Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0656, 08 May 20

Obama’s Knowledge of Flynn Case

The rot started at the top.

President Obama knew details of Michael Flynn’s 2016 wiretapped phone calls with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, and raised the issue following an Oval Office meeting about Russian interferance is U.S. elections, it has been revealed in declassified documents released on Thursday.

The documents, that have been used as exhibits in the government’s motion to dismiss the case against Flynn, who at the time was due to become the U.S. National Security Advisor under the incoming Trump administration, show that Obama’s knowledge of the call surprised then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates.

According to Fox News, on January 5 2017, fifteen days before Donald Trump assumed office, Sally Yates attended a meeting in the Oval Office with President Obama along other notable national security figures, according to the newly declassified documents, which include a ‘FD-302 FBI’ report, a document used to detail interviews the bureau conducts.

The other attendees were then-Vice President Joe Biden, then-directors of the FBI and CIA, James Comey and John Brennan respectively, and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

The meeting was held to discuss Russian election interference, and also involved Susan Rice, the National Security Advisor who Flynn soon replaced, and other national security officials.


0656, 08 May 2020


  1. dad29

    The LEAST surprising news of the 21st century.  He’s human sewage-sludge.

  2. Pat


  3. Le Roi du Nord

    Hmm, Flynn pleaded guilty, admitted to other crimes he wasn’t charged with, and cooperated with Mueller in exchange for not being charged. Now that is Obama’s fault? You are grasping here, kiddies.

  4. Jason

    Actually no one here really cares about Obama any more.  You should be worrying under your bed about the optics of this on Creepy Joe Biden.

  5. Pat

    This helps to deflect from the worse unemployment on record due to the Trump Pandemic.

  6. Jason

    >This helps to deflect from the worse unemployment on record due to the Trump Pandemic.

    But Pat, the first section of your Hillary Campaign Team video yesterday… it said Trump didn’t do anything about the virus.  That’s how it opened “Trump did nothing”.

  7. Pat

    Yup, Trump did nothing. That’s why he gets to own it.

  8. Mark Hoefert

    the Trump Pandemic.

    I hear Trump will be running on “100,000 lives saved”* due to his performance re the Chinese/Wuhan Virus Pandemic. USA currently ranks 12th from the top for deaths per million population @ 233/M.   Spain @ 562/M.

    Of course, as more USA people die, the per/M will rise.  Perhaps the data will show less than 100,000 lives “saved”, maybe it will work out to less than that. So we might have  a scenario where Trump says “100,000 lives saved” and the media jumps in and says that he only saved 90,000 or whatever lives.

    * – it could be a higher number than that, depending on what the initial scientific models were projecting as to how many people were going to die.  The above 100,000 is based on actual deaths realized.  Somewhere along the line it was going to be 1.6 Million deaths.  If so, we would need additional  1,500,000 deaths to reach that number.

  9. Jason

    Now Disgraced and Unemployed Ferguson’s estimate for the US was 2.2 Million.


  10. jjf

    Yes, Jason – if nothing was done.  And you know that, right?

  11. Jason

    Sorry Johnny, Ferguson and his peers have stated that’s not true.  Ferguson admitted his data was flawed and so his model was flawed.  Who cares, really, he’s not working in that field right now.

  12. Mar

    So, Pat, what should have President Trump done earlier? What should he do now? Repeating what CNN&MSNBC says doesn’t cut it.
    And if you are willing to blame Trump, then you should also criticize the Democrats as well, like Governor Cuomo, Mayor DeBlasio and other Democrats who have been proven wrong or who intentionally killed nursing home patients, like Cuomo.

  13. guinness


    You still haven’t told us exactly what was done to prevent the 2,000,000+ deaths that Ferguson estimated. You keep saying if nothing was done. What was done???

  14. jjf

    Guiness, clearly it was the bright light, especially from the inside, and the hydroxychloroquine, and the washing your hands with boiling water, and the bleach.

  15. Pat

    “ Repeating what CNN&MSNBC says doesn’t cut it.”

