Boots & Sabers

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1628, 27 Sep 20

Teacher Fired for Insubordination


(CNN)A Texas teacher was fired for continuing to wear a Black Lives Matter face mask after school officials asked her to stop.

Lillian White, an art teacher at Great Hearts Western Hills, a public charter school in San Antonio, began wearing a face mask that read “Black Lives Matter” and “Silence is Violence” after the charter school reopened in the summer for in-person workdays amid the coronavirus pandemic. At the time, students were not on campus.

White said she wore the mask to demonstrate her support for Black students and faculty, but also to advocate for an anti-racism action plan and a more diverse curriculum.

Great Hearts Texas Superintendent Daniel Scoggin said in a statement to CNN that school policy forbids faculty from displaying messages on their face masks.

“Great Hearts enacted, in this unprecedented pandemic environment, a policy that face coverings have no external messages,” Scoggin said.

The art teacher, who has worked in education for more than 10 years, continued to wear the mask despite receiving multiple requests from school officials to stop.

“I immediately knew it was time for me to make a decision, and I didn’t think twice about it. This is a human rights issue and I did it for my students who experience racial injustice in school. I refused to back down,” White said.

“If you’re scared about what parents are going to say because a teacher is supporting equal rights, you need to reevaluate the kind of people you’re catering to. By staying silent, Great Hearts is only supporting racist parents.”

Three comments…

1) Notice how it wasn’t the message on the mask. It was the fact that there was a message at all. The school’s policy is clear. It is designed to prevent teachers from abusing their position of power to advocate personal opinions and to ensure that the school is a welcoming place for families of all backgrounds and perspectives. This teacher refused to adhere to the policy. The administration worked with her for weeks to get her to adhere to the policy. She left them no choice.

2) Notice the false paradigm. If you don’t support HER political and social views and support HER advocacy of such, then you are a racist. The administration is racist for wanting to keep all messages off of masks. And the parents who might not want to see such messaging on their kids’ teacher’s mask are racists. The teacher has an incredibly selfish and closed mind. It’s a good thing she isn’t teaching kids anymore.

3) Is anyone else amused that her name is Lillian White… Lily White? No? C’mon, man…


1628, 27 September 2020


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Get these woke radicals out of classroom.

  2. Merlin

    If she can throw bricks, light fires, and doesn’t mind traveling a bit her short term employment prospects are quite good.

  3. jjf

    And if it was a religious message, she’d find a conservative law firm, right?

  4. Mar

    I’m glad she was fired. She is an embarrassment to the teaching profession.

  5. Kevin Scheunemann


    It was a religious message. The godless woke religion of radical leftism.

    But you radical lefties like and protect that religion in public school, don’t you?

  6. Jason

    >And if it was a religious message, she’d find a conservative law firm, right?

    If it was a religious message then I would say she’s just as guilty.  What a stupid question, you’re the one that morally equivocates shit to fit your narrow-minded bias, not me.

  7. jjf

    Tighten those blinders, Kev!  What if it had said “God is Love” or “John 3:16”?

  8. jjf

    Jason, good for you for being consistent.  Do you think there’s anyone here who would disagree with you and me?  Who might that be?  Maybe I was talking to them.  Maybe it’s not always about you.

  9. Jason

    >Do you think there’s anyone here who would disagree with you and me?  Who might that be?  Maybe I was talking to them.  Maybe it’s not always about you.


    So you’re going to scold me for responding to a question you didn’t want me to answer and also that you didn’t address who you wanted to respond?  What the fuck is wrong with you?

  10. Kevin Scheunemann


    You totally misconstrue John 3:16. “God is love” is only part of John 3:16. It also mentions the problem of sin, the fact that Christ was crucufied and died for that sin to save mankind from that sin.

    “God is love,” by itself would not be a theologically correct Christian message from John 3:16. It would be more akin to a twisted liberal theology that ignores the problem of sin in this world, like Nord.

    “JESUS IS OUR REDEEMER FROM SIN” would be a correct John 3:16 message when it comes to the love of God. We can reject that free gift of love in Christ, in our insolence and unrepentance to eternal consequence.

    So be clear on John 3:16. Don’t get your biblical meanings from the leftist godless world is what I am saying.

    I would have no problem with my quote above, because we have freedom of religion to speak objective truth (not half-truths, or leftist lies) in our society.

  11. jjf

    Kev, I didn’t say anything about the meaning of your Bible quote, but thanks for the Sunday schooling.

    Jason, what’s wrong with me?  Apparently you want me clean-shaven and wearing something other than a dress shirt under a sweater.  What are you wearing?

