Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

1832, 29 Apr 20

Medical Personnel Losing their Jobs

I hope nobody has any medical emergency other than Covid anytime soon.

At a time when medical professionals are putting their lives at risk, tens of thousands of doctors in the United States are taking large pay cuts.

And even as some parts of the US are talking of desperate shortages in nursing staff, elsewhere in the country many nurses are being told to stay at home without pay.

That is because American healthcare companies are looking to cut costs as they struggle to generate revenue during the coronavirus crisis.

“Nurses are being called heroes,” Mariya Buxton says, clearly upset. “But I just really don’t feel like a hero right now because I’m not doing my part.”

Ms Buxton is a paediatric nurse in St Paul, Minnesota, but has been asked to stay at home.

At the unit at which Ms Buxton worked, and at hospitals across most of the country, medical procedures that are not deemed to be urgent have been stopped. That has meant a massive loss of income.


1832, 29 April 2020


  1. Mar

    Yep, hospitals are being overwhelmed. Let’s keep the hospitals virtually empty just in case the Chinese virus comes back.
    Let’s also bankrupt these hospitals because after all, the hospitals have to take 1 for the liberal team and for the crackpots who hate Trump.

  2. Jason

    >“But I just really don’t feel like a hero right now because I’m not doing my part.”

    But Matthew McConaughey is on the Boob Tube every 20 minutes telling us that staying home is heroic. I’m confused.

  3. Mike

    This has been the most mismanaged crisis in history, and it’s not Trump that dictated these restrictions, it’s the state governors responsible for this.

  4. Merlin

    The protocols practiced by American healthcare during this pandemic need to be exhaustively reviewed. Preparedness issues aside, it’s not been clear just who formulated the policy of not wanting to deal with patients at all until they could present with life threatening respiratory distress. Such reluctance to treat sick patients sooner seems to have been an absolute waste of the best healthcare on the planet. Delayed treatment guarantees statistically poorer outcomes regardless of the malady. WuFlu is proving to be no different.

    There needs to be justification for taking such a third world approach to modern medicine. Whether people or tools, we have the best of the best. The decision to use them as a glorified transition to hospice needs to be critically reviewed.

  5. MjM

    Mike sez:  ” … it’s the state governors responsible for this.”

    And big city mayors….

    Just opened yesterday, an “alternative care facility” built at Wisconsin State Fair Park Exposition Center.  530 beds.  Staff of 400.  Touted, championed, and pimped by MKE mayor Grin-n-Barrett and Gov. Phony nEvers.

    Cost: $24 million ($10 million from feds)

    Patients: 0

    And Phony nEvers is building another one in Madison.

  6. Mar

    The other thing that the medical/nursing workers need to review how to properly practice infection control.
    There is no reason why so many people died in nursing homes due to the Chinese virus, except the bad practice of infection control.
    Washing hands, not wearing gowns and gloves when working with I texted patients and other simple things could have prevented many of these deaths.

  7. Pat

    All of this sucks. The most powerful country in the world was not ready for this. It’s unbelievable that after an economy that was the envy of the world, being greater than it’s ever been, is flush with corporations needing bailouts. Citizenry with no savings reserves, living paycheck to paycheck. Farmers unable to get livestock and produce to market.

    But on the bright side, Jared said the economy will be “rocking” come July. That’s two short months away, thank God.

    Let’s keep making America great!

  8. Kevin Scheunemann


    See what happens when government gets involved….and liberals still beg for more central planning nonsense.

  9. jjf

    Kevin, in your vast free-market experience, have you ever seen private business conduct a screw-up?

  10. Pat

    I’ve definitely seen what’s happened. An Administration asleep at the wheel. See their newest recommendations for schools opening? Desks six feet apart. Either more rooms will need to be made available, or rotating classes year round. I’d vote for the latter.

  11. Jason

    >have you ever seen private business conduct a screw-up?

    Your analogies are as preposterous and inane as always, keep making me laugh Jealous Johnny.

