Boots & Sabers

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0859, 09 Apr 20

Comrade Evers Closes State Parks

There are those tyrannical words… “out of an abundance of caution.

MADISON – Gov. Tony Evers today directed the Department of Natural Resources to close several state parks to protect the health and safety of Wisconsinites.

Due to unprecedented crowds, litter, vandalism and out of an abundance of caution to protect public health and safety and help flatten the curve, the following Wisconsin State Parks, Forests and Recreational Areas will close at the end of the day Thurs., April 9, and will remain closed beginning Fri,, April 10, until further notice:


0859, 09 April 2020


  1. Jason

    Yeah nicely done… Punish everyone for the actions of a few… and then close with “Until further notice”.  Way to put in the minimum effort, probably mad because he got slapped by a couple supreme courts in the last week.

  2. Merlin

    If Evers is truly concerned for public safety he and his entire staff ought to go home where they can do no harm for the next six months or so…  without pay and benefits.  Let the liberal piece of shit live the life he requires of others. Walk the walk.

  3. Mar

    Exactly, Merlin. How has Governor Evers personally suffered because of the virus? Did he lose his job, not getting paychecks, lose a business,have problems with creditors?
    Nope, just sitting in the governor’s mansion, where they have a commercial kitchen to cook his fancy meals, plenty of leg room in the house and sit on the porch and watch the sunset over Lake Mendota, all the while, his aides wait on him hand and foot.
    And this complaint goes to all governors, Democrat or Republican.
    At least, sadly, President Trump has been personally affected as several of his properties have closed or have been scaled back.
    As long as these politicians don’t feel the pain, they cannot relate to the little people and will be in no hurry to get the economy going again.

  4. jjf

    And if he was at home, you’d complain he wasn’t leading.  It’s the old stop-hitting-yourself game.

  5. Mar

    Who the hell are you talking about, jjf?
    But since you have not gotten your talking points from the liberal bat cave, I guess this is the best you can come up with.
    Now, go finish your gruel and patiently wait for your talking points.

  6. jjf

    Come on, Mar, tell me how to make a governor suffer as well as lead and do their job.

  7. MjM

    Genius move, Herr nEvers.   Now all those state parkers will wander over and bunch up with all the county and local parkers.

    What an F’n moron.

  8. Pat

    I blame Obama.

  9. Mike

    Yeah, because families that live together aren’t practicing social distancing we all must suffer. These parks are one of the few options left for people to get outside and de-stress. Access to navigable lakes and rivers is also constitutionally protected. Evers is showing how petty and tyrannical he can be.These closures will have follow on effects with increased domestic violence and family disruption and people are confined together with few to no options for relief.

    Time for these tyrannical governments to quit telling us when and where we can go. It’s time for these tyrannical governments to quit telling us what business is allowed to operate and start telling business what they have to do to remain open. Masks and social distancing enforced by reduced capacities and/or physical barriers would be Ok, remaining closed absolutely is not. Every business closed is poverty for workers and owners. There are no unessential businesses.

    We did have a preview of this cavalier attitude toward our civil rights when Evers said our 2nd amendment concerns were “BULLSHIT”. We are now seeing how far he is willing to tread on our civil rights.

    I also noticed that these are the most popular and accessable parks for urban populations, turn their “racist” narrative right back on him.

    Yes I’m pissed about this, Terry Andrae was one of the few areas we can access at this time, and we paid for park stickers. I’m sure there are a lot of people in a similar situation.

  10. Pat

    “Time for these tyrannical governments to quit telling us when and where we can go.”

    Mike, I think it’s time for you to organize an uprising to this tyrannical over reach. What do you think we should do?

  11. jjf

    And if Fitz and Vos and/or the JFC had said we need to do this to save costs, you’d be all in favor, right?

  12. Mike


    To start with, Evers should be indicted for misconduct in public office for his knowingly illegal EO that threw the election into confusion.

