Boots & Sabers

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1633, 23 Mar 20

Wisconsinites Head to the Bread Lines Thanks to Government-Forced Economic Downturn

This is just the beginning. After this comes the bankruptcies, foreclosures, increases in crime, suicides, and general crap show of a steep recession. The surest path to societal peace and prosperity is a thriving economy and work for everyone.

The social distancing measures and bans on large gatherings put in place by Gov. Tony Evers to combat the spread of coronavirus has created challenges for a number of industries. Many restaurants, including Punch Bowl Social and The Bartolotta Restaurants have had to close for the foreseeable future. Some retailers, including Kohl’s Corp., have shut down stores and some manufacturers, including Harley-Davidson, have suspended production.

The 69,342 initial claims filed last week marks a sharp uptick in unemployment in Wisconsin. For weeks ending in 2020, the state averaged 6,250 initial claims per week for a total of 56,252.

According to non-seasonally adjusted data from the U.S. Department of Labor, the highest one-week total for Wisconsin was 49,267 at the end of 2001.

Even during the Great Recession and its immediate aftermath, only one two-week period at the end of 2009 saw more than 70,000 initial claims. Most two-week stretches during that downturn saw fewer than 60,000 initial claims.


1633, 23 March 2020


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    The destruction and hurt will be worse than if we just let it go the course like every previous flu strain.

  2. Le Roi du Nord

    How so, k??

    And if we just “let it go the course”, who gets to be sick? Who perishes from a disease that could have been contained by being smart? Do you get to choose? Not very Christian of you.

  3. dad29

    LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy…………Fauci and the FDA are killing people–a LOT of people–with their foot-drag on hydrochloroquine.

    Want to see the killers?  Look to Government.  Reliable, well-paid, and perfectly willing to execute their citizens, which is why the citizens have bought every damn revolver and pistol in Wisconsin over the weekend.


  4. jjf

    Everyone had the forecast for doing nothing.  Big sharp curve, lots of sick people not going to work, then lots of deaths, overwhelmed hospitals.  Why wouldn’t that hurt the economy?

  5. Le Roi du Nord


    And there still isn’t any verifiable evidence that hydrochloroquine is effective against covid 19.  You may be doing more harm than good.  Nobody knows.


  6. Mar

    jjf and Le Roi think we live in China or Italy.
    Le Roi and jjf are fools and snowflakes who believe in authoritarian rule because the majority do not agree with them.
    They both want more people to die to embarrass President Trump.
    They want the economy to tank because they want to get a Democrat elected as president.
    Their hateful personalities are horrible.
    But they your typical angry and hateful liberal.

  7. Le Roi du Nord

    No mar, I know exactly where I live, right down to lat/long and TRS.  And you claim to be in AZ, so I know that as well.

    And again, no,  I don’t want anyone to die, nor for the economy to tank.  And as I have said many times on this site, I don’t hate anyone, not even you.

    Get help, buddy.

  8. Mar

    Lol, Le Roi, but your written posts says otherwise.
    But nice try.

  9. MHMaley

    Good news ,
    the President is going to take the advice of all the trained medical folks on this board and ignore Dr Fauci and the medical team and open things up after his 15 day waiting period .

    What could possibly go wrong ?

  10. jjf

    Mar, get with the GOP talking points.  Now the message has shifted to allow for a certain amount of acceptable deaths in order to save the economy.

  11. Le Roi du Nord

    You are mistaken mar, we have never discussed where I think we live. That was all your doing. Why be so dishonest?

  12. guinness

    For starters, Italy is blaming all its deaths on the virus, which is a gross exaggeration. A huge number of Italians are dying of other causes.

    Second, lockdowns should be enforced in high case load coastal states, not rural America. What’s the validity of shutting down the economic contributions from areas of the country that have zero cases? Healthy, non-threatened people should be allowed to do their jobs.

    Third, if restricted people’s contact and potential for spreading the bug is the best practice, why are people allowed to concentrate in social settings, like Spring break at public beaches and parks. A friend told me one of his acquaintances in Seattle took his wife to the park just to get out for a couple of hours. They turned around and went home after discovering the park was packed with picnics and party goers.

    Last, not to take this virus lightly, but this country has a lot more deaths that are attributed to other things. Suicides, overdoses and crime just to name a few.

    Mass media driven madness, when most of the country could still be living normal lives, provided common sense drives necessary precautions.

  13. dad29

    LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy, you are as ignorant as a rabbit.

    “We already knew that chloroquine was effective in vitro against this new coronavirus and the clinical evaluation made in China confirmed it,” explains Professor Raoult, renowned specialist in infectious diseases, commenting on the first publication on this clinical study of three Chinese researchers in the journal BioScience Trends.

