Boots & Sabers

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1609, 17 Apr 20

Racine Sheriff Defends Civil Rights Against Tyrannical State Government


4/17/2020 I want to take this opportunity to notify Racine County citizens of our position on the enforcement of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services public health emergency orders. Wisconsin law gives the Governor and the Wisconsin DHS the authority to develop emergency measures and enforce rules and orders to protect the public during a health crisis. However, state law does not have the power to supersede or suspend the Constitutional rights of American citizens. I urge the Wisconsin DHS to develop a workable plan that balances the safety of our citizens while at the same time acknowledging the fact that there is a way for business to operate even during the current health situation. I have all the confidence in Racine County business owners that they can make the appropriate adjustments in the way they operate during this difficult time to accommodate for the safety of their employees and guests. The overreaching measures taken by State government will have dire lifetime consequences for businesses, homeowners, and families. I took an oath to uphold the constitutional rights of our citizens and I can not in good faith participate in the destruction of Racine County businesses or interfere in the freedoms granted to all of us by our Constitution. Wisconsin law gives the authority and the responsibility for investigating and enforcing public health violations to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and local health departments. We will leave the enforcement of public health orders to the health department experts. It is important that we stay focused on our obligations and responsibilities to those areas of the law that we are charged with enforcing. We have and will continue to concentrate our resources and efforts at keeping our roads safe and protecting our citizens from criminal activity. COVID-19 isn’t going to go away any time soon. I strongly encourage all of us to start thinking of our new “normal” way of doing business. Let’s get Racine County back on its feet again and move ahead. I understand the seriousness of the current health situation and I urge all Racine County citizens to continue to be responsible and to follow the social distancing, mask and hygiene recommendations of the CDC and the Wisconsin DHS. Let’s continue to look out for our neighbors and those less fortunate around us. Brighter days are ahead. Sheriff Christopher Schmaling


1609, 17 April 2020


  1. Jason

    Very well said, proud of that American.

  2. jjf

    So he’s a judge as well as a sheriff?

  3. Mar

    He’s an elected official who is supposed to uphold the constitution.
    Is Evers a judge?

  4. Kevin Scheunemann

    Good public official. Don’t let those dirty libs get you down.

  5. Mike

    Sheriffs are the top law enforcement official in the county. Evers may be tone deaf, but Sheriffs are hearing from their deputies the word on the street. We now have multiple Sheriffs speaking out against what they see as an unconstitutional overreach and clear violation of their oath of office.

    The Sheriffs are not acting as judges conducting street justice. They are acting in accordance with their oath of office.

  6. Pat

    “When somebody’s president of the United States, the authority is total.”

    I’m waiting for everyone to chime in with the same outrage over this constitutional over reach.

  7. Kevin Scheunemann


    Trump has walked that back.


  8. Mar

    Pat, nice deflection of the issue.

  9. Pat


    How so? Did he come out and directly say he was wrong, and he constitutionally does not have total authority as POTUS, and apologize?

  10. Mar

    Pat, when was the last time you have apologized for saying something stupid or when you were wromg?

  11. Pat

    It was a couple weeks ago.

  12. Mar

    “The Michigan Proud Boys, a local Neo Nazi group of Trump supporters, organized a blockade of the intersection at a green light outside Sparrow Hospital in Lansing.
    A doctor rushed out of the hospital to plead with them to let the ambulances through, but the Trumpsters just waved their Confederate flags and laughed. This is how America dies.”
    When did you apologize for this?

  13. Pat

    What part of it is wrong?

  14. Mar

    Just about everything and in the discussion about it, you were proved wrong.
    What is your source?
    The point, you were proved wrong. You refuse to apologize or even admit you were wrong.
    But you expect President Trump to apologize and admit he was wrong and you cannot even do the same thing yourself.

  15. Pat

    “The point, you were proved wrong.”
    No I wasn’t.

  16. Pat


    What was wrong? Please be specific.

  17. Mar

    You cannot even answer a specific question of what your source was.
    They did not blockade the intersection, a doctor did not run out to plead with the protestors to let the ambulance in.
    The protestors did not just and laugh.
    These points were proven through the media. You were wrong.
    So, what is your source or did you just make it up?
    Please apologize or stop demanding President Trump apologize.

  18. Pat

    The head of the hospital said protesters did not block the entrance. No one said intersections and streets were not blocked. All you have to do is look at the pictures. Of course you may not believe your lying eyes.