  12. Randall Flagg

    I’ll bet she paid more than $750 in federal income taxes.

  13. Mar

    Maybe she did, Randall or probably she didn’t. Teachers get to write off a lot of things.
    When I was teaching I always got refund check.

  14. Randall Flagg

    Taxpayers should have gotten a refund every year you taught Mar.

  15. Kevin Scheunemann


    Sounds like some Sunday school could do you some good.

  16. Mar

    “Taxpayers should have gotten a refund every year you taught Mar.”
    Umm, why. Why should Bill Gates get a refund? Why should Google get a refund or Amazon? But again, when I first started Google and Amazon were just starting out.

  17. Mar

    I thinking is jjf, Pat and Le Roi were hit with holy water, they would start to seizure, drool, heads turn around 360 degrees, eyes turn red, poop in their pants, piss on themselves, vomit and start talking in really, really deep voices.

  18. Le Roi du Nord

    Always the class act, mar. Some things never change.

  19. Mar

    Truth hurts, right Le Roi, the hater and liar.
    You are the opposite of a moral person. You are a very immoral person.
    And you are in need of a heavy duty exorcism.

  20. Mar

    Gee, Paul is back.
    Any truth to what he said, jjf and Le Roi?

  21. jjf

    Didn’t see him, Mar.  Must’ve been bad if Owen zapped it.  Is Paul one of the best people or one of the deplorables?

  22. Jason

    >Is Paul one of the best people or one of the deplorables?

    From what I remember, Paul is no worse than you.   I mean, maybe he’s better… as far as I know, he never stood up a blog just to insult and mock another person’s hobby, and the people that enjoy that hobby.

  23. Le Roi du Nord


    You must be remembering a different Paul.

  24. Jason

    >You must be remembering a different Paul.

    What was it that whiney Foust said to me just yesterday…  ?  Oh yeah, That wasn’t directed at you, and not everything is about you!,.    Yeah, something dismissive and childish like that…  Works for today!

  25. Jason

    >Why would you want JJF to go to Sunday school when this happens there:



    Using that logic, people get shot in Walmarts, you can’t go there now.  People get kidnapped while on sidewalk, you can’t use those.  People get killed by drunk drivers while driving, you can’t do that.

    Great logical argument you pose, as usual.

  26. jjf

    Jason, why are you concerned?  You’ve appointed yourself the never-ending defender of others who’ve been wronged but who somehow can’t defend themselves?

    Moreover, if you think personal abuse and ridicule is poor taste and poor behavior, why would you ever do it?

  27. Mar

    Randall, when are you going to condemn public school teachers and staff who do the same things but at at a greater number?

  28. Mar

    “Moreover, if you think personal abuse and ridicule is poor taste and poor behavior, why would you ever do it?”
    Why do you do it jjf?

  29. Jason

    >Moreover, if you think personal abuse and ridicule is poor taste and poor behavior, why would you ever do it?

    I’m just trying to understand your professional victim-hood.   It’s quite a crutch when you can’t dispute facts and logic.

  30. jjf

    Wow, you sure avoided my question, Jason.  Why?  Can’t handle it?

  31. Jason

    Of course not, I’m a mobile DJ after all.

  32. Randall Flagg

    Randall, when are you going to condemn public school teachers and staff who do the same things but at at a greater number?

    Every institution has bad apples but the question is what the institution chooses to do.    When it is shown public schools’ behavior matched that of the religions (thousands of known abusers allowed to continue abusing for decades) then I will exhibit the same disdain for public schools.

  33. Randall Flagg

    Of course not, I’m a mobile DJ after all.

    I did this in college.  Great gig.

  34. jjf

    What, Jason’s making fun of being a mobile DJ?  First Walmart greeters, now this?  He must have elitist tendencies.

  35. Jason

    >What, Jason’s making fun of being a mobile DJ?  First Walmart greeters, now this? 


  36. jjf

    Look on the bright side, I’m not doxxing you.

  37. Kevin Scheunemann


    Some promise…promising to not be a jerk human being by attacking character rather merit of issue…I am underwhelmed.

  38. Jason

    Kevin, jjf is a jerk of a human for attacking characte all the time. He just thinks he’s smarter than us here and does it better. Anyone fucker who spins up a blog to mock others is nothing more than a lonely fucker.

  39. Mar

    Looks like Randall supports public school teachers who rape and abuse children.
    Damn shame.
    I think Paul forgot one.

  40. jjf

    Kevin, what do you think of Jason’s language and his doxxing and his insults?

  41. jjf

    See, this is how Mar is civil and respectful…  he’ll tell you who you support, in advance.

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