  12. dad29

    Sure, private businesses screw up.  Then they go out of business or have to scrape the floor for earnings until they repair the problem.

    Difference between them and Gummint is Gummint doesn’t go BK and disappear.  Alternative difference:  Gummint’s screwups cost TAX money, not investor money.  Another difference:  Gummint personnel who screw up get promoted, moved, or retire with massive pensions and benefits.

    Any other questions, Jiffy?


  13. Pat

    Big business also gets my money. Can you say tax payer bailouts.

  14. Le Roi du Nord

    Or foxconn?

  15. Mar

    And here goes Pat. Pst makes some I retesting points about education but ruins her post by taking cheap and false accusations against President Trump’s admin8stration.
    I guess haters will always be haters, sadly.

  16. Pat

    Ok, Mar. If you’re going to make an accusation about the validity of something I said, please clarify what the false statement is that I made, and why it is false.

  17. Kevin Scheunemann


    Of course private businesses screws up, to economic consequence.

    They change, adjust, or go bankrupt.

    Have you ever tried to get government to change screw ups? It is like changing Nord to rational thought. In other words, difficult to impossible? Who pays, involuntarily? Taxpayer.

    At least with private business, you can choose NOT to do business with them.

    That is part you libs never get in your thirst for more power in our everyday lives.

  18. Pat

    “They change, adjust, or go bankrupt.”
    Or if they’re deemed to big to fail, get a tax payer bailout.

  19. jjf

    Kevin, trust me, I once firmly believed as you do.  I thought government was predisposed to those overages and screw-ups, that private business had some magical edge due to competition and individual insight.

    And then I saw more of government up close, and then I saw more of private business up close.  I saw private waste, I saw government waste.  I saw private failure, I saw government success – especially in the form of sincerity, hard work, dedication to cause, even those who strove to be impartial.

    And you’re precisely right – government doesn’t get to choose its customers.  They (should) serve all.  They have a different job than any private company.

    You’re blindered to the grift and corruption of the party you prefer.

  20. Jason

    >And then I saw more of government up close, and then I saw more of private business up close.  I saw private waste, I saw government waste.  I saw private failure, I saw government success – especially in the form of sincerity, hard work, dedication to cause, even those who strove to be impartial.

    Is that your bookshelf talking?   Cause it’s specious, myopic, and very biased.   So I answered my own question… it’s just you talking.

  21. Jason

    >Or if they’re deemed to big to fail, get a tax payer bailout.

    And I doubt you’ll find anyone here supporting that very often.  But here’s your test… can you vote with your wallet towards government actions like you can with a business?

  22. Pat

    Government and businesses are as comparable as apples and oranges.

  23. jjf

    Jason, I’d enjoy it if you joined the conversation with substantive thought instead of jeers.

    I’m saying you see the same kinds of waste and success in both arenas.  Both government and the private sector are run by humans, and there’s no avoiding human flaws and human successes.

    Can you vote with your wallet?  Is money a form of speech?  Can you change a government more than you can change a business?  Can you change a business with your personal spending habits?

  24. Mar

    “especially in the form of sincerity, hard work, dedication to cause, even those who strove to be impartial.”
    How do you mean “dedication to cause”?

  25. jjf

    Mar – you know, the dedication that many good people have to their job, be it a top-level white-collar job or a dirty job down at the wastewater treatment plant.  It happens in public jobs as much as it happens in the private sector.

  26. Mar

    Pat, I watched the video and at best, it was so-so. It made a lot of stupid assumptions and nothing in there was real life, like fire and police would only go to emergencies of 20 year olds and that you don’t have a voice in a corporation but does 1 person really have a voice in electing a president?
    But running a business is a lot running government.
    Both have budgets, both have employees and benefits, which is about 90% of the cost.
    Unless you do a horrible job in big business or in elected federal government, chances are you still have a job at the end of the day.