  19. jjf

    Otay.  So why were they protesting at a hospital?

  20. Jason

    >Foren did not have specific information about the number of workers delayed or the length of time of the delayed shifts.


    I wonder why Foren didn’t have any specific details…  hmmm


    >Despite some “confusion,” Lansing police had no complaints of any ambulance being locked in traffic during an emergency, said Robert Merritt, a spokesman for the Lansing Police Department. When ambulances on non-emergency runs were in traffic, “rally participants slowly cleared a path.”


    Did you read your article?   LOL!

  21. Jason

    >So why were they protesting at a hospital?


    They weren’t dummy.  Fake news as usual from the slowest members here.

  22. Pat

    “Lansing police had no complaints of any ambulance being locked in traffic during an emergency”

    Police never received a complaint by Tara Reade of a sexual assault perpetrated by Joe Biden.

    What do you think Brainiac?

  23. Jason

    I think you’re full of shit, which is why I quoted what I did. And you just pivot away, like usual.

  24. Pat

    Hey Brainiac, can’t come up with an answer?
    I didn’t think you could.

  25. Jason

    You missed my answer, how disappointing for you.

  26. Pat

    Not disappointed. Expected.

  27. Jason

    >Not disappointed. Expected

    You brought Biden into this… that’s embracing Disappointment with a capital D.

  28. Mar

    Again, Pat, you were lying. You did not provide a source for your lying post.
    You are a liar and refuse to apologize.
    Very pathetic.
    Did you go to the Le Roi school of lying and graduate with honors?

  29. Pat


    What is the specific lie that you are accusing me of. I’ve been waiting.

  30. Pat

    Juvenile Jason,

    Let me slowly walk you through this.

    Does the lack of a complaint to the police mean an action didn’t take place?

    My example, which people believe to be a smoking gun against Biden, is the allegation made by Tara Reade against him. There was no complaint made to the police about the alleged incident.

    Your statement sounds like you believe if a complaint wasn’t made to the police that an incident didn’t occur?

  31. Mar

    Umm, I already pointed it out. Please don’t be asdumb as Le Roi. I think, hope you are smarter than him.

  32. Jason

    >When ambulances on non-emergency runs were in traffic, “rally participants slowly cleared a path.”

    Sounds like the Lansing police dept was there in person and saw things happen as they should. Were you there and are you claiming the Lansing police dept is lying about this?

  33. Pat

    No. There are individuals who were there that did witness what has been described. We’re you there and are you claiming they are lying? And, there is photographic evidence that has been published.

  34. Pat


    No, you did not point out the specific lie.

  35. Jason

    So you’re now resting your case some random social media tweets while I’m using exact quotes from experts in the articles you shared… good job, you’re winning this one!

  36. Pat

    It’s not a matter of winning to me. You’re free the believe what you want. I personally could give a shit what you believe, or think.

  37. Jason

    And yet you continue to fail to support your point, Pass Pat. Go ahead get in a last word, my case is closed and I now pass.

  38. Mar

    Pat, you are as bad as Le Roi and that’s terribly disappointing.
    You deny the obvious, you fail to admit when you are wrong, you are a hypocrite and you are a hater. Just like Le Rou.
    Obviously, you are not capable of having an intelligent conversation.

  39. Pat


    You obviously can’t provide a specific lie. That’s terribly disappointing. I’ve given you plenty of opportunities. Your as bad as Juvenile Jason, another irrational hater.

  40. Mar

    I actually, Pat. I gave you several.
    You play stupid very well.

  41. Mar

    So, to help you, here is my post from 4-18 at 12:03pm:
    You cannot even answer a specific question of what your source was.
    They did not blockade the intersection, a doctor did not run out to plead with the protestors to let the ambulance in.
    The protestors did not just and laugh.
    These points were proven through the media. You were wrong.
    So, what is your source or did you just make it up?
    Please apologize or stop demanding President Trump apologize.
    And you still did not name your source of your information. Why? Afraid it is lefty in their underwear sitting in their basement?

  42. Pat
  43. Mar

    Yeah. And those were posted after you posted your lie.
    And what about the doctor?
    And were those taken as the ambulance was being supposedly blocked.
    You just lie, lie lie.

  44. jjf

    See, by “Operation Gridlock” they weren’t trying to block roads like those nasty BLM protesters.

  45. Pat

    Mar, look it up for yourself. I believe you’ve pulled that line on me more than once.

  46. Pat

    Learn to pronounce
    a traffic jam affecting a whole network of intersecting streets.