    I didn’t think I was repeating them but, in your opinion, who exactly should I be repeating if I were to?

  16. Jason

    >Guiness, clearly it was the bright light, especially from the inside, and the hydroxychloroquine, and the washing your hands with boiling water, and the bleach.


    And you’re always asking for Real Talk and you’ve got nothing but snark.  This is why you get talked down to by the adults.

  17. jjf

    It Would Be Better If I Used More Capitals and Voooooweells And Gave Everyone A Nickname and Used It Every Time, Right?

  18. Mar

    Looks like we have a pair of hating
    uneducated trolls today, jjf and Pat.
    Won’t debate or carry on conversations, just troll.
    Typical liberals. Not bright, but full of hate and ignorance.

  19. Jason

    Sounds good u/jfoust2


  20. jjf

    And then there’s the perfect tests, everyone can get them.

    And all the PPE they delivered.


  21. jjf

    Mar, clearly if the predictions aren’t perfect, we should do nothing.  And if we did something, then the predictions about doing nothing are clearly just thin air.  And climate change isn’t real, and evolution isn’t real, but why isn’t this science real, so all of science must not be real, and we can’t know anything with 100% certainty.  Did I get all that right?

  22. Mar

    jjf, who here or in political office said to do nothing.

  23. Merlin

    The FBI’s investigation of Flynn was faulty from its inception. The initial premise was criminal investigation of FARA and Logan Act violations of which the FBI found none. The threat of prosecution for having lied during initial interviews with agents was also baseless because the original 302s indicated truthfulness in Flynn’s answers. The FBI’s referral to DoJ did not reflect the information in the original 302s at all. The interviewing agents have testified as such. The Mueller investigation arose out of the same tainted genesis. No wonder Mueller found nothing of substance.

    DoJ and FBI intentional and quite illegally withheld information they knew to have been exculpatory from both Flynn’s original and subsequent defense teams. You simply cannot do that Soviet-style shit in America, folks. Obama’s DoJ and FBI were both involved in the use of illegal criminal investigation for the purpose of counterintelligence. That’s a gigantic no-no that has been under grand jury investigation by three different US Attorney offices going back at least a year.

    None of this information is all that new. What’s new is that the media is beginning to pay attention to it. It’s a pretty good bet that these public releases of information will continue and are a prelude to indictments dropping this summer. It’s not so much a question of whether Obama’s folks did the crime, but whether or not they will be made to answer for them. I’m betting Donald Trump will insist they do.

  24. jjf

    Mar, I think it would be great if we had perfect models that predicted everything about the virus.  But we don’t.  It’s people.  It’s culture, it’s compliance, it’s homes, it’s businesses, it’s connected to our way of life.  It’s going to be all over the map.  And yet I’m being questioned as to why the 2.2 million “do nothing” figure is right or not.

    Merlin, so why did Flynn plead guilty, twice?

  25. jjf

    Also, Mar, the bit about washing your hands with boiling water?  Fake, too.  But it sounds like Trump, doesn’t it?

  26. Pat

    Mar, what do you mean, not debate? You accuse me of repeating CNN & MSNBC.

    Again, who exactly should I be repeating if I were to? What’s your go to news outlet? My go to isAP & Reuter’s.

  27. Mar

    Nice, jjf, refusing to answer a very simple question.
    I guess trolling is your new favorite game.
    I’d say you give liberals a bad name, along with Pat and Le Roi, but most liberals beat you to it.

  28. jjf

    Mar, if no politician said “do nothing” then why does Evers get blame but Trump doesn’t?

  29. Mar

    Very simply, jjf, Herr Evers went way above the norm. He closed the State for over a month when virtually no other governor did that. He constantly ups the criteria to reopen the State.
    Which state did President Trump shut down?

  30. jjf

    Which way do you want it, Mar?  State’s rights or Federal power?  You’re the one who said “no politician said do nothing” and “virtually no other governor did that.”


