, he goes on to also say the following:

    As part of that regular investigative process (sped up due to COVID-19) we will find deaths that should not be labeled as a COVID-19 deaths. For instance, someone may have tested positive for COVID-19, and then subsequently killed by a gunshot wound. Once identified as non-COVID-19, we then remove those deaths and inform the public.

    (bolded by me)

    Seems pretty straight forward & reasonable when the entire statement is looked at, and also explains the meme floating around regarding the state (county?) with a -1 daily death rate. Data, especially raw data, can be weird to interpret sometimes – what looks at first glance to be nefarious is often times just standard practices.

    And as much as I love a good conspiracy theory (have read Illuminatus Trilogy at least 4-5 times, and firmly beleive at least 1/3 of it is true), it is kinda hard for to swallow that the entire world is pulling a hoax just to deny Trump re-election…so my apologies for not joining ya’ll down that rabbit hole.

  19. Jason

    Ironically, here’s the very first sentence of your link that goes on to show that Washington has changed (since June).

    >The state of Oregon does not differentiate who died from COVID-19 and who died with COVID-19.

    I never said anything about a conspiracy theory to deny Trump’s re-election.   I simply said that I know if three states that have said what Oregon is saying… ironically, Oregon wasn’t on the list, but Washington was, now it looks like I need to correct that… and still have three states that I know of.

    And no, I haven’t researched for it, if you’re going to follow up with that.  Just in the course my day to day activities did I encounter those similar statistical oddities for three states.  I still don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility that many or most states are like IL and Oregon.

  20. Tuerqas


     it is kinda hard for to swallow that the entire world is pulling a hoax just to deny Trump re-election

    The whole world?  That is silly, most of the rest of the world, especially the more fascist regimes are doing the opposite.  If there is any other possible cause, it is used to make them look like good Governments with low numbers.  But if their reported production loss for Q2 and the surrounding months was not significantly greater than ours, they are most likely lying about one or both topics (I know, revolutionary.  A Government that lies…).  Here in America is where the conspiracy is and it could be a relatively small number of people:  Fauci and a small cabal of “Professionals”, and the writers of the CDC guidelines.  Thus, imo, very plausible.

  21. dad29

    measures & actions were taken afterwards

    Yes, I’m old enough to remember 9/11, and JFK’s assassination, and Ike’s re-election, too.  But thanks.

    My wife traveled to Southern California, visited DisneyLand, and purchased a Mickey Mouse “snowball”–one of those water-filled globes with artificial snowflakes……to give to one of the grandchildren.

    Homeland Security Theater attempted to take it away from her because it was obviously a Danger to National Security and a Bomb Threat, because my wife was a Grandma Intent on Murderous Activity………..because………..GWBush is a f’n IDIOT, that’s why.

    Yes, I remember it well–just as I remember Maurice Chevalier singing that line.

  22. dad29

    Climate change is still a serious, 21st century issue, and will be until the deniers wise up. Ditto with coronavirus.

    Nope.  Both are Crisis Theater, just like the damnfools in airports.  Tell me this, Green-Brain:  did the Earth go out of existence in the Global Cooling of the ’70’s?  Have we burned to a cinder in the Global Warming of the ’00’s? (Both are long over with, as you know….)

    And will the Earth’s population disappear into China Lung-Rot graves?  Or only about .0002% of it?  Since about 80% of “Covid deaths” are actually NOT “covid” but hypertension, arteriosclerosis, pneumonia, cancer, or plain-ass old age, not to mention high-speed lead, motorcycle-on-tree collisions…….

    OK.  Here’s the right thing for you, friend:  stay in your home, invite NOBODY to visit with you and just in case, stay away from computers, TeeeeVeeees, and radios.  Never know when they might spit a WuFlu bug across the room.

    Then you’ll be safe, see!

  23. penquin

    Yes, I’m old enough to remember 9/11, and JFK’s assassination, and Ike’s re-election, too.  But thanks.

    No offense was meant. Didn’t wanna assume anything – after all, there are quite a few “dads” who have been born after 2001.

    Now if your moniker was “granddad” it would’ve been an easier guess on my part…lol

  24. Le Roi du Nord

    Sorry dad, but only the tin-foil hat folks like you believe that.  Smart folks, those with even an iota of scientific knowledge, know that CC/GW is real, and will be an important issue as long as deniers like you are still setting policy.  Talk smart all you want, it doesn’t make you so….