  47. Pat

    Oh, and I appreciate the sheriff defending people’s civil rights against tyranny.

    But keep in mind, if you have the right to do anything, you also have shared responsibility for everything. And if you are not concerned about your responsibilities and you’re only concerned about your rights you’re just selfish.

  48. Mar

    Hey everyone,anybody see an ambulance with it’s lights flashing in links Pat gave us?????

  49. Jason

    >Hey everyone,anybody see an ambulance with it’s lights flashing in links Pat gave us???

    Player Pat sure thinks so, and believes some nameless random social media scrubs over the official spokesman for the hospital and the spokesman for the local police department. But if you bring too many facts to the discussion they will just play it off as “I dont care what you think or believe, I’m just arguing for fun”. Lol lots of credibility with him, Johhny, and Leroy. I remember Leroy saying almost the exact same stupid words about a year ago when caught up in his bullshit.

  50. Pat

    Juvenile Jason,


  51. Jason

    Finally a smart play from Pat.  Haha

  52. Pat


  53. MjM

    Jason sez: “ Player Pat sure thinks….”

    No, she just looks at pictures and apes the headlines. No thinking is involved. Ever.

  54. Pat

    Major Moron,


  55. Jason

    MjM, see how Pass Pat has been taken down?  Facts and truth is her enemy and critical thinking is her achilles heel.   Poor Pat.

  56. Mar

    Ell, Pat, it’s been a few hours. Are you ready to admit you were wrong?
    Otherwise shut up about having President Trump to apologize if he makes a mistake.

  57. Pat

    Trumps lies cost lives.

  58. Mar

    Ok, I guess you are just a lying unefucated moron.
    Typical liberal. No class, o honesty, no brains, no morals, no integrity and lives under a bridge with the other liberal trolls.
    Say hi to Le Roi for me.

  59. jjf

    Mar, tell me again, you just want a civilized respectful conversation, right?

  60. Pat


    Listen toadies, I shared information. If you want to believe the accounts of events, as given by people that were there, are lies, so be it. You’re free to draw your own conclusions, as I am able to draw my own conclusions. But, I have not lied, and have nothing to apologize for.

  61. Mar

    You are a liar, Pat. It would have been one thing if you walked it back, but you didn’t.
    And still no source of your lie.
    As far as my writing skills, I mixed Panda Express, Culvers and beer.
    Not a good combination.

  62. Jason


    Uh oh, another elite liberal troll that wants to get into the spelling and grammar policing role. Remember how badly that works for Leroy when he does it…

    Hey Pat, I point you to 11:51AM yesterday… who typed this?

    >Your as bad as Juvenile Jason, another irrational hater.

  63. Jason

    >Mar, tell me again, you just want a civilized respectful conversation, right?

    Dummy ignores all the name calling by Pass Pat. Way to show off that bias, idiot.

  64. Pat

    “ Uh oh, another elite liberal troll that wants to get into the spelling and grammar policing role.”

    Gee, Juvenile Jason, you did the exact same thing to me not long ago. Kettle meet pot.

    Were you both drunk when you typed your remarks last night?

  65. Jason

    >Gee, Juvenile Jason, you did the exact same thing to me not long ago. Kettle meet pot.


    Thats a lie. Unlike Leroy I don’t have an OCD to rebut everything people say here and I don’t point on spelling or grammar mistakes unless it’s like the above example…   where the other person has made it a point to do it while making them on their own.  But go ahead attack me instead of the message.

    Maybe you can find some still images that denote how “things are not moving” to support your cause and disprove several experts who witnessed something you did not.

  66. Pat

    “But go ahead attack me instead of the message.”

    Oh, did little Juvenile Jason’s feeling get hurt? Sit down, and eat your bowl of Lucky Charms. Your day will hopefully get better for you.

  67. Jason

    Ok Pat.  If I were there with you, I’ll ruffle your hair and offer you a Capri Sun.   You’re such a scrapper.

  68. Pat


  69. jjf

    Yes, Jason, I think all the name-calling is childish.  And there’s a fair amount of bullying, too.  And stalking and doxxing and ad hominem.  And a certain lack of concern for spelling now and then.

    What do you think we should strive to be, Jason?  Mar?  Anyone?

  70. Jason

    >What do you think we should strive to be, Jason?  Mar?  Anyone?


    I think you should worry about yourself and if someone wants to insult a little with a name or a jab, let them.  Might lower your blood pressure.

