Boots & Sabers

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0814, 21 Jul 20

Wisconsin’s economy bounces, but has a long way to go

My column for the Washington County Daily News is online and in print. Here’s a part:

Second, we need our governments at all levels to stop threatening to shut down the economy again. The uncertainty continues to retard a recovery. Whether or not the initial lockdowns, and how and when they were implemented, helped prevent the spread of the virus will be subject to studies for years. What is indisputable is that the lockdowns had countless other negative outcomes on people’s health and well-being as health care systems denied treatment for non-COVID ailments and economic stress pushed people to the brink. What is also indisputable is that our politicians have proven that they are incapable of evenly enforcing a lockdown as they crack down on some people and allow others to violate them at will.

Furthermore, it is clear that the American people are done with being locked down. Even as some states and cities try to reimpose economic restrictions and infringe on civil rights, those actions are being widely ignored. After the initial shock and awe of coronavirus, Americans are finding their spines again and remembering that liberty is in our blood.

Finally, the only way our economy can truly recover is for Americans to feel comfortable returning to their normal activities. For some people, they will never feel comfortable returning to restaurants, shops, concerts, or anything else until they feel that everyone else is taking reasonable steps to prevent the spread of disease. That means that for those of us who may not have much, if any, fear of the ’rona, we must respect the concerns of others. Keep some distance, wash your hands, and, yes, put on a mask if the situation warrants. Such measures may keep you from getting sick, but they will definitely help our economy get healthier.


0814, 21 July 2020


  1. jjf

    Keep some distance, wash your hands, and, yes, put on a mask if the situation warrants.  Such measures may keep you from getting sick, but they will definitely help our economy get healthier.

    You’re only worried about you?  There we go again with the self-centered belief.  Wearing a mask helps others in the situation where you are the one with the ‘Rona and you don’t know it.  Can’t say that out loud in front of your Republican friends?

    Cases are still climbing.

    The situation warrants wearing a mask.

    Anyone here know anyone who had it?  Know anyone who got sick, who died?  Not yet?  What are you waiting for?  Once it gets close enough to you, then you’ll change your behavior?

  2. Mar

    Gee, jjf, places who have strict mask policies in place also have been seeing spikes in cases.
    And unless you are wearing a M95 mask, masks are not going to prevent the virus from spreading.
    And no, I don’t have it, don’t many people who have and don’t know anyone who has died and I am at very high risk based where and where at I work.

  3. Jason

    >You’re only worried about you? There we go again with the self-centered belief. Wearing a mask helps others in the situation where you are the one with the ‘Rona and you don’t know it. Can’t say that out loud in front of your Republican friends?

    More Liberal Privladges on display.

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