  27. Mar

    I agree with you in the general sense, jjf. And my experiences with both government and private business is that you are right, though there is a lot more red tape on the government side.
    But if you are saying government success more time than private business, then I disagree.
    Especially with the Chinese virus. There is no way the government could have handle this crisis without a huge help from private business, especially big business. Those private hospitals, big pharmacy companies, technology companies, auto industry and especially stores like Walmart.
    Who screwed up the worse were government agencies like the CDC, colleges, people who come up with those stupid theories and elected officials(both GOP and Democrats),

  28. Jason

    >Can you vote with your wallet?  Is money a form of speech?  Can you change a government more than you can change a business?  Can you change a business with your personal spending habits?


    One side of your mouth you ask me to join a conversation with substantive thought and from the other side, you spout this.  That’s not thought, that’s noise and disruptive questions.

    I know (through my own life experiences) that The American Populace can affect a business far more than they can any level of government.  Sure we vote, but the two parties are so enshrined and the political apparatus so permanent that nothing can be effectively accomplished – when compared to business.

    Even with your own meaningless experiences you so frequently share as proof of your opinion this is true and I feel irrefutable.  Ask Tupac from Kentucky what his recourse is with trying to be made whole due to some bureaucratic snafu (or stupidity in this case).  If it were a business causing him harm, he could go to the government for assistance.  If the government is causing him harm, where can he go?


    Let the government do what it’s designed to do – govern.  Let business do what they are designed to do – conduct business.

  29. jjf

    Give me an example, Jason.  When you think of a way you believe you can “affect” a business, is it the same as what I’m thinking?  Why isn’t a business as “enshrined” as government?

    Yes, let’s talk about government hurdles.  Pain in the neck at best, real obstacles in other situations.  If the government is causing you harm, you have the courts.  Is that different from what happens if a business causes you harm?

  30. Pat


    I’m still waiting for you to clarify what the false statement is that I made, and why it is false.

  31. jjf

    Mar, I’m not saying government has more success than business.  I’m saying they are both human endeavors, and everything you can read throughout history will happen again in both places.

    I’ve seen private businesses throw money down rat holes, seen incompetent people not just keep their job but thrive.

    It happens in private business and you may not have any mechanism to hear about it, unless you have an ear to the inside.  By design.  You may not hear about it until – tadah – government charges someone inside with a crime.

    Government also generally operates under different rules for public scrutiny, too – so you’ll hear about flaws more often.  By design.

    Yeah, there’s the usual belief that there will be some justice meted out by the owners or the stockholders.  It’s often like an article of faith among those who want to defend private business.  It may not be true, there’s no guarantee it will ever happen… but people believe in it.

    But as Dad29 reminds us, there’s always bankruptcy.  They can run away from their problems.  And beyond BK, there’s always legal shenanigans that let moneyed interests get away with seeming crimes, leaving someone else holding the bag of debt.  Or the polluted brown field.

  32. jjf

    But Pat, they’re not trying to intimidate anyone!

  33. Le Roi du Nord

    Obviously they need something to feel more manly.

  34. MjM

    Great news!   WI DHS “experts” using new John Hopkins “expert” models!

    Remember the DHS prediction of 450-1500 deaths by April 8?

    DHS Dr. Shaun Truelove (not a typo) says hold my beer…

    Using JH’s modeler, Dr. Truelove (not a typo) predicted…

    WI deaths by May 1:  2,200    Actual:   316

    Be sure to take a good look at the last chart in the doc linked.  It makes backward predictions, such that g’vment actions taken a month and two from now will change the number deaths counted as of today. 

    Our experts are so f’n expert they can change the past.

    We so lucky.


  35. jjf

    MjM, how would you like to measure success?

    Not if the numbers were less than predicted?

    And if the lockdown wasn’t in place, where do you think the numbers would be?

    Speaking of time travel, it’s kind of like the way Obama went into the future to make a broken test for a virus just to make Trump look bad.