    “Ultimately, this infection is perhaps the simplest and cheapest to treat of all viral infections”, adds the director of this hospital-university institute very involved in the detection of the new coronavirus in France.

    The article published online on February 19 draws its results from a clinical trial conducted in more than ten Chinese hospitals (in Wuhan – epicenter of the epidemic -, Beijing and Shanghai in particular) to measure “the effectiveness of chloroquine on treatment of pneumonia associated with Covid-19 “.


  14. dad29

    to allow for a certain amount of acceptable deaths

    Abortions “save the economy”?  Who knew?  Influenza-A and -B “save the economy”?  Swine flu saved the economy?

    Does madness come naturally to you, or did you fight to acquire it?

  15. Mar

    jjf, I’m glad you live in a house that is totally sanitized, you never drive, that you never go to the hospital, live in a self contained bubble, never go to a sporting event, never go outside in the rain, never own a pet, never garden, never eat food of any kind, never drink water, never had sex, never climb stairs or anything else that can someone to die.

  16. Mar

    Darn it Dad, if I told you once, I’ve told you 100 times, don’t insult rabbits. Rabbits are a higher life form than Le Roi.

  17. Le Roi du Nord


    And Fauci says, rightly so, that this is only anecdotal, and hasn’t been proven. I’ll place my trust in the health professionals. You can believe whatever you want.

  18. Mar

    Pathological Liar Le Roi, then you support the medical professionals already prescribing and using the drug? And these same professionals says that it does help?

  19. dad29

    Yup.  LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy doesn’t give a rip “if it costs one life,” so long as it is not HIS life.  There’s your kind, generous, self-sacrificing “liberal” in living color.

    And now that Nancy and her Senate bitch Chuckie have shut off economic aid to the hundreds of thousands of laid-off Americans–and their employers–so as to demand “diverse” corporate Boards, funding for community newspapers, and same-day voter registration, among other crap, the Left has proved beyond a doubt that they care about Americans just like Mao and Xi care about Chinese.


  20. jjf

    Where’s the GOP plan for the number of acceptable deaths?  You know, to the save the economy?  If the hospitals are overwhelmed, what happens?

  21. Mar

    jjf, where is the liberal plan for the acceptable death rate for murders in the inner cities?
    Where is the liberal plan for the acceptable death rate for those killed by illegal aliens?
    Riddle me that, jjf.

  22. jjf

    Clearly those lay-abouts need to acquire some grit and gumption, pronto!  Tug those bootstraps!  And enough with the baggy pants!  If you work hard like me, you’ll have a DQ in the WOW counties before you know it!  And let’s add more than a little racism in order to make it quite a bit more challenging!

  23. Mar

    jjf, you have just become a worthless troll.

  24. Owen

    Because, of course, all of these decisions require a balancing of interests and consequences. That is what we are not seeing now. Our government is defaulting to the “do whatever the doctors say or everyone will die” standard. They are not debating and balancing as we expect elected officials to do. The doctors are not wrong. If we shut down the economy and locked everyone in separate rooms and delivered food by drones, there is no doubt that we would almost eradicate the disease. But there are consequences to that that need to be considered. That is why we elect leaders in a representative government and don’t just hire technocrats to make all of the decisions.

  25. Le Roi du Nord

    And here is another anecdotal report of effective treatment:

    “2 oz. of honey, 2 oz. of apple cider vinegar(organic), 2 oz. of fresh squeezed lemon juice every 4 hours”.  Go out and stock up, boys.

  26. Owen

    And jjf, have no doubt that a government-forced economic shutdown will disproportionately impact minority employment. Tell me who is being racist?

  27. Mar

    And troll number 2 heard, Pathological Liar Le Roi.
    Can’t win arguments, turn into a troll.

  28. jjf

    Golly, maybe we could’ve done something about racism before the pandemic.  But darn those lay-about footballers taking a knee!

    Owen, how does “balance” not damage the economy?

    I know the GOP wanted to strangle government in a bathtub, but now you want to strangle Grandma in a bathtub?

    The cry of “balance” is first-class B&S.  It’s the trolley problem, but we’re trying to save the trolley.  You see the curves.  At least some of you have a clue about exponents and doubling.  Very few are talking about the number of people who will need to be on ventilators for a long time.  Very few are talking about the cost of all that health care.

    You just don’t like the idea that politicians are choosing life over death, life over the Dow.  You’re in a death cult, but you don’t want to die.  Someone else should die, right?

  29. jjf

    Le Roi, but the Orange One said it was a cure!  And the vaccines are coming quickly!