  31. Mar

    I don’t know if you actually read the article you linked to.
    2 states didn’t do much- Wyoming and Utah and guess what? Their state’s are not being overrun by the Chinese virus.
    Kind of blows a hole in saying lockdowns are absolutely needed.
    But I believe in state rights. But that doesn’t mean those states, like Wisconsin and New York, who are doing a horrible job in violating people’s rights and lack common sense, cannot be criticized or taken to court.

  32. Pat


    What’s your go to news outlets?

  33. jjf

    So 48 governors did something.  I can see how you thought that virtually none of them did anything. Utah’s in the “middle of the pack.”


  34. guinness


    Your answer to my question made no sense whatsoever. And, you expect your posts to be taken seriously. Good luck with that.

  35. Mar

    jjf says “So 48 governors did something.  I can see how you thought that virtually none of them did anything. Utah’s in the “middle of the pack.””
    Where did I say the governors did nothing?
    And Utah did nothing and they are average, which tells me that doing very little except education seems to work.
    Maybe not in NYC, where the governor and mayor are a bunch murderous dumb asses.

  36. jjf

    Mar, so you said virtually no one did what Evers did.  In the other 50 states, you see nothing close?

    Guiness, your question was purposefully obtuse.  I’m sure you’re smart enough to understand that the highest estimates for “do nothing” were based on doing nothing, and I think it’s clear that governments everywhere have decided to not do nothing.  So why ask “what did anyone do?”


  37. dad29

    whether Obama’s folks did the crime,

    Nope.  “Whether Obama AND his folks did the crime.”  Answer: yes, to all the above.

  38. Mar

    What you smoking jjf? Or is your quarantine starting to affect your brain?
    What governor put a quarantine for at least a month and half and then seems hell bent on keeping the lockdown as long as possible?
    Even the worst governors are starting to end the lockdown but Evers has doubled down and keeps moving the goalposts.
    Either Evers is extremely incompetent or is extremely evil or both.

  39. Mar

    Thank you Pat for the link because I am going to California for business for a week.
    This should be interesting to see how it is in an insane asylum.

  40. Pat


    What news outlets do you follow to get truthful information? Afraid to say?

  41. guinness


    Because you’re alluding to the fact that the estimates were only high because they were for doing nothing and the actual numbers were low because something was done. The estimates were not high for that reason. They were high because they were grossly wrong. You know that as well as everyone else, but won’t admit it. You’re trying to cover it up by continuing to say they were based on nothing being done. That clearly means you are implying that whatever was done reduced the estimates to the actual low death count. I want you to tell us what was done that was so successful versus what would not have been done. Just think of all the lives you could save now by telling us what to do. Whatever that is, it saved over 200,000,000 lives. Or was that estimate simply wrong, regardless of whether something was done or not?

  42. jjf

    Or to put your question another way, G, how exactly did you know they were wrong when they were released, before you had today’s data?

  43. Mar

    Pat, I get my information from many different sources including several local newspapers, Fox News web site, Drudge, NY Post, NPR, talk radio, magazines, TV and radio stations and many more sites on the Internet.

  44. Jason

    >What news outlets do you follow to get truthful information? Afraid to say?

    A couple weeks ago Leroy linked to an article he found on Facebook. I was the only one to point it out and take issue with it. You didnt even comment, why the sudden care about Mar?

  45. Pat

    Fox, Drudge, talk radio, internet.

    That’s what I figured.

  46. guinness

    > Or to put your question another way, G, how exactly did you know they were wrong when they were released, before you had today’s data?

    Common sense. So, you just automatically believed the deaths would total over 200,000,000 “if nothing was done”?

    As long as the liberal alarmists keep posting these ridiculous estimates, you’re going to drink the koolaid. A quack like Ferguson pulls an insane number out of the sky and the world economy shuts down. If the same method was used for influenza, we would have been this way for decades. Of course Trump hasn’t been President for decades, so influenza was ignored like the common cold.

  47. Mar

    Reading comprehension failing you again, Pat?

  48. jjf

    Golly, G, I guess we don’t need all those doctors and scientists, when Simple Common Sense can guide our public health and medical policies.