  36. Mar

    :And if the lockdown wasn’t in place, where do you think the numbers would be?”
    No can know this answer.
    And how many deaths occurred because of the lockdown through suicides, overdoses, people not going to the hospital because they were afraid, stress related illnesses etc.?
    Do you know that number, jjf?

  37. Mar

    And jjf, to break it down so you can understand, how many people have permanently lost their jobs, how businesses that will close their doors forever, and how about the rise in domestic violence?
    I guess you don’t give a crap about, just as long as President Trump doesn’t get reelected. Everybody has to suffer for Team Biden.

  38. Le Roi du Nord

    Suicide, overdose, and not going to the hospital are choices, poor ones. Contracting covid19 isn’t a choice, but a result.

    What a nonsense argument. You surely lost this conservation.

  39. Jason

    Pat. That old phrase “you’re 9 meals from anarchy”.

  40. Mar

    Le Roi, what a ghoulish, moronic, and pathetic response.
    Just shows what a hateful human being you are.
    I am sure your dog is so proud to have such a horrible and hateful person as his owner.

  41. Le Roi du Nord


    Not so. Those are choices, plain and simple. It looks like I am more of a “personal responsibility” guy than you.

  42. Mar

    Pat, I didn’t know you are an Alex Jones fan.

  43. Pat


    Still waiting for that so called falsehood you accused me of, and why it’s false.

  44. Mar

    Well, I guess those got the Chines virus also had choices as well. The nurse who works in a hospital, the people gather in crowds, the people who go shopping, the people who went to work, well, they made choices as well.
    I guess you blame them as well.
    But hey, the more people die, the better for Rapist Joe.

  45. Mar

    Sorry, Pat, but just are too ignorant to have a conversation with.
    At least Le Roi and jjf come up with something original.
    Your just igonant.

  46. jjf

    Mar, I think that if the lockdown wasn’t in place, there would be many more cases of the virus, and it would’ve spread in faster exponential fashion.   I’m satisfied knowing that we’ve reduced it.

    Exactly how does the lockdown cause more domestic violence?  It causes people to commit crimes?  To kill themselves?  Did you believe this as fervently and with the same concern in any previous moment of economic uncertainty?

  47. Le Roi du Nord


    And you know nothing about public service. Odd you don’t, seeing as you claim to have been an EMT and a USAF medic.

    “Chines” ? Come on, for someone as highly educated as you claim you sure make a lot of mistakes. Guess the ignorant shoe fits your foot perfectly.

  48. Pat

    Mar, so you can’t backup your accusation. Thought so.
    And you call me, “igonant”.

  49. dad29

    Contracting covid19 isn’t a choice, but a result.

    Just like contracting the flu, bronchitis, or pneumonia.

    Nobody is forcing you to leave that cozy little spot under your bed, LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy.

  50. dad29

    I think that if the lockdown wasn’t in place, there would be many more cases of the virus, and it would’ve spread in faster exponential fashion.

    Not only an assertion made without evidence, but flat-ass contradicted by the data from the Corona Princess AND the aircraft carrier.

    Try again someday.

  51. dad29

    Also see:

    This phenomenological study assesses the impacts of full lock down strategies applied in Italy, France,Spain and United Kingdom, on the slowdown of the2020 COVID-19 outbreak. Comparing the trajectory of the epidemic before and after the lockdown, we find no evidence of any discontinuity in the growth rate, doubling time, and reproduction number trends.Extrapolating pre-lockdown growth rate trends, we provide estimates of the death toll in the absence of any lockdown policies, and show that these strategies might not have saved any life in western Europe. We also show that neighboring countries applying less restrictive social distancing measures (as opposed to police-enforced home containment) experience a very similar time evolution of the epidemic.

  52. jjf

    It was all a trick, Dad29.  They’re out to get you.

  53. jjf

    Unreviewed preprint from a research associate in physical oceanography?  Do tell!  Call me in a month and tell me how it’s held up!