  30. Mar

    Obviously Troll 1 doesn’t know the difference between opinion and fact.
    It is Trump’s opinion that medicine will work.
    It is also fact that the medicine has helped many, many people.
    It is also fact that it hasn’t been formally tested.
    Troll 1 also says that we should have done something about racism. I agree, Troll 1, why are you such a racist Troll? Why are liberals such racists toward those living in the inner city? Why do the liberal racists think it is ok for gangbangers to kill each other and if a few innocents get killed so be it. Why do you support the killing of innocent bystanders in the inner cities, Troll 1?

  31. Le Roi du Nord

    Opinions have no place when addressing a situation like this.  Stick to the facts and the science and we all be better for it.

    “It is also fact that the medicine has helped many, many people”  You sure?

  32. jjf

    Mar, if the drug is so uncertain, so risky, why on Earth would the President trumpet it in a press conference?

    Weird.  It’s like the virus is causing conservatives to worry about racism.

    Wait, let me guess.  You don’t want to address the actual policies that segregated Milwaukee.  You don’t want to repair the actual economic damage done to their neighborhoods.  You want to promote economic policies that deregulate existing businesses in the suburbs, or maybe tax them less – because after all, it’ll help everyone!

  33. dad29

    done something about racism before the pandemic

    How many minorities are on YOUR payroll, Jiffy?  Women?  Trannies?  Hispanics?  Native Lizzies?

  34. Mar

    jjf, yes the drug is so risky that it has been in use since the 1940’s, fighting Malaria.
    I would like to start at the bottom and start improving the inner city kid’s education but you and your ilk don’t want little brown and black children receiving a better education and mixing with rich white kids.
    Go back to the sand box and play with the toddler kids who have the same IQ as you.

  35. jjf

    Mar, all those doctors, what do they know?  Trump as a good feeling about it!

    And your insults have toppled me, I clearly must be wrong, too!  I am in the sandbox!  And can return to the monkey bars.

    Dad29, what’s your name, rank and serial number?

  36. MjM

    Nort preens: ” It can and does cause retinal toxicity.  Nothing like being gullible and blind.”

    Here’s a list of other common medications that can cause retinal toxicity :

    Thioridazine    (antipsychotic    could help you, for sure)

    Deferoxamine (hemochromatosis)

    Topiramate  (seizures, migraine, bipolar disorder)

    Metronidazole   (anaerobic, protozoal infections)

    Epinephrine (glaucoma, secondary)

    Niacin ( pellagra, hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia)

    Rosiglitazone  (decrease insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes)

    Tamoxifen (breast cancer)

    Canthaxanthine  (psoriasis, eczema)

    Digoxin  (atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, congestive heart failure)

    Interferon  (hepatitis C, leukemia, lymphoma, MS)

    Sildenafil     (Viagra       which couldn’t help even you,  numbnutz)

    Nothing like being banal and stupid.

  37. Le Roi du Nord

    Exactly mjm, that’s why folks without any medical training like you, mar and trump shouldn’t be prescribing medication.

  38. Mar

    Once again Pathological Liar Le Roi, aka Troll 2, lies again.
    President Trump gave his opinion on the drug. Nothing more, nothing less.
    But keep on reading your left wing coloring books, Troll 2, and just keep on losing arguments.
    0 for all time. Have you ever won an argument in your life?

  39. Le Roi du Nord

    And now isn’t the time for opinion and speculation. Folks are looking for a leader that will tell them the truth and what reasonable options are available. We don’t have that right now.

  40. jjf

    Mar, you’re slipping into schoolyard taunts, not Debate Team logic.

  41. Jason

    >not Debate Team logic.

    Congrats on making the Head Start debate team jiffy. A crowning achievement on your life’s work.

  42. Mar

    Gee, Le Roi, the American people disagree with you as President Trump’s approval rating is the it’s ever been.

  43. MjM

    Nort scolds: “And now isn’t the time for opinion and speculation”

    Yet here you are doing just that.

    Hypocrite much?

  44. Mar

    jjf, I wouldn’t have to show you up if you or Le Roi didn’t lie or show such hatred.
    An honest argument/debate would be nice.
    When are you going to start having one?

  45. jjf

    I can tell, you’re frustrated that I’m not calling you names.  You might say my good behavior has triggered you!

  46. Mar

    Umm, no. I’m frustrated that I don’t have to think very hard to respond to your arguments and point out your errors.

  47. jjf

    Mar, can you give me an example of when you’ve changed your mind about something?  What was sufficient and good enough?

  48. Le Roi du Nord

    “as President Trump’s approval rating is the it’s ever been”.

    Exactly.  I couldn’t have said it better.

  49. Jason

    >And Fauci says, rightly so, that this is only anecdotal, and hasn’t been proven. I’ll place my trust in the health professionals. You can believe whatever you want.


    Leroy, with the overnight FDA Emergency Use Authorization do you now trust the use of those same anti-malarial drugs that Trump talked about last week?