  49. Mar

    And jjf, those scientists and doctors were completely wrong in many ways and continue to be wrong.
    If you take away New York, Massachusetts and New Jersey, you have a disease that is no worse than the flu and common cold and we never shut down in case of the flu.
    Do you believe everything the TV scientists and doctors say?
    Obviously, yes.

  50. dad29

    when Simple Common Sense can guide our public health and medical policies.

    What we need are more systems analysts to guide public policy because nothing can ever go wrong with systems.

    MD’s and scientists ADVISE on public health and medicine.  That’s what they’re paid for.  And that’s ALL they’re paid for.  Only fools would ask doctors and scientists to take complete charge of the US economy.

    Fools or systems analysts.

  51. jjf

    But we should follow your sage advice, right Dad29?  Were you ever paid for your advice in the Before Time?  Are you, too, convinced of your wisdom?

  52. jjf

    Mar, everything’s great, it’s fine!

    So why do you trust flu numbers but not covid numbers?  It’s all just in addition to flu, right?  A season of flu compared to how many months of covid?

  53. dad29

    Yes, I was paid for my advice.  But not on “how to run the national economy.”

    Let’s go back to the original matter here, Jiffster:  do you think that doctors and scientists SHOULD run the country’s public policy, medical and otherwise, to the exclusion of input from the citizens and their duly-elected representatives?

    Are you advocating for New Times, Johnny?  The Glorious New Times?  The New Times un-encumbered by common sense and Normies?

    How long have you had this condition, Johnny?

  54. jjf

    Public health is one of those aspects that gives many the heebie-jeebies, obviously.  Perhaps it’s like wartime powers, the power to wage, and what happens when you do.  These powers are in the laws.

    But you’re old enough to have experienced polio lockdowns, right?

    Define “run public policy.”  There’s still oversight and appointment, or should be, right?

    Maybe Fitz and Vos don’t like the law and its implementation now for one reason or another; perhaps it’s related to campaign funding drying up as much as anything else.  They have powers they’re not using.  Why’s that?  Because they’d need to cooperate with the governor?

    No, I cast as dim an eye on government power as much as many conservatives once did.  Or system isn’t perfect but none are, and yes, I prefer individual liberty and representative government with plenty of checks and balances.

  55. guinness


    Golly gee???

    How profound. This is exactly what we expect of a liberal troll. What I fail to understand is why you come to this clearly conservative blog site to argue your ignorant beliefs. People like you are totally deserving of ignoring. I’m through responding to any of your worthless comments. Clearly you just seek attention that you can’t get elsewhere. On a liberal site, you’d simply be one of many fading into the background. Here, your the standout along with your buddies. I‘ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The best way to deal with you is to ignore you. Goodbye. Any last words you may have shall be ignored by me and hopefully by other conservative posters here that are far more intelligent than yourself. You truly are an idiot.

    Regarding common sense, maybe you should try it sometime. Nah, that’s not something any liberal would ever adhere to. Just do us all a favor and go away.

  56. guinness



    Really? Another immature liberal troll response. You should also disappear with you liberal buddies, Le Roi and jjf. Just looking for attention on a conservative blog site by trying to rock the boat. You attention seekers are not worthy of any response when the best you can do is SQUIRREL. Go away and grow up.

  57. Pat

    “You attention seekers are not worthy of any response when the best you can do is SQUIRREL.”

    But yet, Guinea, you did. That speaks volumes.

    Plus, if Nord, JJF, and I didn’t visit, you’d all just be sitting in a circle jerking each other off, trying to convince each other how intelligent Trump is.

  58. Le Roi du Nord

    Bravo, Pat.  Nailed it !

  59. Mar

    Actually Pat, you, Le Roi and jjf provide comic relief with all the BS you guys provide.
    And you guys, if you didn’t come visit, you would still be hiding under your bed scared of some little germs and of those monsters hiding in your brains.

  60. Pat

    Oh, I forgot to mention. Mar sits in the center of the circle.

  61. Mar

    Lying Hateful Pat. I am so offended.
    Go back with the liars. You fit in perfectly.

  62. Pat

    It’s called “punching back”, Mar. Something I learned from your President.