  54. dad29

    I would be happy to tell you how it holds up as soon as you provide evidence of your assertions about ‘faster exponential’ and ‘many more.’

    While you’re at it, how MUCH faster?  How MANY more?

    Inquiring minds, and all that.

    Re:  the excerpt from the oceanographer….his is not the first study to notice the highly-defined curve on Kung Flu.  Israel had near-identical results in its study.

    Run your own study, Jiffy.  Toss your findings into the mix.

  55. Mar

    Yes, Pat, you’re a 1 trick hating pony.

  56. Pat

    Mar, so that’s a “yes” you can’t back up your accusation. Thank you for your honesty.

  57. Mar

    Pat, I and others pointed out so many of your lies on that post. Your just too stupid or pig headed to see your errors.
    Your responses perpetuated your original lie.
    You just are a dishonest person.

  58. Pat


    You must have forgotten about the accusation you made on this posting about the falsehood I made. All I ask is that you provide the falsehood and your reasoning for saying it’s false.

  59. Mar

    Pat, I am not going your game. I already. You are just a dishonest person.

  60. Mar

    Pat, I suggest you be admitted to a nursing home for your dementia. I hear they have plenty of open beds.

  61. jjf

    Dad29, it wasn’t hard to find conservatives ripping your paper to shreds, but whatevs.  But you weren’t looking for balance, were you?

    Which way do you want it, Daddio?  One minute you want numbers from the science, the next the science is to be ridiculed and suspected.  It’s as reliable and predictable as Charlie Brown, Lucy, and the football.

  62. Pat

    Mar, why can’t you be honest and have a civil conversation instead of being so hostile and bearing false witness? If you’re unable to produce any factual information to back up your allegation, just say so. No one will think the less if you. Certainly not me.

  63. Mar

    Pat, seriously, get some help. I already answered your question several times.
    One sign of a brain injury is repeating the same question many times over and over and expecting a different answer.

  64. dad29

    Just can’t come up with numbers, can you, Jiffy?

    I’m sure you also noted the FreePers logically destroying “social estrangement” theory in that thread.  Funny you didn’t mention that.

    K, enough of your foofoodust.  How about answers to my original questions?


  65. Mar

    But Pat, I’ll play along. Show me evidence in your post about the Michigan protest was truthful. Show me evidence about the doctor. Show me evidence about the behavior of the crowd. Show me evidence about the ambulance.

  66. jjf

    Dad29, I’m not an epidemiologist.  I can’t predict the numbers you (and everyone) wants any more than I can predict the stock market.  It’s not like there is a shortage of pandemic explanation and prediction and modeling out there.  You just don’t like it…  because you don’t like the way the world has responded.

    I do, however, believe that the rates of infection and death would be much greater if we did less.  I’m satisfied with that.

  67. Pat

    Here Mar, I’ll help you out.

    I posted:
    “ I’ve definitely seen what’s happened. An Administration asleep at the wheel. See their newest recommendations for schools opening? Desks six feet apart. Either more rooms will need to be made available, or rotating classes year round. I’d vote for the latter.”

    You then posted:
    “And here goes Pat. Pst makes some I retesting points about education but ruins her post by taking cheap and false accusations against President Trump’s admin8stration.
    I guess haters will always be haters, sadly.”

    I’ve asked you what was false about what I said, and why it’s false. All you’ve done is to go into a hissy fit and throw out insults, but never directly addressing my question. You just said, “I already answered your question several times.” But that would be untrue. You have not addressed it at all.

    Certainly a person, such as yourself, who touts his intellectual prowess over the rest of us uneducated rubes, would be able to intellectually provide a coherent answer to a direct question.

  68. Pat

    Mar asks, “Show me evidence in your post about the Michigan protest was truthful. Show me evidence about the doctor. Show me evidence about the behavior of the crowd. Show me evidence about the ambulance.”

    I believe that was previously addressed ad nauseam on another thread.