  50. Le Roi du Nord

    Do I “trust the use”.  What does that mean?  Sure, in the proper dosage you can use it for malaria and RA, but for covid 19, nobody has said it works.  And still don’t as pointed out by jjf earlier:

    “Although there are no currently approved treatments for COVID-19, both drugs have shown activity in laboratory studies against coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). Anecdotal reports suggest that these drugs may offer some benefit in the treatment of hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Clinical trials are needed to provide scientific evidence that these treatments are effective.”

    And note the “may offer some benefit in the treatment of hospitalized COVID-19 patients” part.  It doesn’t appear to benefit the general un-hospitalized public.

    My opinion:  the EUA was done to make trump feel better about his earlier mistake.

  51. Jason

    >the EUA was done to make trump feel better about his earlier mistake.


    So you think the FDA is doing this to appease Trump?  Hypocrite.

  52. Mar

    jjf, sure my mind has changed. Many times. The biggest one is that liberals were highly intelligent and non-violent and they were more interested in peace and calm.
    Well, I changed my mind on those assumptions.

  53. Mar

    Oh, and I forgot that I also thought liberals are not racist. Again, I was wrong on that point as well.

  54. Tuerqas

    Le Roi du Nord:  And now isn’t the time for opinion and speculation. Folks are looking for a leader that will tell them the truth and what reasonable options are available. We don’t have that right now.

    What?  When have we ever had or looked for a political leader to talk about medical pandemics?  Or even just telling us the truth?  Sure Trump belts out idiocy, but at least he tried to give a little hope.  There is a reason placebos have always had some level of success.  Belief in the cure is an important part of any treatment.  As long as he is giving prescription drugs as a ‘hopeful cure’, he has done no harm to the situation(unlike say, promoting methanol).  What would the great savior Obama have said.  I’ll bet he would have deferred all comment to liberally slanted organizations in the medical profession.  There would have been no truth or reasonable options and I think you would have seen that as great.

    The truth is that there is no truth, just whose truth?

    Currently we have a 1.7% death rate under the most normal calculations in the US; reported cases vs deaths and a 4.7% death rate worldwide.  These are normally considered high because there are always a significant number of unreported cases especially in more backward nations.

    There is a new way of calculating this, though.  The internet is reporting deaths compared to reported complete recoveries.  With this new calculation, the world-wide death rate is 18% and the US rate is a whopping 54.6% as there are only 4,562 reported recoveries. (Now how they come up with ‘complete recoveries’ is a fine question, since I have never once called my doctor to tell him I was cured.  In fact, my doctor said if you have a cough, DON’T come in.  So if I get CV19, it won’t be reported sick or cured)

    In addition, the current estimates I have heard at least 4 times already this morning for the US is about 1 million infected with up to 100,000 fatalities.  That would be a 10% mortality rate.  I don’t know what stat that one comes from, but that is mainstream media at this point.  So what US death rate should Trump or Obama or the CDC use?  1.7%, 10%, 54.6%?

  55. Le Roi du Nord

    Sure T, blow smoke when talking about something this serious.  trump has all the experts at his beck and call, yet still comes out with things that don’t make sense, or are outright dangerous.   I’ll stand by my quote.

  56. jjf

    Tuerqas – the statistic that I think will finally matter for many people?  When they know someone who dies from it.

    And in my case, unless I die first, I get free Dilly Bars from Kevin and Mar when they learn they know someone who died from it.

  57. Mar

    “And in my case, unless I die first, I get free Dilly Bars3 from Kevin and Mar when they learn they know someone who died from it.”
    Is there any more doubt that jjf is is a sick puppy?

  58. jjf

    You’d like to back away from our bet?

    The Orange One said it’ll be down to zero in days…  now he thinks 100,000 dead will be a success for him.  Do you think that’s a little sick?

  59. Mar

    Stop lying jjf and put everything he said instead of a snippet. That’s what losers do.
    I guess when you lose, you lose big.
    And no, I am not backing down. Not sure how we will know.

  60. Le Roi du Nord

    ““Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done.”

    Feb 26

  61. Mar

    Pathological Liar Le Roi, that was in February and things have changed.
    Of course, you don’t change. You continue to lie and hate.

  62. Le Roi du Nord

    Correct mar, it was in February.  And it was wrong then, and tragic now.

    And I didn’t lie about it.  That is a direct quote from your  leader.  Thank goodness smarter folks have prevailed and corrected him at every turn.

  63. jjf

    And then there’s the generators, Le Roi.  Don’t forget the generators.

  64. Mar

    At least, Le Roi, he is willing to listen to professionals, unlike you and jjf.

  65. Le Roi du Nord


    I have been saying right from the git-go that trump should listen to the professionals.  And you have been saying he shouldn’t.  You have some significant cog-dis going on….

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