  71. Mar

    “What do you think we should strive to be, Jason?  Mar?  Anyone?”
    Honesty goes a long way. Unfortunately, 2 of the three liberals here 0are not honest people.

  72. Le Roi du Nord


    As explained several times, the spelling and grammar corrections are only aimed at those so highly educated or of such stable genius as as to know better. Pot meet kettle.

  73. Jason

    >As explained several times, the spelling and grammar corrections are only aimed at those so highly educated or of such stable genius as as to know better

    Another lie… more than all the politicians that have been in office since you set up your AOL email address.

  74. Pat

    Liberals lie, conservatives misspeak.

  75. Le Roi du Nord

    Sorry j, you are wrong yet again. Or did you miss my point? Misunderstanding ( usually intentional) is a big part of modern conservatism, and practiced daily on this site. Carry on.

  76. jjf

    I wonder what the Racine sheriff would do if I told him that I didn’t need to obey his orders because I thought they weren’t Constitutional.

  77. Jason

    Let us know how that works out for you. Please do.

  78. Le Roi du Nord

    From the Kewaunee County Sheriff, makes sense.

    ” Whenever I am asked to speak in regards to freedom, I make sure to include another word which is just as valuable in a freedom loving society; accountability. If we advocate for absolute freedom void of accountability, we will find ourselves in a world without discipline, empathy and compassion. All that would matter is whether or not I possessed the freedom to act in a given way; not taking into consideration the implications that those actions may have on another.

    We find examples of this even in our own constitutional right of free speech. That freedom does not allow me to yell “Bomb” on an airplane, nor does it protect me from speech that would be threatening or abusive.

    So here we are in the midst of a global pandemic. I will be honest that I have my own personal opinion regarding what actions I should or shouldn’t be taking in response to the various recommendations and orders, but those are opinions I keep to myself, as this is not about me or my personal freedom. This about how my actions and the actions of those around me could impact those at risk. This is not a law enforcement emergency, this is a public health emergency and I know enough about leadership to know that there is a time to lead and a time to follow.”

  79. Mar

    So, Le Roi, who is demanding absolute freedom?
    No one that I know of.
    The sheriff lost me right there.

  80. jjf

    Just obey the lawful order.  If we say get on the ground, get on the ground.  If we say put your hands behind your back, put your hands behind your back.  It’s as simple as that.  That’s why people get shot.  Just obey the officer.

  81. Mar

    And if were up to you, we would still be having afternoon tea and crumpets and sheeple like you would still be bowing before the queen.

  82. jjf

    No, Mar, I’m just repeating what gets said every time some poor person gets shot by the cops.

  83. Le Roi du Nord

    So mar, you don’t want folks to be accountable?  Or like trump you don’t want to take any responsibility for your actions?  When you or some flatlander drag your dose of the virus up to a county that hasn’t had any confirmed cases, will you or they be accountable for the folks that get sick, or die because of your actions?

  84. jjf

    Le Roi, all we need is pluck, common sense, some gumption, and the free market will take care of it.  It’s simple!

  85. Mar

    Le ROI, I’ll take responsibility as long as you take the responsibility for the increase in suicides, overdoses, domestic violence, ruined finances, stress related illness, increase of foreclosures, homelessness and loss of millions of jobs.

  86. Mar

    I guess, jjf, since you don’t can’t argue with facts, just get snarky.

  87. Le Roi du Nord


    Suicide, overdoses, domestic violence, etc. are not due to bad personal choices?  What ever happens to personal responsibility and accountability?  Is it my fault that someone isn’t smart enough to know drugs are bad for you?  Or that beating your spouse, kids, significant other, etc. is not very responsible?  Who would have thought that a rock-ribbed conservative like you would blame others for an individuals poor choices?  Amazing!  And tremendously hypocritical.

  88. Mar

    My my Le Roi. you want me to accountable for people who make bad decisions about the virus and you don’t want to be accountable for those who bad decisions because they were put in lockdown, which is what you desire.
    Le ROI, do you know how to spell hypocrit?
    You don’t?
    It’s spelled L-e R-o-i

  89. Le Roi du Nord

    No mar, I want all folks to be accountable and responsible, even you.  I have no say or influence in a persons decision to use drugs, or drink and drive, but they are illegal and there are penalties.  Nor can I keep you from spreading the virus due to your poor choice of actions.  But why would you be so selfish and immature as to infect someone else?  Again, your choice.  Just stay away from my friends and family.

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