  63. Jason

    I know this will burn your biscuits… hes your president too. Even if you didn’t vote for him, hes your president. Obama just said to stop being devisive… you should take note of that.

  64. Pat

    Mar, you debate emotionally, not logically. You keep calling people uneducated, stupid, hateful, and liars, but rarely debate based on logic and fact.

  65. Pat

    “ I know this will burn your biscuits”

    Not at all. I’m just saying Trump doesn’t represent me.

  66. Mar

    And Pat,your thinking makes you irrelevant.
    And President Trump does represent, sorry to say.

  67. Pat

    “And Pat,your thinking makes you irrelevant.”

    How so?

  68. Mike

    Pat hollers “SQUIRREL”, then we get 60 posts on COVID on a post about Obama’s involvement in the Flynn case. None of that is on topic for this post.

    Nice job leading the conversation away from criticism of your favorite party.


  69. Pat

    Amazing how that works, huh Mike.

  70. Kevin Scheunemann

    This thread is littered with liberals behaving badly.

    Defending the disgusting Obama administration corruption.

    Awful. Just awful.

  71. Pat


    Are you defending Flynn’s actions and lies?

  72. Mar

    Gee, Pat, you are an expert in lying. Tell us what you think?

  73. Pat

    I’d gladly play along with you again, Marbles. Let’s go down that rabbit hole. I’m sure everyone will find it as entertaining as it previously has.

    Please share the lies that have been attributed originating from me.

  74. jjf

    Guinness, yes, I was stunned that you suggested that “common sense” was the reason that you knew the 2.2 million “do nothing” response estimate was incorrect.  So you rise above all the others who were actually in positions of power, positions of academic accomplishment, you knew through native intuition that this number was incorrect and what…  that the response should be lessened, not as prepared, not as sweeping…  because your native common sense knew better.

  75. Jason

    >that the response should be lessened, not as prepared, not as sweeping

    Almost sounds like you’re praising the president’s actions in this crisis!

  76. jjf

    No, Jason, I was trying to understand what G was saying.

    You think Trump is doing a great job?

  77. Merlin

    Find even a single false statement by Flynn to the FBI. It can’t be done because the FBI has finally admitted it never happened. Flynn’s plea deal was based on a DoJ prosecution relying on falsified documentation created by FBI middle management. Had Flynn let the plea deal go through the government would have gained a successful persecution through criminal prosecution. How incredibly communist of them. Some folks need to go to prison and it ain’t Flynn.

  78. Pat

    “ Find even a single false statement by Flynn to the FBI. It can’t be done because the FBI has finally admitted it never happened. ”

    Do you have a link to the transcript where the FBI admitted that Flynn didn’t lie?

  79. MjM

    DMOTP Jiffy flies the flag:  positions of power, positions of academic accomplishment,

    Why common sense outlives your sainted elitist positions of power:  a person who has been entrenched in academia forever and absurdly wrong for 35 years is, contrary to your your swiss-cheese mindthink,  not an accomplishment.

    Such a person is a fraud (and in this specific case, a proven rank hypocrite).

    Common sense would tell you that.


  80. jjf

    MjM, have you learned anything in your life?  Do you feel like you’re an expert at anything, anything you do for love or money?

  81. Kevin Scheunemann


    I defend Flynn because he is victim of a disgusting liberal coup started by Obama himself and has been a corruptive liberal plaque in justice department where treasonous executions should be conducted on Comey and the adulterous FBI agents under him!

    I have sympathy for victims of liberal BS.

    Do you?

  82. Pat


    I missed the reports about a coup. Intriguing. Tell more.

  83. Kevin Scheunemann

    Yes, we know you are on side of treasonous DOJ/FBI liberals here.

    I support punishment for Comey, and the traitors under him, like we used to give to treasonous traitors in this nation.

    Stand with treason and the 4 year effort to falsely undermine the President. It is clear you want to embrace treasonous evil.

    Don’t let me stand in your way of celebrating evil.

  84. Pat

    I’m on the side of law and order, and support those that take the oath seriously.

