Boots & Sabers

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1951, 10 Sep 20

Evers Threatens to Extend Illegal Order


Evers issued the statewide mask mandate on July 30, using a power in state law that lets governors declare public health emergencies for up to 60 days. Evers used the same law to issue another 60-day emergency in March during the early days of the pandemic.

The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL) filed a lawsuit over the mandate in late August, arguing that it was unlawful for Evers to declare multiple emergencies for the same event. That lawsuit is ongoing.

“We will fight we will fight every step of the way to make sure that this one small thing that everybody can do remains in place until we’re told that the numbers are down,” Evers said in a discussion that was broadcast by the Wisconsin Eye public affairs network.

Evers’ current order is set to expire on Sept. 28 unless it’s rescinded before then by the governor, the Legislature or a court order. But Evers gave no indication that he would rescind the masking order himself, and he didn’t rule out extending it.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there whether we extend it or not,” Evers said.

Once again, the issue is not whether mandating masks is the correct course of action or not. The issue is whether we are going to allow a single man to utterly ignore our system of representative government and issue arbitrary orders from his mansion in Madison. If he can order a mask, he could also order that we all wear hats, or be clean shaven so that the masks fit, or carry guns because there are riots, or whatever. The issue is whether or not we should live under the arbitrary rule of a single man or return to a republican form of government.

As for the effectiveness of a mask mandate, help me reconcile this.

Since the order, cases have gone up:

But deaths and hospitalizations are steady:


So since Evers ordered that everyone wear masks, cases are spiking, but deaths and hospitalizations remain flat. If the purpose of masks are to stop the spread of the Rona, shouldn’t we see the positive impact in the number of cases? We are not. We are seeing the opposite.

The reason is that the rise in cases is being driven completely by people aged 18-24.

This is because of all of the college kids who went back to school. Not only are they spreading it around a bit, but they are being tested like crazy. The more you test, the more you will find. But clearly, many of the kids have few, if any symptoms, and they are recovering fine without hospital intervention. Also bear in mind that almost all state colleges are rigorously enforcing the mask mandate.

If there is absolutely no evidence that the mask mandate is actually mitigating the spread of disease, why would the governor consider extending it? Aren’t we supposed to follow the science? Is is this not really about the science or fighting the pandemic?


1951, 10 September 2020


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    nothing worse than a liberal with power.

  2. Mar

    In the city I live in Arizona, the mayor decided a couple of months ago to institute a mandatory mask wearing in businesses. She said that mask compliance is almost 100%. But if that was the case, then we should have few, if any cases, but that is not the case here.
    And in California, they have strict mask wearing laws and yet they have more cases of the Chinese virus than almost every state.
    Do hospital masks work. Sure.
    Do the blue masks or the bandanas people use to cover their mouths work. Of course not.
    There is no actual evidence that masks work, but it is a way politicians can say they are trying something.

  3. dad29

    If there is absolutely no evidence that the mask mandate is actually mitigating the spread of disease, why would the governor consider extending it? Aren’t we supposed to follow the science? Is is this not really about the science or fighting the pandemic?

    You give entirely too much credit to Tin-Pot Tony when you speculate that he might know ‘the science’ well enough to follow it.

    At this point, he’s just being a vindictive little jerk because he was picked on in 6th grade.

    And very few people are following his “mandate,” which ought to scare the bejabbers out of him.  ‘S OK–the longer he tries to impose his will, the less anyone will pay attention to him.

  4. Mar

    Pat, I wouldn’t do either scenario. I would be yelling and screaming and waving my hands in the air. If I carried, I might fire a gun into the air to get their attention. Or I might try and jump on the trolley and hit the brake. Or, if I only had the lever to push, i push it half way and hope to derail the trolley.

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