Boots & Sabers

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0747, 02 Apr 20

Judge Leaves April Election Alone

Good decision. The decision to monkey with the election is for the legislative and executive branches. This wasn’t a judge’s call to make and I’m glad that he exhibited the judicial modesty required by the situation.

U.S. District Judge William Conley told attorneys for the Democratic National Committee and a host of liberal-leaning groups that they haven’t shown how the pandemic has truly hampered people’s voting rights. He said infections look ready to spike in Wisconsin but Democratic Gov. Tony Evers and Republican legislative leaders don’t feel the crisis is severe enough to stop the election.

“I’m not sure it’s my place to to assume the steps taken by the state or not taken by the state is an impingement on an individual’s right to vote. That’s what I’m struggling with,” Conley said.

Tuesday’s election includes the state’s presidential primary, a state Supreme Court race and hundreds of local races.

It will be interesting to see what turnout is. I expect it will be in line with normal April elections, but not as high as Dems were hoping with a contested presidential primary. However, given that the primary is all but settled, the Dems’ hopes for a massive Dem turnout were already dashed.

Go vote!


0747, 02 April 2020


  1. steveegg

    The celebration is premature.  That Obama-appointed judge hasn’t actually ruled on anything, and that story notes he is very open to holding open the absentee vote for at least a week.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    It is far too late to put off election.

    We have 1004 absentee ballots out in Kewaskum as of 10:30 this AM, where we only had 1553 voters in April 2016.   So nearly 2/3rds of typical Kewaskum spring electorate has already voted, or close to getting voting done.

    What are we suppose to say to those, including me, who have made their vote?   Just kidding?

    That is what a liberal would do.

  3. dad29

    The (D) vote base at UW-Madistan, M.U., and UW-M are all home with Mommy and Daddy–and not likely to make a point of voting b/c they are not following the “in crowd” while at home.

    City of MKE has crammed 180 voting locations into 12-15 (? no one knows yet)…….thousands of (D) voters are NOT going to wait 3 hours to vote for Bernie, Biden, or Jill Looneytunes.  Sorry–it’s just not going to happen.

  4. jjf

    Charming Just-So Story, Daddio.  There’s only about 8,000 in the UW-Madison dorms, out of almost 44,000 students.

    It’s almost like you’re cheering that citizens will be discouraged from voting, if not deliberately disenfranchised.

  5. Mar

    Depending how long the students left the the dorm, they not eligible to vote in Madison.

  6. steveegg

    As predicted, the Obama judge has effectively ordered that Jill Karovsky be installed as state supreme court justice.  He has extended the window to stuff the absentee ballot boxes, with no witnessing signature or postmark required, until 4 pm April 13.

  7. jjf

    Come now, Steveegg, judges aren’t political.  They tell us that all the time.

    And thank you for keeping the name of Obama alive.

  8. steveegg

    I have a bridge to sell you, Foust.

  9. jjf

    Is it the Balls and Strikes and Rule of Law Bridge?

  10. steveegg

    It’s the Bridge to Nowhere.  You should be familiar with it.

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