  85. Le Roi du Nord


    Are you proposing execution for adultery? (Recall that we have an adulterer in the WH, and another on the WI SC). Or are you saying that adultery is treason? Or just another case of your hyperbole?

  86. Jason

    Poor little Leroy is fated to twisting the words of a single person on this blog.  What a sad little Leroy, can’t handle adult conversations and so wants to try to spin on a single phrase.  BTW Leroy, no one mentioned “Execution” until you projected it.  Ask Johnny what “projection” means, he does it every day here.

  87. Mar

    “I’m on the side of law and order, and support those that take the oath seriously.”
    Then you must be really pissed at Comey, Rosenstein and all the other Obama DOJ who lied and misled.
    That’s not taking their path seriously.

  88. Mar

    Well. I guess Lying Pat, you support the former cop who shot the young man in Georgia.
    And I suppose you support other crooked cops who took their oaths seriously.
    Way to go, Lying Pat.

  89. Pat

    Marbles, you’re debating based on your emotions, and inability to produce any lie that’s origin can be attributed to me. Please try channeling your superior intellect and try again.

    Juvenile Jason made the accusation against Nord saying, “ no one mentioned “Execution” until you projected it.
    But JJ, Kevin first brought it up saying, “executions should be conducted on Comey and the adulterous FBI agents”

    Awful. Just awful.

  90. Kevin Scheunemann


    I’m proposing execution for treason.

    Which is what Comey and his adulterous FBI agents did.

    You want to side with treasonous behavior, so be it. Would not be first time liberalism has embraced disgusting evil.

  91. Pat

    “ I’m proposing execution for treason.”

    Kevin, please produce your evidence of treason.

  92. jjf

    You know, because Kevin is pro-life.

  93. Kevin Scheunemann


    It is coming out that Obama had Trump campaign investigated as early as August 2017.   That is an abomination to democracy and everything America stands for!   Having your political opponents investigated right before an election.   Only tin pot liberal Marxist thugs do that. Comey was a willing participant and agents under him.

    We now know all this “Logan act” crap was made up BS to fuel the fake Russian narrative, which did not exist at all.   It was an attempted coup by Democrats to deflect blame from the fact they ran the worst candidate in American history for President!    Democrats,in their deflection, did not learned their lesson because I think they found someone worse than Hillary!

    You can continue to side with monstrous establishment evil, or call it out.   Looks like you side with the treason.  Very diappointing.

  94. Pat

    “It is coming out that Obama had Trump campaign investigated as early as August 2017.”

    What specifically was the reason for the investigation. Any documentation you have would be beneficial and appreciated.

    You Faux News link really didn’t say much. It looks like Trump’s Deep State Thugs are investigating his political enemies. We see this all the time in banana republics.

  95. Jason

    >It looks like Trump’s Deep State Thugs are investigating his political enemies. We see this all the time in banana republics.

    If he is, then he’s just following the guy in office before him – if… he… is.

  96. Kevin Scheunemann


    That should have said
    “August 2016.”

    There is nothing to that report.    I am tired that we are being accused of being dumb Russian dupes in WI and Michigan, it is insulting.

    You are depiscable for continuing to push that fake narrative.

    I voted against Hillary, and the disgusting Democrat establishment.   Trump has only proven how dangerous treasonous liberals are in positions of power.


  97. Le Roi du Nord


    You are grossly wrong yet again. Classic fail.

  98. Pat

    “I am tired that we are being accused of being dumb Russian dupes in WI and Michigan, it is insulting.“

    Could you provide a source that said you were being accused of being accused of being a dumb Russian dupe. I certainly never said that of you. I do understand the power of propaganda in influencing individuals. Strategic propaganda works very well on some people especially when they are continually bombarded with it. The Russians are experts at it. The US has effectively used it also. And Trump is an expert at misinformation.

    As far as the Senate House Intelligence report, it does confirm Russian activities to interfere with the election. The US would be remiss if it didn’t investigate for improprieties made by any individual.

