Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1602, 21 Jul 20

Governor Can’t Close Schools

Good. I’m glad to see Governor Evers restricting himself to his constitutional authority.

But the Department of Public Instruction says it can’t order districts to do that.

“We don’t have the authority at the Department of Public Instruction to close schools. We just aren’t given that authority, nor do we have the authority to mandate an instructional design,” said deputy state superintendent Michael Thompson.

Last week, the governor said he can’t either.

“I’m not in any position to say we’re going to, or we’re not going to,” Gov. Evers said at a news conference on July 14. “I’m not going to order them closed. That gets at an issue of what orders I can do or not do. But I’m still optimistic that they can open and there’s lots of options.”


1602, 21 July 2020


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    A shocking display of liberal restraint.

    Liberals are usually authoritarian crazy on topics like this.

  2. dad29

    You’ll note that Evers has zero aggressiveness after he got his head handed to him by SCOWI.

    Or maybe Gau is on vacay so he doesn’t know what to do.

  3. jjf

    Why does his chief of staff get you so excited, Dad29?

  4. Jason

    >Or maybe Gau is on vacay so he doesn’t know what to do.

    I heard shes out looking for a new candidate to run for the next Gubernatorial election. You know, someone who knows the law and what can and cannot be done by a Governor in this great state.

  5. arcee

    If the state goverment closes the schools, does that mean that the school districts do not get their state provided per-pupil allotment?  There’s always a big concern in the districts when they don’t meet their state mandated number of days since it affects their state allotment.

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