  69. Mar

    Right, Pat some photos that meant nothing and some guy in their basement making crap up.
    You are just a pathetic person. Now you know why I don’t bother to talk reasonably to you.
    You can come can come up with some things that are thoughtful and then you follow up crap..
    You are irrelevant.

  70. Pat

    But, Mar, your still unable to provide an answer to the question I asked. Just pitch childish insults.

  71. dad29

    I do, however, believe that the rates of infection and death would be much greater if we did less.

    And I believe that you’re wrong.  Sweden proved that, and I’m satisfied with that.

  72. Jason

    >Dad29, I’m not an epidemiologist.  I can’t predict the numbers you (and everyone) wants any more than I can predict the stock market.  It’s not like there is a shortage of pandemic explanation and prediction and modeling out there.  

    Time to rethink that bookshelf then Johnny.    Any time someone here says something you don’t agree with, you demand details, numbers, and to “show your work” and yet you can’t be troubled to do it yourself.


    >I do, however, believe that the rates of infection and death would be much greater if we did less.  I’m satisfied with that.

    Of course you are, if you weren’t satisfied with your own opinions, you’d be calling 800-273-8255.  Instead you’re here trolling trying to make yourself feel better.

  73. jjf

    If it wasn’t clear, Jason and Dad29, when I ask if you think there would be more infections if there were no lockdown, the answer I’m expecting is “yes, there would be more infections.”  I’m not asking for precise numbers.

  74. Mar

    The answer to your question is yes, there will be more infections…maybe.
    But to play your game, yes there will be more infections. But with the lockdown, all you doing is delaying infections and in the end, the numbers come out the same.

  75. Mar

    Pathetic Pat, how pathetic you cannot provide evidence for your lie.
    And I know what your response will be.
    “You didn’t prove I lied” says Pathetic Pat, for the 100th time.
    Remember, repeating the same question over and over when the answer has already been provided to you is a sign of a serious brain injury.
    Seek help Pat, before it is too late.

  76. Pat


    I see you’re still hung up on the thread from a few days back yet. I feel bad that you were unable to comprehend my answer to you then but, it is what it is. I’ll give you a pass on this thread as you are evidently still displaying feelings of confusion and anger. Best wishes to you, my friend. I hope you fine the peace your looking for.

  77. Mar

    Oh, Pat, I already have my peace. Don’t worry about. You should be more concerned about yourself.
    But thanks. I hope you also are done with this silly spat.

  78. jjf

    Mar, is it time to have the talk about exponents again?

    If everyone is infecting three or four people, if everyone got it quickly, then the hospitals do overflow, and then the numbers don’t “come out the same” because more people die from lack of immediate care, right?

    And indeed if we delay infections, we buy time for development of treatments and even a vaccine, don’t we?

    I feel like you have been hit over the head with this for months, not by me, but by everyone, and you’ve deliberately avoiding understanding.

  79. Mar

    “Suicide, overdose, and not going to the hospital are choices, poor ones. Contracting covid19 isn’t a choice, but a result.”
    That is your quote Le Roi. You own it.
    But keep on lying and denying.

  80. Jason

    Ironic that Leroy has responded to other recent posts but yet ignored this one,  Liar Leroy, so sad.

  81. Mar

    You’re right Jason. Pathological Liar Le Roi runs away like a girl when confronted with the truth, though still tries to blame the other person for his lies.

  82. jjf

    Mar, are you joining in on the Sunday Sexism?

  83. Mar

    “Le Roi du Nord says:

    May 2, 2020 at 6:51 am

    Suicide, overdose, and not going to the hospital are choices, poor ones. Contracting covid19 isn’t a choice, but a result.
    What a nonsense argument. You surely lost this conservation.”
    Under Medical people losing their jobs.

    So, someone was brilliant enough to hack your account this one time, or are you lying again Le Roi?

  84. Le Roi du Nord


    Sure, that is what I said on May 2, but it isn’t the same as what you claimed earlier.  What is wrong with your language skills?

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