    It’s also time to remind this administration that they operate under our consent. I retired from 25 years in law enforcement, and still remember a lieutenant in the academy explaining to us that the only way 1500 officers maintain order in a city of 500,000 is by dealing with citizens in a reasonable manner. I think law enforcement knows this, but Evers needs an education on this concept. It is pretty clear he comes from a position of education administrator where his decisions were considered sacrosanct.

    As far as what to do, the lefties protested the Walker administration EVERY.SINGLE.DAY of his time in office. Remember the Capitol singers?

  13. Pat

    Hi hear you, Mike. But what are you going to do about it?

  14. Le Roi du Nord

    Looks like you whiners missed this part:

    “Due to unprecedented crowds, litter, vandalism and out of an abundance of caution to protect public health and safety and help flatten the curve”.

  15. jjf

    How rude!  Singing!  It’s giving me the fantods!

  16. Le Roi du Nord

    Not only are we quarantined by the outbreak of covid19, but EDS (Evers Derangement Syndrome) has destroyed rational thought by those most in need of it.  Pity.

  17. Mike

    Notice the entire kettle morain forest is shut down, this is not jusrt the state parks.

    Looking at the DNR facebook post on this shows turkey hunters will be allowed to access the huntable areas of the parks and forests. Those of us who paid for park stickers should also be allowed access.

  18. MjM

    Nort barfs:  Looks like you whiners missed this part…

    Because the 90,0000 acre KM Forrest is being overrun by thousands and thousands of CCPVirus infected citizens.

    Nort apes: Evers Derangement Syndrome

    Wow.  Took you all day to come up with that?  Such originality.

    Hint: not the ED you need to worry about, numbnutz.



  19. Le Roi du Nord


    It isn’t just the KMSF, but high-use parks everywhere.  We had to shut down our local parks and boat landings because of over crowding and disrespect.  Last weekend there were 250+ truck/trailer rigs  from 5 states, dragging whatever covid they had into our yet unaffected county.  Folks like you weren’t smart enough or disciplined enough to maintain a proper social distancing, or have any concern for the welfare of others, so this is what happens.  Be safe, be smart.  Problems for your ilk.

  20. Mike

    What is the matter Leroy? don’t want that socially diverse crowd at your parks and lakes? How does closing the boat launches square with the constitutional right of access to navigable waters?

  21. jonnyv

    People can’t follow the rules. It is pretty simple. Now everyone suffers. We were at a walking trail on the south side of Milwaukee that specifically had “No Dogs” signs all over. Yet I saw multiple people walking their dogs on the trails.

    I heard that High Cliff state park had very few (if any) trash cans out and bathrooms were closed and locked, and people were just dropping garbage around rather than take it with them.

    I hate that this happened. But, I understand why it did.

  22. MjM

    Nort lies:  Last weekend there were 250+ truck/trailer rigs  from 5 states,

    “There were 140 vehicles. They represented 34 counties, three states.”- Oconto County Health Officer Debbie Konitzer,  April 8th 2020.

    And get this….

    “At least Thursday and Friday, well over 100 boats arrived to launch in the city. [Oconto city Mayor] Heier said that was not unusual for this time of year, with people wanting to get out on the bay.”

    So you dipsticks knew it was coming and made no plans for any orderly control.

    Sounds like you need much smarter people running your local g’vments.

  23. Mar

    Geez, jjf, are you down to your last brain cell? Better not think to hard or you will lose that last one and you will be in Le Roi’s class.
    Like I said before, it would be nice to have an intelligent conversation with a liberal, but I guess they just don’t exist.

  24. jjf

    Mar, what did I say above that you don’t like?

    Did I miss your explanation of what an intelligent conversation looks like?

  25. Jason

    >What is the matter Leroy? don’t want that socially diverse crowd at your parks and lakes? How does closing the boat launches square with the constitutional right of access to navigable waters?


    Just like he’s against anyone trying hydroxychloroquine as he takes it for Advanced RA.   Seems he’s quite the little elitist there in nahnah’s basement.


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