  25. Mar

    Oh, the sociopath thinks he is soooooo smart, and yet he has been wrong so many times.
    But then the sociopath believes in unicorns, pixie dust and theories.

  26. Le Roi du Nord

    No mar, the belief in pixie dust, unicorns, and the HCQ cure are all yours.  Theories are part of the scientific method.  Such a highly educated guy like you should know that.

  27. Mar

    Yeah right, sociopath. Theories in science right? And how many times are they wrong? Some of the or almost everytime.
    And yes, science has said hydroxychloroquine has been a cure if used in the right situation.
    Too bad you are so gull of hate you don’t see that.

  28. Le Roi du Nord

    How many times are they wrong? Not nearly as often as you. Or, as you would say, “of the or almost everytime “.

    Could you provide any recent reputable scientific proof that HCQ is a “cure” for coronavirus? And could you explain why MDs aren’t prescribing HCQ for coronavirus?

    And no, I don’t hate anyone, not you, nor gulls. I actually like gulls, or as some call them, “ sky rats”

  29. dad29

    Globe gets warmer, then gets colder.

    So what?  Globe–and all its inhabitants–are still here.  It’s not even a “serious” issue, because it is NOT AN ISSUE.  But it is a great excuse for Tin-Pot Wackos–like DNR bizzoids–to grasp for more control of the citizens.

    The game is up, pal.  Enjoy your retirement.

  30. Le Roi du Nord


    If hydroxychloroquine works so well how did trump catch coronavirus? And why don’t doctors prescribe it? Answer: it does no good.

  31. Le Roi du Nord

    Well dad, keep your head stuck in the ever warming sand. CC/GW is a serious issue. Just because you don’t believe it makes no difference out in the real world.

  32. Jason

    Hey Leroy, neither of your last two posts here have been scientific in any way.  Just thought you’d enjoy that irony.

  33. penquin

    neither of your last two posts here have been scientific in any way.

    You sure about that?

    Might wanna re-check it again…at least 5 times, ’cause past history has shown that if you only re-check a couple times you could still miss something important.

  34. Mar

    And the sociopath has nothing again. Cannot refute it, so he just hates.

  35. Le Roi du Nord


    You science?  What an amazing turn of events.  If I provide some, will you read and heed, or just more of the juvenile nonsense that is the trademark of the deniers?

    No mar, I can refute you, and have numerous times, but if you don’t/won’t/can’t read it what use is it for me to provide enlightenment to you and yours?

    And once again, I don’t hate anyone, not even you.

  36. Mar

    Once again, the sociopath has nothing.
    His common defense “I already showed you” BS. Even though that is another lie.
    Just more hateful comments from the Sociopath.
    Cannot even admit he is wrong.
    It must be nice to be be so perfect.
    Say hi to Jesus for me.

  37. Le Roi du Nord

    Sorry mar, but I have provided all sorts of “science “ to this site regarding CC/GW. If you don’t care to read it, that’s on you. Again you are blaming others for your shortcomings.

  38. dad29

    OK, then.  Let’s concede that the globe warmed a tiny bit since 1975 or so.

    And let’s concede that the globe cooled a tiny bit between, say, 1950 and 1970 or so.

    I repeat:  SO WHAT?

    Even the Maunder Minimum didn’t KILL THE WHOLE OF HUMANITY!!  XSCREECH!!!  SQUEEEEEAL!!!  DEAD!!!!

    Nada.  Zip.  Zero.  But good only for Tin Pots and certain investors who were in on the joke early.

    You, LeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy, don’t get the joke.

  39. Le Roi du Nord

    Better screw that tin foil hat on a little tighter, you are babbling again. Snark doesn’t equal knowledge, it just magnifies your weaknesses.

  40. dad29

    No, Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeroy, you do NOT get the joke.  That’s not snark; I’m trying to help you.

  41. Mar

    So, Senile Joe and ex-president Sparklefart have these rallies where people are in their idling cars, creating more pollution.
    Such irony.

  42. Mar

    So, the UK is now shutting down, for the most part, except, surprisingly, schools, because they don’t want to over stretch hospitals.
    Gee, that socialized medicine is great.
    And yet, that is what most liberals want.
    Hopefully, people will look at this illness and realize that single payer/socialized medicine is a failure.

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