    Where we’re at now is Trump retaliating against his perceived enemies for doing their jobs. And what’s also happening now is another one of Trumps distractions to move the narrative away from his dismal handling of the Coronavirus. Or, as I like to call it, he’s yelling, “SQUIRREL”.

  99. Jason

    >You are grossly wrong yet again. 

    Prove me wrong.  The evidence now shows that Obama’s Deep State Thugs were investigating his political enemies (Trump, Flynn) and that Obama was actively involved and kept informed.   Seems like Creepy Old Joe was involved as well, however he probably didn’t understand what the meetings were about.

  100. Merlin

    What’s becoming clear is that the Obama cronies have been giving testimony under oath that is diametrically opposed to the Russia Collusion hoax they were peddling to the media. Lies told under oath are subject to criminal sanction. They seem to realize from which quarter they suffer the greatest exposure.

    Lies told to media outlets are not criminal, but very well may give those people libeled and/or slandered a cause for civil action. Lord knows there’s more than enough documentation to build cases against several individuals and several more media outlets. It would be entirely fair for someone like Flynn to justly seek the financial ruin of those who unjustly sought the same for him.


  101. Le Roi du Nord

    Here you go, j:

    “BTW Leroy, no one mentioned “Execution” until you projected it”.

    However, earlier k had said this:

    “..where treasonous executions should be conducted on Comey and the adulterous FBI agents under him!”

    And then Pat corrected you:

    “Juvenile Jason made the accusation against Nord saying, “ no one mentioned “Execution” until you projected it.
    But JJ, Kevin first brought it up saying, “executions should be conducted on Comey and the adulterous FBI agents”.

    Spin away, little fella.

  102. Pat

    WASHINGTON (CN) — The Justice Department’s inspector general released a 434-page report Monday refuting Republican claims that the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election was based on political motives.

    The report details the origins of the investigation, code name Crossfire Hurricane, condemned by President Donald Trump as a Democrat-led coup at the heart of the government’s top investigative agency.

    The investigation focused on campaign advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos, as well as former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort and ex-national security adviser Michael Flynn.

    Trump has long claimed the investigation was biased against his campaign and people within the FBI who wanted to see his campaign fail launched the probe. The report from Inspector General Michael Horowitz has been hotly anticipated in a Washington fiercely divided over the events inside the FBI that set off the investigation opened on July 31, 2016.

    Across some 170 interviews with more than 100 witnesses and review of 1 million documents from the FBI and DOJ shelves, Horowitz’s report for the most part does not back up Trump’s claims.

    “We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced the decisions to open the four individual investigations,” the report states.

  103. Jason

    >Here you go, j:

    Well see you didn’t quote which comment you were claiming I was “grossly wrong” so I figured it was the most recent one.


    Yes, Pat pointed out that I was indeed wrong, and Kevin did mention “Execute”.


    However we’re both wrong as Kevin never suggested “Execution for adultery” as you implied he did.

    >corruptive liberal plaque in justice department where treasonous executions should be conducted on Comey and the adulterous FBI agents under him

    If you were a thinking man, which you’re clearly not, you would understand that what Kevin is saying is that Comey and the two FBI Agents (who were also committing adultery) were performing treasonous acts and should be punished.  Odd, as much as you expect us to be able to follow along with simple thoughts and phrases, that this one tripped you up so.


    Have you been tested for Rona?

  104. Pat

    The Constitution defines Treason as such,

    “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”

    Share any evidence you’ve procured that solidifies your allegations of treason.

  105. Le Roi du Nord


    You forgot the ?. Do you what ? means.

  106. Jason

    >Have you been tested for Rona?

    No, it’s there, right where it should be.   Feverish?

  107. Le Roi du Nord


  108. Mar

    Jason, I think Le Roi, besides being a liar is also having vision problems as well.
    Maybe even dementia.

  109. Le Roi du Nord

    j and mar:

    I didn’t imply anything, I asked k a question (hence the ?) :

    “Are you proposing execution for adultery?


  110. Jason

    If you think a question mark negates an implication, you’re pretty poorly educated.  Sorry bub, your mommy and daddy should have sent you to a private school.

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